Talk amongst siblings Chap.3

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Later on, at night....

In the Kamisato estate, Ayaka had just returned home, she entered the estate greeted by a few of the household servants, taking off her geta shoes, she tossed her periwinkle hair from her shoulder, she went to the dining area where Thoma had dinner set up 

Thoma turned "welcome your ladyship"

Ayaka smiled "thank you, what's tonight's dinner, Thoma"

he smiled "for tonight I have prepared, Rice cake soup"

Ayaka gave a nod going to sit down, she clasped her hands giving thanks to the Electro Archon, before picking up her chopsticks to eat "Thoma, where's brother?"

"His Lordship is in his study, it seems he's in a dilemma about the previous clan meeting"

Ayaka sighed "he works much too hard, Thoma please take him something"

Thoma bowed "yes"

he got another bowl, putting some of the rice cake soup into It, before leaving with the bowl on a tray, Ayaka closed her eyes, continuing to eat, she knew why her brother was being so seclusive at the moment, the Clan elders were advising and pushing him to marry, giving candidate after candidate all eligible noblewoman, but It seemed that he was ignoring so far 

Ayaka let out a breath "well, the good of the Clan is Important, as brother's the clan heir he'll need a son to carry on the family, that's what they're most worried about"

she soon finished eating, wiping her mouth, before she placed her chopsticks down getting up, she headed to Ayato's study, gently rapping on the frame ""

"Oh, sister, come In"

she slid the door open, before coming into the study, she went to kneel not too far from his desk, the bowl was empty which she was glad to see that he'd eaten at least 

she started "brother, I know what you're thinking about"

Ayato let out a sigh "It seems the elders won't give me a break, so I have been put In an difficult position"

"Ayato, maybe you should go ahead and do what they have suggested"

Ayato looked up, with furrowed brows "you think so, please elaborate why?"

Ayaka sighed "the elders are thinking this for the good of the clan, brother you're twenty-four and unmarried, so they think you should marry the most eligible girl of a noble clan to strengthen the bonds, and to also secure the clan's future by having a son"

Ayato placed a gloved hand to his chin, he started to think "what you say is true, but marriage should be for happiness on both parts"

Ayaka nodded "I agree very much, this would be more a political marriage, but sometimes duty has to come over all else"

Ayato let out a sigh "very well, as Kamisato clan leader I have to think of what's best for the clan and the family"

she inched a little closer "of all the candidates, the elders are saying you should marry the Raiden Shogun's daughter"

he looked up, his Lavendar eyes widened slightly his mind then clicked, he remembered meeting you years ago, he then started to think, this alliance would be a grand thing

"Well, I understand, she's the daughter of the Almighty Shogun, but wouldn't it be rude of us to propose a marriage alliance"

Ayaka shook her head "I believe not, it seems appropriate"

Ayato then thought some more, before he made his decision, he took out a new scroll, before getting a brush with ink, starting to write, Ayaka got curious coming around to see 

"what're you writing?"

Ayato finished up writing "sister, have this delivered to the palace, make sure it gets to her Eternal Excellency"

Ayaka was taken aback "oh, as you wish, but what's in it"

Ayato turned looking out the opened window "It's my decision, so all of this can be settled"

Ayaka took the scroll, giving a bow of the head before she left, handing the scroll off 

"Now Thoma, please make sure this gets to the palace, I don't know what's inside, but it seems to be of great Importance, it would be best if you delivered It first thing tomorrow"

Thoma bowed "Yes, your ladyship".

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now