Business Trip Chap.37

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It was now your seventh month of pregnancy, all was going smooth, but you were sometimes having pains and discomfort, but you endured as best you could, as it was now in the month of March just a few days ago you all celebrated Ayato's twenty-fifth birthday, alongside Thoma you made him a special birthday cake, It was a bubble tea cake and for the whole day you spent time together, and as a birthday gift you made him a handkerchief with his Initials on It, and you also had the pictures of his parents restored which he and Ayaka appreciated very much, but during that time Ayato had put off his Important work as to be home and with you, so it was now catching up with him, he needed to leave Inazuma for a while to do some Important business In Mondstadt, though you'd miss him of course you understood 

"Forgive me, My dear I have to be going to the Commission to look over the documents, and then I'll be away from Inazuma for a few days" 

you smiled, holding his gloved hand "It's alright I understand, you have to catch up with your duties, please don't worry about me"

Ayato smiled, "how can I not though? alright I'll try to be home sooner If I can"

he then brought his arms around you, "I love you, if something happens I'll return Immediately"

you held him back, "I love you too, you don't have to worry all will be fine"

Ayato then rubbed your now bigger stomach, "and you, take care little one"

you smiled, "she'll miss her father"

Ayato kissed your stomach, "I know, and I'll return as soon as I can"

he came back up as you shared a kiss, you then held your stomach as you followed him to the front entrance and he kissed you once more on the lips and forehead, you waved to him as he left to the entrance gate and the guards parted for him, he then got Into the rickshaw as he waved back to you as it then left and he was out of your sight, you rubbed your stomach before you turned to go back inside, Keiko came to help you as you walked back to your bedroom chambers, "he's going to Mondstadt for a bit, I believe he has business there"

Keiko nodded, "I see"

she slid the door open as you went over to the futon, Keiko then rushed to help you sit down as you then brought the comforter over your legs, you then touched your stomach as you then felt an ache, and Keiko rubbed your back as she noticed your discomfort 

"What hurts my lady?"

you looked to her, "I'm cramping up a little, It's really no trouble"

"Would you like to change into something more comfortable?"

you gave a nod, "Alright"

she then helped you to stand up, undoing your Obi and taking off your Kimono she then brought a new Yukata for you to put on, It was purple with butterflies, she then tied the thin Obi

but then you placed a hand to your mouth, starting to gag and Keiko brought the basin for you, you soon threw up Into it. she then brought the cloth for you and you wiped your mouth, she then brought you the things to clean your mouth of the taste, 

she rubbed your back, "Feeling better?"

you shook your head, "not really, but I will be after a nap"

Keiko gave a nod, you then laid down resting your head upon the pillow before she brought the blanket over you, Keiko then bowed before she stood up to leave, closing the door behind her.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now