Late Night Company Chap.18

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After the matter settled everything was calm, but it seemed Ayato became Increasingly busy at the commission, you wondered If there was something you could do for him even If it was small, you went to speak with Thoma, and asked him to teach you how to make Miso soup, so with his help and your patience you learned how to make It for yourself, even though the first few tries weren't so good you soon got it right, you did this because you wanted to bring something for Ayato, hoping that It could boost his energy more but you also wanted to help him, you knew his job could be taxing and stressful, his daily schedule was always busy but he somehow made time to spend with you, that fact made you secretly happy and a certain feeling rose up in your heart, especially when he protected you from those ninja, you found yourself dazzled 

a blush rose to your cheeks, you then packed up the bowl of soup securely, placing It into an wooden box with a handle, you started out of the estate's kitchen heading outside 

you put on your geta just as Keiko came to see you off "going to the Yashiro Commission"

you nodded "Mhm, I'm taking this to Ayato, he said he'd be working late into the night"

Keiko smiled "you're so kind to his Lordship"

you blushed, with a shy smile heading out the door, you got into the waiting rickshaw which soon took off, you told the man you go steadily as you couldn't spill the soup, after about a twenty-minute ride you soon came to Inazuma city, you told him to take you to the Yashiro commission headquarters, upon arriving the Rickshaw came to a stop 

you got out with the box, walking up to the entrance the guards recognized you, they made way for you with a bow as you entered the building, you walked to Ayato's office outside the two big sliding doors, you gave a tapping "My Lord, It's me may I enter"

Inside Ayato perked up "Yes come In"

you slid open the one door, closing it behind as you entered into the chamber, you'd never been Inside the commission before It was very nice, Ayato was sitting behind his desk with several scrolls on his desk along with books, he was writing something on a piece of parchment 

you walked up to his desk, placing the box onto the table, he looked up "What's this"

you blushed "well...I made you some Miso soup"

Ayato's face flushed "you made it for me?"

you nodded, "Mhm"

he then took the lid off the box, to reveal the still steaming bowl of miso soup with tofu and seaweed, he took It out the box along with the spoon, getting a spoonful before sipping 

his eyes lit up "It's delicious, Akin to Thoma's If I might add"

you smiled, "I'm glad you like It, he actually taught me how to make It"

he had another sip "I see, you made It wonderfully" 

you kneeled down setting the box aside, "Are you feeling alright, you've been working very hard lately, my lord"

Ayato looked up "I'm alright, though I am a bit tired"

he continued to take sips of the soup, you then started "Is there anything I can do?, no matter how small I'd like to help you"

Ayato's cheeks dusted with pink, "well, would you grind more Ink for me"

you nodded, coming around his desk you kneeled at his side, you took the Ink stick in hand starting to grind It side to side, Ayato then dipped his brush into it before continuing to write

you looked down "May I ask, what're you writing"

"I'm responding to a Clan Leader summit, it'll take place In a few days" he said

you nodded, "Oh,"

as the evening went on you engaged In a little conversation while he worked, along with laughs

Ayato chuckled "when Ayaka was five, during a fan dance practice the wind caught her up and the fans blew away, she chased after them only to fall into the pond, I went to get her out the pond but despite being soaked she laughed, before she started to have a water fight with me"

you smiled, "Must've been fun"

Ayato sighed "Sometimes, I wish that I could go back to those carefree days, especially when my parents were still around, I'd play with my little sister and train alongside the guards"

you felt your heart ache hearing the tone In his voice, It was nostalgic but very sad 

you turned to him "due to circumstances you had to grow up quickly, no child should ever have to go through that, It's almost like you and sister were robbed of your childhoods"

Ayato looked down "for a time I thought the same, but yet It had to happen, after father died someone had to take on the mantle of Clan Leader, so I did...a fourteen year old boy, who although was taught by his father, was Inexperienced, but I taught myself more and more"

you touched his shoulder "fourteen....that's so young, I'm sorry..."

Ayato gave a gentle smile, placing his hand atop yours "It's all in the past now, just like I said before, and even though It's more taxing than ever, I now feel that I can carry on stronger everyday ...because of someone"

when he said the last part, he looked into your eyes, you gazed at each other for a bit as he then brushed your cheek with his fingers, your heart was beating very quickly, so was his as he then started to lean forward, but then stopped himself short as he finished the miso soup 

you looked down at your lap, feeling a little confused about what just happened, but then he finished the soup, you took the bowl placing It back into the box, you were about to leave 

"My Lord, I'll be going back home now, please come back to rest soon"

Ayato caught your hand, "Wait, stay with me would you"

you blushed, "I, alright If you wish"

you sat back down at his side, continuing to grind the ink for him as you worked, It started to get later Into the night, you eventually found yourself falling asleep, Ayato noticed and he brought you to rest your head on his shoulder, completely Unaware you continued to sleep with your head on his shoulder, Ayato then got an Idea, he brought his arm around you as to give warmth 

he looked down at your sleeping form, he felt that feeling rise up in his heart again, whenever he looked at you It felt like a trance was placed over him, Ayato caressed your cheek

he whispered "Why am I so...I'm mystified by you"

you soon shifted a little, Ayato gave a gentle smile "Goodnight, my lady, pleasant dreams".

(Song used is by Fujita Maiko, all credit goes to her)

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now