Akio's Growth Chap.48

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Time had passed, And Akio would soon be turning one years old, just the other day he'd stopped crawling and tried to walk with your help, you and Ayato had been practicing with him for days and days, until finally he took his first steps without any assistance from you, you were delighted but got emotional as he was starting to grow up, but of course as his parents you and Ayato knew one day he'd stay or leave the nest onto his own path, the Clan Elders had been discussing and thought it best to have Akio next In line to be Clan Leader, that was a given as he was yours and Ayato's first child and son, In terms of him being the next Clan Leader you and Ayato wanted him to choose who he wanted to be, and not be bound due to the bloodline or Clan, but should he choose to become the next Clan Leader Ayato would train him, and teach him everything 

you were outside In the back gardens, playing with Akio as you tried to catch him, he giggled aloud as he ran and tried to get away, he ran with his little legs but then he tripped and fell, Akio's Lavendar eyes watered before he started to cry, you rushed over to see if he was alright

you kneeled and brought him into your arms, "shh, shh It's alright sweetheart here let mother see"

you looked at his leg, he'd scraped It up a little bit, you stood up as you held him

you smoothed his black hair, kissing his cheek "It'll be alright,"

you went back inside of the estate, calling for Keiko to come with the first aid for him, Ayato was currently away on a business trip In Sumeru, he sent a letter telling of his return tomorrow 

Keiko brought the first aid box, she carefully cleaned Akio's scrape before wrapping It

"There, it should be healed up by tomorrow"

you kissed Akio's forehead, he soon calmed down as he stopped crying, you wiped his wet cheeks with your handkerchief as you rubbed his back, "Thank you Keiko"

she bowed, "of course"

Keiko then closed the box, she smiled "the young lord Is growing up quickly Isn't he"

you smiled, looking at Akio "he is, soon he'll be able to attend his first lessons"

Akio blinked, he then started to make some sounds and blew bubbles, you giggled

"What is It, are you trying to speak dear"

Akio pursed his lips, he then smiled "Mama!"

you gasped, "Keiko! did you hear that"

Keiko smiled, "yes I did! how wonderful"

you smiled, lifting him up "oh my goodness, he said Mama"

Akio clapped his hands together, "Mama!"

"Yes, sweetheart I hear you, oh how I wish your father was here"

just then Thoma came, "Sister In Law, Ayato sent another letter for you"

you smiled, "thank you, Thoma Akio said his first word"

Thoma smiled, coming over "really? what did he say"

"He said Mama,"

Thoma gave his head a pat, "that's wonderful, though too bad Ayato Isn't here"

Thoma then carefully took Akio and held him, you opened up the letter to have a look

*My Dear, I sent word that I'd be back tomorrow but there's been a delay with my ship and I'm unsure whether I'll be there soon or not, but don't fear everything will be fine, I miss you and our son greatly, I love you both please take care until I return*

you gave a nod, before you folded It back up "Alright"

"Is something wrong?" asked Keiko 

you shook your head, "there's been a delay with his ship so there's no telling when he'll be coming back for now"

Thoma put Akio down, "don't worry Sister-In-law, all will be fine"

you sighed, "you're right,"

you then stood up, Akio walked over to you and you picked him up into your arms, just then you had that feeling that something would happen, but you once again dismissed It from your mind.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now