Starting over Chap.51

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It had been six months since then, months ago Ayato had met with the Clan to show his plan to rebuild the Estate, It would be better than before, all the original rooms would be built again but be more spacious, and it was until this time you had no Idea your husband was such a good artist, he'd drawn the sketches and plan of the Estate, but until the Estate was finished you and the family would be remaining In the Palace, which brought Ei joy as she'd get more time to talk with you or play with her Grandson, Akio was now fully walking by himself and he'd zoom around the palace, before being caught by you or Ayato, Keiko was healing her broken back well but due to the damage she could no longer serve you, so In Replacement Ei granted you another Personal Maid you actually knew her, her name was Hana, she was always very kind to you

you were outside of the palace, In the back gardens as you watched Akio play with Hana, your hand on your baby bump as you started walking along the stone path, the summer breeze blowing the Sakura petals, you remembered when Akio was born just last summer and already you were pregnant once again, you had an Intuition that this one would be a girl, Ayato had been away for a while as to oversee the construction for the new Estate, 

Akio was running around as Hana was catching up, but then he rushed over and hugged your legs, you smiled as you steadied yourself "Akio, be careful sweetheart,"

Akio looked up at you, he smiled as his lavender eyes gleamed "Mama!"

Hana bowed, "your ladyship"

you carefully kneeled as Akio hugged you, you hugged him as you then kissed his forehead, but then he placed his hand on your semi-round stomach, making a confused face 

you giggled, "there's a baby in there dear, your little brother or sister" 

you then picked up Akio, he rested his head on your shoulder as he yawned and you knew it was time for his afternoon nap, you rubbed his back as he started to fall asleep, you then left the gardens and headed back inside to his room, Ei had a bedroom made just for Akio 

once there you placed him onto his futon and put his little blanket over him, you then stroked his black hair and pressed a kiss to his brow, you and Hana then quietly left his room 

Hana smiled, "you're a wonderful Mother my lady"

"hm? thank you but what's this all of a sudden"

Hana started, "It's the truth, seeing you so loving and attentive reminds me of when Her Excellency raised you"

you smiled, "Sometimes to remember those days, Mother did all she could for me and I'll always be grateful"

just then one of the servants came, she bowed "Princess, your husband has returned"

you thanked her before you walked to the palace entrance, and there was Ayato

you smiled, "welcome back Darling"

Ayato smiled, coming over as he brought you into his arms, you shared a kiss before he rubbed your stomach and placed a kiss on It "are you alright my love"

"Yes, I just put Akio down for his nap"

he kissed your cheek, "I see"

you then locked hands, "how is the construction going"

he smiled, "It's going well, and things seem to be moving along faster then expected"

"That's good, it's been hot today I'll send Hana to bring refreshment to the builders"

you turned to Hana, "Hana, please prepare water and Onigiri for the construction workers"

she bowed, "yes my lady"

Ayato kissed your hand, "I have to go meet with Mother and Detective Shikanoin about the Investigation,"

you nodded, "alright"

you shared one last kiss before he released your hands, heading to the Palaces Meeting room, you then went to go help Hana with make the Onigiri, In the meeting room Ei was pacing around as Heizou told her about his findings and other clues, as well as a Interrogation report 

"Your Excellency, from what Lady Kamisato saw, those people weren't from Inazuma"

she turned, "yes I could already tell that, but where Is the question"

just then Ayato came into the room, he bowed his head "Excuse me Mother"

Ei looked, "there you are, Detective Shikanoin please brief Ayato on what you found"

"As you wish, Lord Kamisato I found that the assailants who attacked your wife and son aren't from Inazuma, her Ladyship spoke to me and said they were wearing different clothes, and some of them had on masks"

Ayato furrowed his brow, "I see, Masks"

Heizou stood up, "Yes, and based on the one who attacked the princess, It was a woman with Cyro magic, she must've been a mage"

he started to pace, "Unfortunately said Mage was burned along with the Kamisato estate, but her Excellency kept one of her comrades alive and through further Interrogation, I was able to conclude that they're from Snehznaya"

Ei froze, "what did you say"

Heizou bowed his head, "Snezhnaya your Eternal Excellency"

Ayato started, "Okay, what else did you find out"

"Based on what they did, this was a targeted Assassination towards the princess and her son, I believe whoever did this was set on killing them both, to end the Kamisato bloodline or perhaps an act of Revenge"

Ayato clenched his fist, "but who would benefit from that"

Heizou smirked, "there's only one person or rather Organization who would, and that's...the Fatui"

Ei's eyes widened and Ayato started to fill up with anger, "even If It's the Fatui, I'll never let anyone harm my family"

but then Ayato noticed that Ei was frozen, "Mother, Mother are you alright?"

Ei blinked, "what? yes I am, I was just thinking I've had run Ins with the Fatui before, I killed their Crimson Witch La Signora"

Heizou continued, but In Ei's mind she didn't want to believe but she had an Intuition, an Intuition that the man, or rather puppet she knew was responsible for what happened.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now