Girl Talk Chap.36

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you were now six months pregnant, and your bump had grown more, things were still going smoothly but sometimes you felt a bit too sick to eat, but for the sake of yourself and the baby you'd eat of course, It had been sometime since you'd sat down to speak with Ayaka as she'd been out of the Estate often, the snow had started to fall a few days ago but it wasn't enough to blanket the grounds, when It first started falling you and Ayato went to spectate It together, and today Ayaka didn't have any tasks to do so she remained at home

you were currently In the dining room, you were trying your hand at some sewing, you were making a bib for the baby, just then Ayaka came into the dining room 


you looked up, you smiled "Sister, we haven't talked much in a while come sit"

Ayaka smiled with a nod as she came to sit across from you, "What're you sewing?"

"a bib"

Ayaka nodded, "I see, I think this my first time seeing you sew"

you smiled, "It's not a skill I've always had, and I'm surprised at how It's turning out"

Ayaka looked at the bib, "It's really nice, and adorable"

you continued your needlework, just then Thoma came he was carrying something

"Good afternoon your ladyship, Lady Ayaka"

you smiled, "good afternoon Thoma"

Ayaka looked "what're you holding?"

Thoma smiled, "oh this, I've returned from doing some shopping,"

Ayaka smiled with a nod, she and Thoma then blushed as an awkward silence filled the air, Thoma then bid you both goodbye as he went to the kitchen, 

 "Sister, do you like Thoma?" you asked

Ayaka blushed, "well, I suppose you could say that but It's..."

you smiled, "Ayato and I thought so, he even told me If there's was any man that you liked, If It was Thoma he'd support you both"

Ayaka was surprised, "he really said that?"

you nodded, "yes, he trusts Thoma very much"

Ayaka started to smile, "I see, that puts my mind at ease, but I don't know of Thoma feels the same way"

"So It was with me and Ayato, I had no Idea that he loved me too, but looking back on It now It seems there were hints here and there that I failed to recognize,"

Ayaka nodded, "I see, and did he tell you first or did you?"

you smiled, "He did, and It was through that pink Hydrangea In the garden, he told me it's meaning was love and true feelings"

Ayaka smiled, "that's so sweet, I didn't know that brother was a romantic"

you giggled "Neither did I, I'll never forget that day"

"But Ayaka, when It comes down to matters of love you should listen to your heart,"

Ayaka then thought about your words, "I understand now, thank you sister"

you smiled, "of course"

you then picked the bib back up as you continued working on it, it was coming along nicely, you and Ayato were very excited to soon meet your baby, It would be just a few months more.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now