Telling Ei and Miko Chap.30

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Shortly after finding out, you were pregnant, you told Ayaka at dinner that night and she was overjoyed with excitement, saying that she couldn't wait to be an aunt, you and Ayato agreed on keeping the matter private for now and not tell the elders, but the next people you'd tell would be your Mother and Yae Miko, so the next day you woke up, bathed and got dressed as usual, putting on a Purple Kimono for today with red flowers, Keiko tied your Obi before securing It with an Obijime, you then kneeled as she styled your hair into a ponytail with an red flower, you slipped on your Obi socks as you then left the bedroom chamber, heading to the dining hall 

upon coming In Ayato came to your side, "Good morning my dear, here allow me"

you smiled, he helped you to sit down on the mat "good morning, Darling, Thank you but I'm alright"

Also since you told him the news, Ayato's been more attentive of you and more affectionate 

he kissed your hand, "Nonsense, you have to take care my love"

Ayato sat at your side, you shared a good morning kiss just as Thoma emerged from the kitchen, when he placed your breakfast in front of you, you noticed It was different today, there was salmon sushi, egg roll, Miso soup and Wakatakeni, "Oh Thoma, this is different"

Thoma smiled, "I thought I'd change things up, especially now since I'll have make special meals for you, I congratulate you with your pregnancy your ladyship"

you smiled, "Thank you Thoma"

you then gave thanks to Baal, before picking up your chopsticks to eat, Ayato started to eat as well, you first had a piece of the salmon sushi It was nice and fresh, you then had some of the egg roll and sipped the soup,

Ayato turned, "your mother will be delighted, I would imagine Lady Guuji too"

you smiled, "I agree, though mother expressed not wanting to be a grandmother so soon, I think she'll change her mind, especially when our child is born"

Ayato smiled, placing his hand on yours "True"

you then continued to eat until finished, you had a stroll around the estate before heading to the waiting rickshaw, once inside It soon head off to Inazuma city, along the way yours and Ayato's hands were locked together, you rested leaning your head on his shoulder 

Ayato smiled, putting his arm around you "I love you, and I love our child"

you smiled warmly, rubbing your stomach "I love you too, both of you"

after another twenty minutes the rickshaw soon arrived, it came into Inazuma city and after five minutes the rickshaw came to a stop outside of the palace, you and Ayato made the trip up the stairs where Ei was waiting to greet you both, she smiled giving you a hug 

"Welcome back, (Y/n)"

you smiled, hugging her back "Thank you mother"

Ayato bowed, "It's good to see you, I hope you're well mother"

.Ei was taken aback, she then smiled "so, you've decided to call me mother, what's the occasion that I owe this honor"

Ayato smiled, "It's nothing, you are my mother-in-law after all and It terms of occasion I'll let (Y/n) tell you"

you and Ayato exchanged smiles, he gave your hand a squeeze of reassurance

you then turned to Ei, "Mother, I have something to tell you"

Ei gave her full attention, "Yes? I'm listening"

you smiled as you started to tear up, "Mother, Ayato and I are going to have a baby"

Ei stood there stunned, her purple eyes were wide, but then they closed as she took In a breath with tears starting to flow, she walked up giving you the biggest hug 

"I don't know what to say except, I'm going to be a grandmother"

you started to cry a little too, "Yes, you are"

Ei smiled, rubbing your back "Were you afraid, finding out the news"

you shook your head, "No, I'm very happy"

"I see, well don't worry I will be here for you both, as I've already experienced child rearing"

Ei then parted from you; she wiped her tears as she planted a kiss on your forehead, she then gave Ayato a hug which made him taken aback, but he just embraced his mother-in-law 

just then you heard the sounds of geta, "What's this, why is everyone In tears?"

you turned to see Yae Miko, "Oh, Lady Guuji"

Yae smiled, "Hello little one, stopped in to see your mother, did you?"

Ayato turned, exchanging bows with Yae as she walked over to you and Ei 

"So, tell me, why is Ei crying she never cries"

Ei turned away, "I am not, this is merely my show of emotions"

Yae laughed, you then touched your stomach "Lady Guuji, Ayato and I are having a baby"

the Kitsune stood with surprise, her eyes softened "I see, Congratulations you'll be having a little one of your own"

Yae then gave you a hug, "I knew this would happen sooner or later, I'm happy for you"

you smiled, hugging her back as Ei was still having a hard handle with her tears,

"Mother, would you like my handkerchief" asked Ayato 

Ei took a breath, "No I'll be fine, just give me another moment, let's all go sit down for some tea shall we?"

you all then moved to the tearoom in the palace, sitting down to talk over tea where Ei showed more of her rejoicing for your pregnancy.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now