The Summer Festival Chap.19

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Two Weeks Later....

It was the night of the annual summer Festival, Ayato asked a week In advance if you'd like to go, and you accepted, you'd been Informed that you'd dance for the Festival which made you taken aback a bit, but you complied and practiced your fan dancing for a week to prepare now the dance was ready, you actually had never been to the summer festival before, so this would be your first time In which you were excited, you had a special Kimono made for the night, It had just arrived courtesy of Ogura Mio, and Keiko helped you to change Into It

you had freshened up earlier, now putting on the white underdress, Keiko brought It over, it was black with beautiful pink floral design with a hint of red

you put on the Kimono Itself before Keiko brought the Obi, she wrapped it around your waist before pulling it tight, securing It with the Obijime, she then combed through your hair styling it for you, putting It into a high bun with a pink floral pin and flower In your hair

Keiko smiled "I've never seen you dance before; I can't wait to see It"

you stood up "All these years, you've really never seen me practice?"

Keiko shook her head, "No my lady, I've only ever seen you practice your Instruments, if you weren't training with her Excellency"

you nodded, "Oh, I suppose that makes sense"

you put on your white tabi socks, you then left your bedroom chambers, going to the main hall where Ayato waited for you, he was dressed up different than usual, he was wearing white Hakama pants with a blue Nagagi and a black Haori with the Kamisato Clan Golden Camellia, 

he smiled "are you ready to depart, you look lovely"

 you smiled, "Thank you, yes I'm ready, my lord you're dressed quite festively"

he chuckled "It's the summer festival after all, I'd like to participate more"

you put on your geta, leaving the estate In Thoma's care along with Keiko, you got into the waiting rickshaw, Ayato sat down next to you with It soon heading off to Inazuma city, along the way through the surrounding forest you could faintly see the lights in the distance, as It was the summer festival you knew it would be lit with lanterns everywhere, after about twenty minutes you soon arrived outside Inazuma cities red gates, the rickshaw pulled inside down the cobblestone streets, Ayato got down from the rickshaw holding his hand out, you placed your hand in his as you then stepped down looking to see the splendor all around, the city was decorated all festive with many people around, the game and food stalls were thriving 

you gave a warm smile, "It makes me so happy, to see Inazuma at peace like this"

"I can say the same, things like this are one of the reasons why I work my hardest"

you looked up at him, you smiled with a little blush, you then started walking along together, as you passed many people came up to greet you both

"Commissioner, Princess It's an honor to have you at the festival" 

Ayato gave a nod "Thank you, but we're here to enjoy It same as you"

just then you saw a familiar figure, Ayaka was coming up to you both she was wearing a blue and pink Kimono, while waving her fan, but you also noticed she was accompanied by Kujou Sara 

you greeted Ayaka with a hug "Sister"

Kujou Sara bowed, "Commissioner, Princess"

Ayato turned "Good evening, General Kujou, I trust the Tenryou commission is handling the festival security well" 

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now