A Marriage Consummated Chap.26

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*Mature Content In this Chapter*

After returning back to the main part of the estate, you went back to retrieve your Koto from the back deck before putting It away, you then joined Ayato in the dining hall alongside Ayaka as It was time for dinner, as you were seated Thoma came from the kitchen holding a tray with Tonight's dinner, he placed bowls In front of all three of you with some chopsticks

he bowed, "For Tonight I prepared Fukuuchi Udon, I hope you enjoy"

"Oh, It's been sometime since I've had this" said Ayaka 

you smiled, "It looks wonderful, thank you Thoma"

you all then gave thanks to Baal, before you first used the spoon to have a sip of the broth, It was very flavorful and not too heavy, you then started to remember while you were sick how Ayato fed you the Udon, a smile came to your face as you remembered, you then picked up your chopsticks using them to get some noodles, they were nice and chewy along with the fried Tofu, 

Ayato turned to Ayaka, "I took her to meet Mother today"

Ayaka looked up, a smile coming "That's wonderful, you finally got around to It, she would've loved sister I just know It"

"I'm happy to got to pay my respects, but my biggest regret Is not meeting her In real life"

Ayato touched your hand, "I know, but she is always here within this place"

you smiled, holding it back "Indeed"

for the rest of dinner you continued to talk, Ayato told you more stories of his and Ayaka's childhood but only the good times, but then Ayaka told you another embarrassing story about Ayato, but Instead of being displeased he laughed alongside you both, afterwards you sat Enjoying some tea for a little bit also Inviting Thoma to join you, when finished Ayato leans over to whisper something In your ear, you nod In understand with a blush on your cheeks 

you rose onto your feet, "I'll retire early, Goodnight Sister"

Ayaka smiled, "Goodnight, Sleep well"

you then start back to your bedroom chambers, Keiko had returned not to long ago so she came to help you prepare for bed, you were embarrassed but you could only tell her 

"Is It true" she said shocked

you nodded, your cheeks burning she then hugged you "Oh my goodness!"

you sighed, "I feel foolish, I...I don't know what I'm supposed to do"

Keiko placed her hands on your shoulders, "It is always like that, but don't fear everything will work out, this is something that will deepen the bond between you and his Lordship, it's a unification of two people In love"

"I know, and I only learned a little bit but still...."

Keiko smiled, "It's fine to be nervous, it's nothing to be ashamed about"

she then helped you to change into your night yukata, before she unbound your hair from Its bun, placing down the decorative pin she brushes through your long locks, when finished she gave you words of encouragement before she went to light few candles, 

she bowed, "I'll take my leave now, goodnight my lady"

Keiko then left the bedroom chambers, you looked to see the candles gave the room a little illumination, it was like a soft glow with just enough light, you then started to feel your body tremble, this would be the true wedding night, just then Ayato slid the doors open coming Inside as he then slid them closed, you looked to him as you felt your heartbeat faster 

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now