*Bonus Bonus Chapter*

759 18 2

Warning: NSFW and Mature Content In this chapter

Later In the Day....

It was In the evening and you'd gone with Ayato to the Aisa Bathhouse per his special allowance for you both, Tri Commission guards usually went there to bathe but Ayato thought why couldn't couples also go there as there was Indeed VIP baths within the place that he'd been to. With that In mind the both of you checked In with Aikawa who then showed you to the private bath which had been reserved for your usage, and he did assure that no one would disturb you both

"Thank you very much"

Aikawa bowed, "Of course, Of course Aisa Bathhouse is honored to have you"

he then left as you and Ayato went to the changing area's so you'd split off for now, you changed out of your Kimono and wrapped a towel around yourself as you then took the flower out of your hair. you then made your way out to the bath itself which had steam clouding It all around but you squinted your eyes as you came closer, once at the hot springs edge you tested the water and It was just the right hotness as you then put a foot in before going fully inside

you let out a sigh as you started to feel your weariness wear away, you'd had lots of fun and enjoyed the feast of course but you really did need this kind of relaxation tonight 

"I wonder how Kuni's doing...I hope he'll write soon" 

just then you heard a familiar chuckle, turning to see your husband making his way over to your side as he had a towel wrapped around his waist, a smile coming to your face 

"What were you musing?" he asked

you smiled, "I was just wondering how my brother Is, I wish he'd write more"

"I understand but you know how Brother In law is" 

Ayato came closer as he brought you into his arms, his biceps were glistening from the water and you held him In return as you leaned into his embrace just as he kissed your forehead 

Ayato then caressed your cheek, "did you enjoy the day my love"

"Oh yes, It was wonderful...everyone's so thoughtful"

Ayato smiled, "Indeed I...find myself Incredibly proud to have such a family"

you returned the smile as you nodded in agreement, you then rested your head against his chest for a while before you offered to wash his back for him and he obliged 

you got the sponge as you started washing his back, but you were gentle as you saw some of the scars on his back which you hadn't seen before In which you knew they were from battle

"Darling these scars...they seem old"

Ayato closed his eye's "They are, they're from the time I was training when younger"

"I see,"

you then gently ran your fingers across the scars, before you continued to wash his back before he had you turn around to do your own as he washed your back with tenderness 

you melted under his gentle touch as you relaxed further, but then after he squeezed water to rinse off your back he then pressed some kisses to your still wet shoulders. he then brought his arms around you as he brought you against his toned chest as he kissed your shoulders more

"It's been so long since we were last alone like this...I don't know If I can, hold myself back anymore"

you brought your hand to his cheek, "you don't have to hold back"

Ayato's eyes got a glint as he then kissed you deeply, and you kissed back as you melted into the kiss as you then shared a few more before his hands started to roam your wet body, and due to the slickness from the water It somehow made his touches more intense In a way 

his hands found there way to your breasts, as he caressed them all the while he continued kissing you which made you sigh into the kiss but then you let out a moan as his fingers teased your nipples. and he rolled them with his fingers a little before he turned you to face him as he then slid his tongue over your left nipple, which made you wrap your arms around his neck as to pull him closer as he latched onto them and sucked until It was more sensitive 

you moaned "Ayato....."

he then came back as he looked you in the eyes, before he did the right side as you writhed at the pleasure that you felt all the while your lower region began to respond


he then stopped as he lifted you up by the waist, and you held onto him as you then kissed once more as you lose yourselves In each other with each kiss lasting longer. but then he carried you out of the hot spring and onto the cool stones where he gently laid you down 

his eyes were shining with his desire and love for you, "I hope I'm not going too quickly but If I am, please excuse me my love...because I need you very badly"

you started to speak, as you reached up to cup his cheeks "Embrace me...."

he smiled warmly before he leaned down as your lips met once again, as he started to open your legs which revealed your Intimate flesh just as his own member was readily prepared 

 Ayato pressed deep kisses into your neck as he started entering inside of you, and you arched your back upon feeling him but It didn't hurt at all. the last time you'd made love was a while ago as you'd both been so busy with your duties that you didn't have time before 

he waited a bit for you to adjust before he started to move, and you clung onto him as you let out a moan all the while he started finding his own rhythm as he moved inside of you. the pleasure was almost overwhelming but Ayato was going to take his sweet time tonight 

you felt his hot breath against your neck, but then he let out his tongue to lick the sensitive spot on your neck as he continued thrusting steadily which made you throw your head back 


he strained, "(Y/n)...."

you raked your hand's across his back as you had to anchor yourself, Ayato then went In deeper as his cheeks became crimson and your body felt like It was on fire right now


Ayato then kissed you deeply as It was nearing the finish and you felt It too, he quickened his pace as sweat dripped all the while you continued to breath so you wouldn't faint. and with a few more movements the both of you reached your high as you clung onto him 


Ayato panted as he then brushed away the hair that stuck to your forehead, pressing some kisses there as you were trembling slightly from the aftermath 

he cupped your cheek, "Are you Alright? I'm sorry If I was brash"

"Not at all...I'm alright" 

a smile then came to your face as you sat up a little to cup his cheeks, kissing his lips

"Happy Anniversary Darling"

Ayato smiled, "You too, My Love"

he then collected himself, before he chuckle and ran hand through his hair 

"Looks like...we'll need to bathe again but...not that I don't mind"

Ayato then lifted you up bridal style as he carried you back into the bath, where the both of you helped bathe each other again before you soon left and headed back home to the Estate, all the while your hand's were laced together for the entirety of the way home.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now