His Heart Chap.21

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Two Days later....

you had gotten up in the morning, Keiko helped you to get dressed as usual you decided to wear one of your purple Kimono's today, for today you requested your hair to be half up and half down, so she complied putting the up part into a little bun secured with a pin and flower, you then put on your Tabi socks before heading out of the bedroom chamber, making your way to the dining room there you saw Ayaka with Thoma who was placing food on the table, 

you smiled "Good morning, Sister, Thoma"

Thoma bowed "Good morning your Ladyship"

Ayaka came over, greeting you with a hug "Good morning, you did something different with your hair"

you smiled, "Yes I just wanted a small change today"

you went over to the table, kneeling onto the tatami mat as Ayaka went back to her place across from you, Thoma placed your usual breakfast onto the table, you then looked around 

Thoma started "His Lordship went out earlier, he said he had something Important to take care of"

you nodded, "oh, I see"

Ayaka sighed, "he's one of the busiest men In Inazuma, If It's a menial task I'd take It on for him we've always agreed on that"

you started, "Maybe he doesn't want to trouble you, but he's carrying a lot on his shoulders in a way that we can't understand"

Ayaka patted your hand "That is true"

you then came out of your thoughts, giving thanks to Baal picking up your chopsticks as you started to eat, Thoma then left the dining hall heading back to the kitchen, you hoped that Ayato had eaten something before leaving early, you thought back to the other day, when you finally had that serendipity about Ayato you were happy to know how you felt now, but the thing was how you would tell him or If you should, you wanted to tell him that you loved him for sure but you found yourself nervous to do so, even thoughts of him not feeling that way came to mind but you tried your best to ignore It, with your love In mind you just decided to leave it to fate

you had a sip of your miso soup, Ayaka then started "Have you visited her Excellency lately"

you shook your head, "His lordship and I went to visit last month, I'd like to go again soon, I know Mother doesn't say It but she's very lonely"

"Being the Shogun can be a lonely existence, I can see why she was saddened to let you go, you were her daughter and only company all these years"

you looked down, "Yes, Mother told me a story from centuries ago, she'd lost her sister and all of her friends, due to the circumstances of battle....It was horrible, but then years later she found me and once again someone precious to her, Mother often told me that one day I'd find someone who was precious to me and I didn't understand at first, but now I do"

Ayaka smiled, "It's Ayato"

you smiled warmly "Yes, he's become my precious person and the one I love, it's a real love that goes beyond fondness or friendship"

"I'm happy you figured It out, after this would you like to come with me into the City, I have to go to oversee something for brother"

you gave a nod, "If you wouldn't mind, I'll accompany you"

after finishing breakfast, you left the estate with Ayaka, going to help her as she oversaw a few things within the Clan, afterwards you stopped to have a break with some Dango milk, you'd never forget that time at the summer festival when Ayato bought some for the both of you, you'd always liked Dango milk for Its taste and because your Mother liked It, but ever since Ayato had gotten one for you, you loved it all the more, a smile came to your face as you thought this

Ayaka turned "Hm what has you so happy?"

you smiled, "I was just thinking about something, that's all"

Ayaka giggled, "Something or....someone"

you stood up, "It's nothing like that, sister please don't presume"

"I should presume though, you're not hiding It too well"

you started to laugh a little, "Oh, Alright I was thinking about him"

Ayaka came up to you, "You should tell him how you feel, true you're already married but this would make a stronger bond between you both"

you nodded, "It would, but how would I even...when I think about It I get so nervous"

She smiled "That's normal, everyone gets nervous to tell the person they love that they love them, as to how It's all up to you"

you started to think, as you then turned to Ayaka "alright, sister could we go home now, If his Lordship is there I'll tell him then and there"

Ayaka smiled, "Good to hear, okay let's return now"

you then walked back to the entrance of Inazuma city, getting into the rickshaw that soon started back to the Kamisato Estate, along the way there you watched the passing trees as your stomach became full of butterflies, although very nervous this was the right thing to do, the rickshaw then traveled on the path into the valley as you got closer to home, after twenty minutes you soon arrived back at the estate, you didn't waste any time as you hurried out of the rickshaw starting to look around the house, hopeful that he'd be here as It was almost lunchtime and he always returned to dine with you, you went outside around to the back gardens but he wasn't there, you started to feel a disappointment but then you saw something, there was a pink Hydrangea amongst the purple ones, It was beautiful although It stuck out from all else 

you started walking closer, Lighty touching the flower "It's lovely...but where did It come from"

"I planted It myself, just this morning"

you turned to see Ayato, a gentle smile on his face as he approached closer to you, the words you wanted to tell him suddenly became caught in your throat, you started to shake a little 

"My lord, you planted them?"

he gave a nod, "Yes I did, it was easier than I thought It'd be"

you looked back to the pink Hydrangea, "It's beautiful, but I'm wondering why pink"

Ayato walked closer, "Just as I told you before, the purple Hydrangea's symbolize desire to understand and unity, which was what I've wanted for you and I In our marriage"

you nodded, "I Understand, and what does the pink mean"

Ayato walked until he was in front of you, he took your hand In his gloved one, "a Pink Hydrangea, It means sincerity and love, It symbolizes true feelings which Is what I feel for you, my lady"

you felt time stop all around, a crimson blush raised onto your cheeks, Ayato smoothed your hair behind your ear as he then brought you into his arms, tears came to your eyes with a one streaking down your cheek as you felt relieved, there wasn't anything to fear anymore 

you started to hug him back, as he then whispered in your ear "I love you,"

you smiled warmly, holding him more "my lord, I feel the same"

Ayato's blue eyes shined with happiness, he parted from you a little "Is it true"

you smiled with a nod, "Yes, It is"

Ayato let out a sigh of relief, he then brought you into his embrace once more, you giggled hugging him back but then he parted from you a little, he cupped your cheek as he drew closer and closer, finally planting his lips onto yours, you were shocked as this was your first kiss but more Importantly your first ever love, you loved your husband very much 

he parted from you, a loving smile on his face "Just as I vowed, I'll take care of you and never let you know sorrow, this I vow as your love and husband"

you smiled, "then as I promised, I as your love and wife, will always accompany and take care of you until the very end"

Ayato happily picked you up as he spun you around, you laughter together before he put you back onto the ground, bringing you into another kiss but this time you kissed back, as you intertwined your hands together never letting go.

(music is from Inuyasha, all credit goes to the shows creator)

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now