The Ancestral Alter Chap.25

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Soon after you got well, Ayato had caught your virus and you spent the entire day taking care of him, but he asked that you distanced yourself from him as not to get sick again, the family doctor Informed you that once a person gets that particular virus they wouldn't get It again, so with that In mind you still stayed by his side, he had gotten well over night like you had and the next day he resumed his daily goings, It was In the afternoon, you'd just gotten done having your lunch, but Ayato wasn't home at the moment, he to leave as to take care of a matter issued by your mother, you knew he had his Important duties so you didn't mind as much when he'd leave the estate, but nonetheless without him there you did feel lonely of course, but you kept In your mind that he'd come home In the evening, whenever he was called away for a while Ayato always made It up to you for the time you'd lost together, sometimes while at the Yashiro commission he'd send you letters telling of his love and missing you during the day

you'd just received one of said letters, as you read It through a warm smile came to your face, when finished you let out a sigh before neatly folding It up, putting It where you kept the others, you thought it was very romantic of him to send you these letters, they made your heart flutter just like whenever you kissed, it made you feel like a blushing bride again

you then stood, going to retrieve your Koto before going outside onto the back deck of the estate, you unbound your Koto as you then tuned It up, you soon started to play as you concentrated on the strings, Keiko had gone into town today as to visit a relative so she wouldn't be around for a bit, but you didn't need anything urgent at all, but if you did you'd ask Thoma 

you were finally able to comprehend the song Love Longing, as you played It reflected the past few months with you and Ayato, after marriage you got to know each other more and grew to enjoy each other's company, then came a Fondness between you both that blossomed into what you have now, a smile came to your lips as you thought about It, you played your Koto until you had finally finished the composition of love longing, just then you heard footsteps

you turned looking up to see Ayato, he smiled "That was beautiful my dear"

you smiled, "Darling"

"Until I heard your Koto playing, I'd never heard a more beautiful song In all of Inazuma"

you giggled, starting to wrap It up "you're over complimenting me my lord"

Ayato chuckled, "But It's a true fact"

he helped you onto your feet, you then came together In an embrace, "Welcome home, when did you arrive"

"Just moments ago, I heard you playing so I had to come listen"

you then parted a little, you rested your hand on his cheek "you just got over being sick, please don't push yourself too hard"

Ayato held your hand to his cheek, "do not worry, I'll be alright but sometimes I do feel tired, being Yashiro Commissioner and Clan Leader are quite the positions"

you nodded, "I understand, it's a heavy burden I know sister helps to lighten your load, but Darling please know that I am also here when you need of me"

Ayato kissed your hand, "I know, thank you my love"

"I almost forget, there's something I'd like to show you"

he then took your hand guiding you along, you followed him but had no Idea where you were going, he took you into a part of the estate that you'd never seen before, he then released your hand as he parted a pair of sliding doors open, It was a medium sized room, you walked Inside after him as you then looked to your right, there you saw a Tamaya (Alter for a Deceased ancestor), it had an Image and there was an Incense offering along with fruits 

Ayato took your hand, "I wanted you to meet her"

you looked to the framed photograph, there was a woman wearing a pink Kimono and her hair was just like Ayato's, she had a gentle smile on her face, you realized it was their Mother

"Darling, this is..."

he nodded, "Our Mother, Kayo"

you gave his hand a squeeze, you then let go as you walked forward, kneeling onto the floor as you then bowed before coming back up, "I apologize I didn't come to pay respects before, It's good to meet you Mother"

Ayato then came kneeling beside you, he then did the same "Forgive me Mother, I haven't visited you In a while, I finally brought (Y/n) for you to meet each other,"

you looked to the picture, from all that you knew Kayo was a wonderful mother, even though you never had a chance to meet you held great respect for her,  

you started "Mother, I wish that I could've been able to meet you and talk, you were a wonderful mother to Ayato and Ayaka, they miss you very much but know that you're in a good place, he told me that all the hardships that he went through after you and Father left, as a young boy he worked his hardest to rebuild the Clan and train himself to become the man that he is today, while continuing to raise Sister In your stead, It hurts me to know that he was alone through It all but please know, that he's not alone anymore, I am here with him to walk with him through all the trails that life may throw, a while ago he and I truly came together with a mutual love that we share, I love him very much and no matter what happens I will always be by his side"

Ayato looked to you, his Lavender eyes shined as he smiled warmly, you looked to him with an equally loving smile, you then laced your hands together 

Ayato turned back to the Altar, "And so It is with me, Mother, (Y/n) and I were betrothed due to the Clan Elders urging, I thought that we'd just have a separate but respectful life together, but upon meeting her again after all these years I started to fall for her, as I was busy being Clan Leader Love never occurred to me, that is until after I met (Y/n) and she capture my attention but most of all my heart, she isn't just my wife but also the love of my life, I know you would've gotten on with her swimmingly and adore her just like Ayaka does, Mother please be assured that all Is well here and please continue to watch over us all"

you both then bowed once more, but this time together as one, Ayato stood up first before he helped you onto your feet, you then left the out of the Ancestral room hand In hand, 

"Darling, thank you for this"

Ayato smiled, "It's nothing to thank, I wish I could've brought you there sooner"

you hugged him, he held you close "I'm grateful that I got to pay my respects today, I wish that I could've had to chance to meet her"

"She would've loved you, treated you as her own daughter"

 Ayato then parted from you a little, "My dear, there's something I've been meaning to speak with you about"

you looked up, "what It is?"

"It's about the future, I've gotten the Clan Elders to stop speaking about our not conceiving yet, like I told you on our wedding night, I'd never do anything without your agreement and It still stands going forward,"

you nodded, "I understand"

he cupped your cheek, "there's no rush and I'd never force you, being Intimate may be for conception of children, but I also think that It's a way for a couple to connect by further means, sharing love between each other"

a crimson blush rose to your cheeks, "Darling, do you wish to?"

"I do, but as promised not without your agreement"

you felt your heart start to pound, your hands started to shake as you started to think, just as he said even though you didn't know much about those things, you agreed that It was Indeed also for further connection between a couple, you closed your eyes as you decided 

"If you do then...I consent"

Ayato felt his own heart start to pound, "Are you sure, please don't force yourself"

you shook your head, holding his hand "I'm not, as It's something that will bring us even closer with our love then...I will consent"

 "Very well, but let's hold off the subject until this evening"

you nodded in agreement, you then continued walking together back to the main part of the estate.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now