The Fire and attack Chap.49

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Later on...

you were In the dining room with everyone, as It was now dinner time, Thoma even though now no longer a housekeeper, still preferred to do the cooking from time to time, it was something he enjoyed and didn't mind doing at all, tonight he got creative and prepared a dish from  Mondstadt, It didn't require too much effort or Ingredients, it was a tomato goulash

Thoma set down a bowl for everyone, "Here you are, please enjoy" 

you smiled, "Thank you Thoma, It smells delicious"

you got a little onto the spoon, blowing on It before you had a bite and your eyes lightened up 

"oh! this is delicious, the pasta is a really nice addition"

Ayaka had some of hers, "she's right, it's amazing honey"

Thoma smiled, "Thank you, I'm glad you like it I grew up eating this sometimes"

you had Keiko bring Akio's food, he already had two little teeth in his mouth, but he had to eat chopped up foods instead of rice porridge or your milk, you took the little bowl in hand as you blew on the natto beans, you got some in the little spoon as you then fed some to him

Ayaka turned to you, "Sister, when Is Ayato coming home?"

you started, wiping Akio's mouth "well, he sent a letter saying that his ship had a delay and he doesn't know If he'll be back my morning or perhaps another day"

"I see, this has happened before, but don't worry he'll make It home"

you gave a nod, you got some more natto and fed It to Akio once again, and when you were finished feeding him you made sure that he burped, wiping the remnants from his mouth

you smiled, "there,"

Akio smiled and clapped his hands, he then stood up and started to wonder around the dining room, you called him back to you and he wobbled back over, you brought him onto your lap as you then started to eat your goulash, It was very good and you started to think of perhaps trying to make It one day, for the rest of dinner you all talked and shared a few laughs, after dinner you went to go prepare Akio for bed and settle him down for the night, you wiped his face with a warm wet cloth before you changed his under cloth, Keiko then brought his little Yukata 

you changed him into the blue yukata, smoothing his black hair as you picked him back up, rubbing his back as you started singing to him, and he let out a little yawn, you smiled warmly as you smoothed his black hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he started falling asleep

you then walked over and laid him down on the futon, putting his little blanket over him, sitting with him for a little longer before you went to go get changed for bed, and you soon returned in your sleeping Yukata, with Keiko taking your bun out as she combed your locks 

Keiko touched your shoulder, "worried about his lordship?"

"I am, but there's something else that I'm feeling..."

Keiko stood up, "I see, well don't worry all will be well my lady,"

you gave a little nod, Keiko bowed to you before she then left the bedroom chambers, sliding the doors closed behind her as you then laid down, bringing the comforter over you halfway as you then rubbed Akio's back, bringing his blanket further over him as you then started to fall asleep, and as the hours went by It had become midnight without your knowing

you turned over in your sleep, just as you took the blanket off of you as you felt very warm, and oddly enough you even smelled smoke, but then you heard a banging from the outside of the doors, you woke up In fright as you heard Keiko yelling your name 

"My Lady! My Lady! you have to get out now!"

you then started to realize what was happening, you panicked as you picked up Akio and covered him up, rushing over to the doors, "Keiko! Keiko what's happening"

Keiko slid them open, she looked frightened "the estate's caught fire! we have to go now!"

you gasped, you then followed her as you rushed through the hallways, and you could indeed see the fire starting to spread into that part of the estate, a few beams had fallen from the roof as you quickly moved out of the way, holding tight onto Akio but then....


you spun around, seeing a beam had fallen atop Keiko and you rushed over to try helping 

"No! my lady you have to go now please leave me behind!"

you teared up, shaking your head as you tried to free her from underneath the beam

Keiko smiled weakly, "my lady....I'm so sorry...I won't be able to be by your side anymore and...and the young lord"

a tear streamed down your cheek, but then you heard a few loud thuds, turning as you saw you were surrounded by a few people, they were all dressed differently but you could sense their Intent on harming you, you held to Akio tightly and looked back to Keiko 

they started advancing on you, a woman channeled her Cryo magic and sent It your way but you quickly moved away, you covered up Akio's head with the blanket as you then looked to them, they wanted to kill you and your son, Ayato wasn't here and there was only one way out 

you closed your eyes, summoning your sword Into your other hand "stay away from my son"

another two advanced, casting out some Pyro attacks and you quickly put up and Electro shield, you rushed forward as your sword gave a Lavendar glow, you dodged another one of the Cryo attacks as you traded blows with the woman, slicing across her arm and she recoiled backwards clutching her now bleeding arm

another man with a mask came forward, knocking your backwards but you shielded Akio from It, you then raised your sword as you spoke quietly, creating swords from your Electro Vision as you sent them forth towards them, a few of them got hit and collapsed but others dodged

you then started to get away, but then one of them dropped In front of you, the one you'd injured created some Ice blades with her Cryo magic, sending them your way 

you dodged or broke them with your sword, you started to feel your vision was blurring due to the smoke, you kept yourself awake as you blocked her blow and stabbed her in the stomach

as she collapsed to the ground she sent one last attack, slicing your arm with a dagger and you yelled in pain, dropping your sword as it was kicked away by one of them, you fell to your knees as you held to Akio with fear filling up In your eyes, they started closing In on you 

blood dripped from your sliced arm, you started coughing from the smoke fumes, recoiling as they came closer and closer with their weapons, a few tears slipped down your cheeks as you didn't want this to be the end, you thought of your husband and son, your family and friends 

you shut your eyes as one of the men raised his sword, but then you heard a familiar voice

"Kamisato Art Marobashi!"

you vaguely saw a vision of white and blue, with a few flashes as you toppled over while holding Akio, and through your blurred vision you saw the face of someone as everything went black.

(Song belongs to Starset all credit goes to them)

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