Ei the Babysitter Chap.45

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A week had passed and today was the day of the Kujou and Hiiragi wedding, you and Ayato had been getting ready for a while, you wore a blue Kimono with white and gold detail, Keiko did your hair into a high bun with a flower in it, and now she was putting a little makeup on you, you were happy that Chisato and Kamaji were finally coming together, just like you and Ayato did, 

Keiko stepped back, "all finished"

you smiled, "thank you Keiko,"

just then the doors slid open, there was Ayato in his formal attire "Ready my dear?"

you nodded, "mhm,"

but then you realized, "oh no, darling we don't have a sitter for Akio"

"That is a problem, everyone we know will be at the wedding"

you started thinking, Ayaka would be attending the wedding as well, not to mention that bringing a baby to a wedding wasn't allowed, "oh, I know, we can ask Mother to watch him"

Ayato was surprised, "Mother? are you sure"

you smiled, "Of course, and besides she hasn't seen him in a bit" 

Akio was fast asleep at present, you stood up and went to pick him up, fixing his swaddle as you then left the bedroom with Ayato, "I'm sure everything will be fine, she raised me after all"

Ayato smiled, "you're right, and he'll be safest with her as well"

"Keiko please send for the rickshaw driver, we'll be going to the palace first," said Ayato 

Keiko bowed, "yes"

she then went ahead and went to send for him, you slipped on your shoes at the entrance, just as the rickshaw came outside of the entrance gate, holding Akio you stepped up and Into the Rickshaw and Ayato sat down next to you, Ayato told him where to and you set off, making your way through the path in the forest, and then through the valley road, and after thirty minutes you soon arrived In Inazuma city, making your way to the Palace after a few minutes

Ayato got down, he then helped you to step down as you went to the entrance gate, the guards bowed and stepped aside before you and Ayato made the trip up, and as soon as you came to the top step the guards stepped aside with a bow, just as one of the house keeping maids came 

"Oh my, Princess, Commissioner"

you started, "please tell Mother that we'd like to see her"

she bowed, "yes"

the guards opened the doors, you then went inside as the maid went to go fetch Ei, and she soon came, a smile coming to her face as she saw you three

you smiled, "Mother"

Ei came over and you shared a hug, she then did the same with Ayato before she greeted Akio

she smiled, "look how you've grown, here, come to grandmother"

you handed him to her carefully, Ei then held him up as he gave her a gummy smile

 "Mother, we came to ask, if you would watch Akio for a little while because-"

Ei turned, "Hiiragi Chisato's wedding, I am aware and I'll look after him for you"

Ayato smiled, bowing his head "really, thank you Mother"

"it's no trouble, after all I raised (Y/n) though not this young"

you smiled with a nod, "Thank you Mother, the wedding will start shortly so we have to be off to Narukami Shrine, we'll return for him later"

you kissed Akio's cheek, "be a good boy for your grandmother,"

Ayato said goodbye to him as well before you left the palace, Ei watched as you left 

Ei cradled Akio, she smiled "come dear, would you like to play for a bit"

but just then she felt a breeze, shielding Akio from It as she felt a familiar presence, she turned with her purple eyes widening to see a short man, he had black to turquoise hair in braids, his eyes big and the same color he was also wearing bard attire, 

Ei let out a sigh, she then smiled "Barbatos, it's been a hundred years"

Venti smiled, "Hey Baal! I came to see your Inazuma city for a while"

"I see, well please come in If you're not going off to drink"

Venti laughed, "ehe, I'll do that later"

he followed her into the palace, "wow! this place is huge!"

"But of course, I'm the Shogun," said Ei 

Venti crossed his arms, "Oh, I also came because I heard your daughter had a child, you're a grandmother now, so I came to meet the little angel and give my congratulations"

Ei turned, "Thank you, he's right here"

Venti walked closer, looking down at the bundle she was holding and there was a baby within, Venti's eyes sparkled as he reached to touch him, "be careful with my grandchild"

Venti gave a nervous sweat, "Of course, Of course can I hold him? just for a second"

Ei let out a sigh, she then carefully handed Akio over to the bard and he smiled brightly 

he cradled Akio, "Hey there, he's adorable, what's his name"


Venti nodded, "Akio, that's a nice name, and this is your daughters first child?"

"Yes, and the first of the Kamisato lineage as well"

Venti sat down, "I remember hearing that she got married into that clan, Is it a harmonious marriage?"

Ei smiled, "yes, I don't think I've ever seen (Y/n) so happy before, he's treated her very well and they're happily in love"

Venti smiled, "That's good to hear! and this little bundle of joy is a proof of that"

Venti lightly tickled him, "smile little one, smile for Uncle Venti"

Akio cooed as he gave the bard a gummy smile, "gahhh"

Ei raised a brow, "Uncle?"

Venti turned, "why not, I'm an Archon just like you and we're old friends you know"

Ei cleared her throat, "Well, whatever you like then"

she then called for one of the servant maids to bring tea, and she poured a cup for him, they then talked a while about the olden days, and Venti was happily playing with Akio 

"Akio, your grandma will always protect you; did you know that she's the Electro Archon"

Ei started to smile, "he may be too young to comprehend, I'll tell him when he's older"

Venti held him up and bounced him, "do you wanna fly little guy"

"Barbatos, you're good with children?"

Venti turned, "of course, some of the kids In Mondstatdt often crowd around me when I'm playing a song or telling them stories"

Ei smiled, shaking her head "you haven't changed have you"

"well you did, I've never seen you smile this much before"

Ei looked down, "yes, after my sister and friends died I'd forgotten how to, but then when I took in (Y/n) I suddenly found my smile again, and my grandson adds to it"

Venti smiled, "I'm happy for you, you've found happiness once again it's something to play about"

he handed Akio back to her, before he took out his Lyre and started to strum the strings, It had been a very longtime since she heard him play, it brought back much nostalgia, Ei patted Akio's back, as she listened to the music and it even lulled him to sleep.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now