Private talks Chap.10

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Two Days later...

Your wedding was to be the day after tomorrow you honestly were starting to feel nervous again, you had gotten up and bathed as usual with Keiko tying your usual Kimono and doing your hair, you then headed to the dining room as the cook brought out your usual breakfast spread of rice, miso soup, egg roll and salted fish, you gave thanks to Baal taking your chopsticks In hand 

Keiko came to your side "My Lady, tomorrow you're to have a final fitting for your wedding Kimono"

you nodded "Alright"

Keiko let out a sigh "To think, you were just that frail little girl who came to the palace, now you've grown strong In grace and beauty about to be married"

you smiled "Indeed, it seems just like yesterday when mother saved me, she brought me here and raised me as her own I will always be grateful"

Keiko then inched away a little, before she bowed low you were taken aback, you placed down your chopsticks going to help her up "Keiko, please rise there's no need for that"

Keiko shook her head "no, please allow me this, it has been an honor to serve you for the last twenty years princess"

"Keiko...what're you saying, won't you accompany me in my new home?"

Keiko looked up "What?"

you smiled "I'd like you to come with me to my new home, Keiko you've never been just a servant to me you've been like an aunt"

Keiko looked up stunned, before tears started coming to her eyes, a few streamed down her cheeks you then wiped them away, bringing her Into a hug and she hugged you back 

she smiled "Very well, my lady I will accompany you until I can no longer when age catches up"

she soon broke the hug wiping her face within her kimono sleeve, you went back to the table continuing to eat, when finished she cleared away the dishes you then went to get your Koto heading outside to the back of the palace, you got back to practicing Love Longing you had the strings fixed for your Koto recently, you wanted to know If it was alright for you to bring It along to your new home same with your Shamisen, you'd ask when you'd meet with Ayaka 

just then one of the servants came "Princess, her Excellency would like to see you"

you nodded, before wrapping your Koto back up in Its case, you then went to her study where the Shogun was pacing around in the study "Oh, It's you"

you came inside "Where's Mother"

The Shogun paused "The one within is resting, she mustn't be disturbed"

you were taken aback "What? she requested to see me"

"(Y/n) Ignore the Shogun, come right in the plane I need to talk with you"

you bowed your head "Alright"

you went In front of the Electro symbol emblem, before transferring yourself Into the Plane of Euthymia, soon reappearing In the plane you looked around, seeing Ei In a meditative state she soon opened her purple eyes, coming back onto the ground she walked up to you 

you bowed "Good Morning, Mother"

she smiled "Good Morning, you needn't bow come here"

you walked closer to her, she then placed her hands on your shoulders, you noticed something seemed different about her, she then pulled you into a hug holding you tightly, you were taken aback as she'd hadn't hugged you In a longtime but nonetheless you hugged her back 

"Mother, is something wrong?"

Ei shook her head "Not really, It's just the day after tomorrow you'll be getting married"

you nodded "yes, I admit I'm starting to feel nervous will able to be a good wife"

Ei looked you In the eye "Of course you will, you're my daughter after all and I think Lord Kamisato is already fond of you"

you blushed "Is he...I'm not so sure, but I do trust him he made a vow to me"

"hm? what kind of vow"

you started "he vowed, he'd accompany me and take care of me, he promised to be the best husband he could be never letting me know sorrow"

Ei started to smile "Truly, so It is then, If he vowed you that then he will keep to It"

Ei cupped your cheek "Listen to me (Y/n), After marrying the head of the Kamisato Clan you'll not only be representing me but also your new household, listen to the rules there alright and do not have discord with your new husband you must not have a rift between you"

you bowed your head "I will bear It in mind, I won't let you or Inazuma down"

tears started to come to her eyes, Ei blinked them away quickly before she hugged you once more and you felt tears come to your eyes, you held her back holding tight like when you were a little girl, Ei was very proud but sad you'd no longer be living In the palace with her, she'd be back to living In solitude after your wedding but she kept In mind that you'd return one day.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now