Anniversary *Bonus Chapter*

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Today was the day of yours and Ayato's Anniversary as you'd been married for three years now, Your Brother Wanderer was still away and he was In Sumeru at the moment but said he wouldn't be back in time to celebrate with you. you were disappointed but it couldn't be helped and Ayaka had been planning a surprise day for the both of you as you'd been so busy as of late, If not Handling matters of the Clan or taking care of the children and that was why since It was your Anniversary Ayaka though you needed a break to enjoy yourselves and have time alone

It was In the morning, knowing what today was you woke up already feeling giddy inside as you turned over In your husband's arms seeing that he was still sleeping soundly, Akio and Nariko were still asleep too In their room that they now shared which was not too far away 

Ayato took in a breath as he started to rouse, just as you brushed his sky blue bangs away from his face as he opened his Lavender eyes that gleamed as the sunlight hit them. No Matter how long you'd been together It always made you become In awe of how beautiful they were 

he sat up to rest on his elbow, "Good Morning My Dear"

you smiled, "Good Morning Darling"

you then started, "'s a special day do you remember what it is?"

Ayato put a hand to his chin, "Special hm...I don't think I recall"

a surprised look came to your face but Ayato then started laughing, "Apologies My Love, I Tease"

you let out a sigh, "You worried me for a moment"

Ayato brought you close and kissed your forehead "I'd never forget, today's our Anniversary"

you smiled as you then hugged him and he buried his face into your neck, pressing some kisses there before you shared a good morning kiss, just as you then saw the sliding door fling open

and In came Akio along with Nariko, "Mommy! Daddy!"

you sat up further with a smile as you opened your arms, Nariko rushed onto your lap while Akio was jumping up and down on the futon "Wakey Wakey!"

Ayato chuckled, "so you've come to give us a wakeup call?"

he beamed, "Aunt Hana told special for momma and papa"

you and Ayato exchanged smiles, as he then scooped up the both of them into his arms as they giggled all the while Ayato started to tickle them just as Keiko hobbled into the room

"Good Morning, Happy Anniversary My lady...My Lord"

you started to stand up, "Keiko you shouldn't trouble yourself, really thank you"

"Nonsense this is a special day for you both, so today I will be at your service if you'd allow It"

Hana soon came to get the children to go get them ready for the day, before you and Ayato went to go get bathed and dressed as well. you had Keiko pick out one of your fancier Kimono's to wear today and It was one that you were gifted when you were pregnant, It was white with beautiful purple flowers with golden detailing and you had your hair down for today but Keiko did put a flower into your hair to complete the look as you also put on some red rouge 

after you finished getting dressed you and Ayato went to go have breakfast with the rest of the family, that being Ayaka and Thoma along with their daughter Miyuki who was growing fast 

"Mommy! can I play with Cousin" she asked

Ayaka smiled and patted her head "Of course sweetie,"

she then turned to Thoma before standing up, "(Y/n), Ayato, Today we'll watch them for you while you go out and enjoy yourselves...this is our Anniversary Gift to you"

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now