His first Crawl Chap.46

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Months later...

Akio was now seven months old, at this time you learned that babies would try to crawl but so far Akio didn't, It didn't concern you and Ayato much, as you knew that he'd do so when he was ready, Ayaka and Thoma were still fiancés at this time as they didn't want to rush a wedding, you were happy that they'd gotten together, Ayato raised the Importance of getting married soon to them and they understood, Chisato had been by to visit you a few times, as she hadn't met Akio yet and upon the first meeting she adored him, Akio never cried whenever someone else besides you held him, but he did cry when you or Ayato left his sight, otherwise he was a well behaved baby especially with Ei and Miko, Yae didn't know too much of how to interact with him, so whenever she visited she read a children's book to him, while he listened somewhat 

you were sitting In the main hall, Akio was laying on his blanket as you played with him, you shook the rattle as he smiled while clapping his hands, "Akio, Akio"

you smiled, and tickled his stomach "here sweetheart"

you gave him the rattle, he started to shake It as he laughed and you giggled, just then Ayato came into the main hall, "what's this I hear, Is It our little boy"

you smiled, "darling"

Ayato came over to your side, you looked up at him as he bent down to kiss you, before he sat down and started to tickle Akio, Akio broke Into his own little laughter 

Ayato smiled and picked up Akio, "having fun, my son"

Akio was almost the spitting image of Ayato, except that he had black hair, 

"darling, did you just return?"

Ayato nodded, "yes, I was on my way to find you when I heard Akio laughing"

Ayato then put Akio back onto the blanket, Akio could sit up by himself now, he picked up the little Oni club toy that Itto had gotten him, Itto came around to visit when he could 

Ayato put his arm around you, "are you alright my dear, you look tired"

you smiled, "I'm alright, though I didn't sleep too well last night"

"Is everything alright?" he asked

you looked outside, "yes, but...I don't why I have a feeling that something's going to happen"

Ayato rubbed your shoulder, "I see, your Intuitions have always been correct, but don't worry If something does, I'll be here"

you smiled with a nod, Ayato returned the smile before you shared a kiss, just as Akio dropped his toy, and It rolled across the floor, you were about to go retrieve It when all of a sudden, Akio got onto his stomach and pushed himself up as he started to crawl

your eyes shined, "darling look! he's crawling" 

Ayato was In surprise, "yes. And so suddenly but how?"

you smiled, "I don't know, but mother will be upset about missing this"

Akio retrieved the toy club and crawled back over, he then sat up as he gave a gummy smile, you and Ayato exchanged a laugh before he picked up Akio, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now