De stressing Chap.56

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A few days Later...

Ever since your talk with Ei you'd been very troubled, as well as thinking It over and over again about what she said to you, your brother was a Fatui Harbringer who was wanting to destroy Inazuma and Kill Ei, it was a lot to take in and you wished you hadn't heard the truth but It was something that you had the right to know, you had no Idea what would happen In the future and those around you noticed how you seemed to be bothered by something, and your husband noticed It most of all In which he wanted to ask and maybe quell your present worries 

It was within the evening, and you'd just finished having dinner with Ayaka and Thoma but during the meal Akio had fallen asleep after having his fill, so now you were carrying him back to his room, once there Hana lit the candle In the room so you could see, and you changed Akio into his night attire before laying him down carefully onto his futon, and you placed his little blanket over him as he breathed softly before you brought a hand to his black hair 

Hana came closer, she smiled "the young lord keeps growing day by day,"

you smiled softly, "yes"

you smoothed his hairs a little, pressing a kiss to his forehead before Hana helped you to stand up, and she went to blow out the candle In the room with you soon leaving, 

just as you saw Ayato, "oh, Darling"

he smiled, "did you put Akio to bed"


Ayato brought his arm around you, "are you feeling alright my love"

you smiled, "yes, I'm fine"

you leaned into his touch as he kissed your forehead, also giving your stomach a stroke but then he carefully swept you off your feet, in which the action surprised you 


Ayato looked to you, "It's not that late yet, and before we retire for the night I'd like to talk with you, I can tell there's something that's been bothering you for a while"

you were surprised that he'd noticed, "you know?"

"It was a guess, but yes I do, and I can tell It's troubling you very much"

Ayato started carrying you away from Akio's room, and to your surprise you didn't go to the bedroom but to the washroom, and inside you saw little steam In the room with the bath filled

Ayato then put you down carefully, "I wanted to do something for you, If only a little to help you relax from whatever is distressing you"

you smiled, "Darling"

he kissed your hand, "and...I'd like some time for It to be just us"

you nodded In agreement, but then you rested your head against his chest as you hugged him 

"Thank you for this,"

he held you, "when the love of my life is struggling, I will do what I can to help"

you stayed like that for a bit longer, before you parted from him as you helped him to slip off his haori but then he removed his nagagi, then helping you to change out of your kimono and he removed your Obi before he hung up your Kimono for you, while you slipped off your white underdress with him taking it for you as well, you unwrapped your breasts and removed your undergarment so you were completely bare, resting your hands on your stomach just as Ayato came back over now also bare and he picked you up bridal style, 

carrying you over to the tub, and he carefully stepped into It before he lowered you down so you could get comfortable, the warm waters were very nice and you felt yourself less tense

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now