The Yuinou Chap.9

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It was nearing the evening, Keiko was helping you to get ready as tonight Ayato would be coming back with his sister for the Yuinou, which is an exchanging of gifts between the bride and grooms' families that would end with a dinner together It was to be simple, but you were a little nervous, however your mother assured that she'd handle the gifts so you could be at ease 

you put on the underdress and haneri, Keiko went to your Kirintansu drawer picking out a deep purple colored Kimono with white and golden flower detail, you slipped It on as she then tied the Obi that was golden, pulling It tight and securing the Obijime and Obidome 

"Alright finished, come, let me quickly do your hair"

you nodded, kneeling in front of the little mirror, she combed your hair before styling It into a bun secured by and decorative pin and purple flower, you then put on the white tabi socks as she straightened up your sleeves and kimono, you soon left your room heading to join Ei 

she stood at the entrance of the palace waiting to greet them, you came to her side 

you bowed your head "mother"

she smiled "you look beautiful, your Fiancé will be arriving shortly"

you gave nod, just as you looked down to see their rickshaw had arrived, they exited from the rickshaw as the guards bowed, Ayato and Ayaka started their journey up the three flights of stairs, all the while Ayato glanced up to you a few times drawing a blush to your cheeks 

you shuffled where you stood, shying away with your hands folded, they soon made It up walking up to you and Ei giving bows of respect

Ayato bowed his head "Your Eternal Excellency, Princess It's nice to see you once again"

you bowed "Indeed, Lord Kamisato"

he gave a warm smile which made your heart flutter, you couldn't help but return It, Ayaka greeted you both before she gave you a hug, you were surprised but hugged her back 

you smiled "Sister It's good to see you again, I hope the journey was well"

Ayaka smiled with a nod "thank you very much, all is well"

"Welcome Clan Leader Kamisato, Lady Ayaka, come right this way the servants will handle the gifts"

Ayato bowed, Ayaka clapped with a few people coming inside with their gifts, your palaces own came to retrieve the gifts before exchanging yours, soon moving into the dining area as the cook and Keiko came to set the dishes onto the table, you sat down next to Ei across from them 

the main dish for the dinner was Unagi Chazuke, you gave thanks for the food before starting to eat as you picked up your chopsticks, while having some light conversation 

Ayaka smiled "Princess, I heard that you're versed In Shamisen, Koto and dance"

you nodded "Yes I am"

"Perhaps you would be interested in performing at the summer festival, the people would be honored to see their princess perform" commented Ayato 

you blushed " maybe when the time comes, I may consider It"

Ei smiled "she's always enjoyed the arts, started playing the Shamisen when she was only eight"

Ayato smiled "I see, she must be a prodigy by now then"

you shook your head "Oh, I couldn't possibly be I'm only a little good"

Ayato looked into your eyes, "please don't belittle yourself, you are you after all"

you gazed back into his Lavendar eyes that were cool like water, you started to feel your heartbeat quicken again, but you soon calmed back to eating your food

Ayaka smiled "your kimono is very lovely, the purple and gold go so well together"

you smiled "thank you, sister I've always preferred colors of purple"

"Purple is lovely on you, but I could Imagine that blue would make you shine like the stars"

you blushed at Ayato's comment "Oh, I...thank you"

Ei smiled "as I've said before he has quite the honeyed mouth"

Ayato bowed his head "apologies"

you blushed "It's alright...what you said was very kind, I'm not offended"

Ei nodded "a compliment Is a compliment after all"

Ayaka giggled, whispering to him "Brother, you can't keep showering the princess with flattery it isn't proper as you aren't married yet"

Ayato lightly blushed "That is not my Intent, I was merely stating the truth of her beauty"

he turned looking at you, your eyes met before you started to smile started coming to your faces, seeing you smile made something rise within Ayato's heart, but he didn't know what, Ayaka noticed the exchange between you two, she gave a smile already knowing that you two could have a happy life together and that the family's future would be secure.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now