Whispers In the City Chap.2

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After Entering Inazuma City, the rickshaw driver took you both near the heart of the city, before the rickshaw came to a stop, you and Keiko got down, before you started to walk having a look around It was livelier today, as you walked, you took your fan from inside your sleeve, unfolding the white fan with purple Hydrangea designs, you started to fan yourself lightly, Keiko followed beside you as you walked over to one of the shops, you went to purchase a new sharpener for your sword, as Ei always told you a dull blade will not hold true, afterwards you went to the Kimono and Textiles shop, you admired the new line of Kimono's, you went inside 

Ogura Mio turned, with a bow "Oh, Princess, Good day "

you smiled "Good day Ogura, the new line is lovely"

she smiled "I'm honored you think so"

you walked closer, looking over the many colors and designs, they were all very nice, sometimes you came to just browse, after looking some more you soon bid Ogura goodbye, you walked down the street coming to the snack stall, it was almost lunch, but you fancied something sweet 

you hadn't eaten sweets In a while, you looked at the Sakura mochi, it looked tasty, but you had a different flavor in mind, you chose the dango milk, you'd loved It ever since childhood

you handed over the amounted Mora, before Keiko got you the bottle, you smiled pleasantly opening the lid, before you had a little sip It was the right amount of sweetness

"Sir, your Dango milk, has been a favorite of mine since childhood it's very wonderful"

the shop keeper bowed "to be praised by the princess, It's an honor, thank you"

you smiled "Please, rise, you should be proud of the creation you've made"

he smiled "thank you for your kindness, princess"

you had another sip, getting a piece of dango, It was nice and chewy not too sweet also, you adored this beverage, you put the lid back on it before storing It away, you'd have the rest In a bit but now you left the stand, as to have a little stroll, as you walked by several people started to whisper amongst themselves, you looked back noticing to find this odd

you leaned over to Keiko "Is something the matter, the citizens seem to be whispering about something"

Keiko leaned "I'm not sure, but It seems they're talking about you"

you furrowed your brows "whyever for, I haven't done anything to issue gossip"

you both soon went to the Narukami Shrine, as to visit Yae Miko, but you'd just barely missed her as she was on her way to the Yae publishing house


she turned "Oh, why if it isn't Ei's daughter, how've you been little one"

you bowed "I've been well, nice to see you Lady Guuji"

Keiko bowed as well "Lady Guuji"

Yae Miko smiled "for Ei's daughter, you don't need to be so formal"

you smiled "oh but I must, you're my mother's familiar and my teacher"

Miko waved her hand "as you like, I suppose, what're you up to today"

"After I finished my Koto lesson, I asked mother If I could go out for a bit"

Miko crossed her arms "I see, you seem to have done some shopping too"

you smiled "just a sharpener for my sword, and some dango milk"

she nodded "I see, that dango milk, also a favorite of your mother's"

Keiko started "Lady Guuji, as her Ladyship passed by, onlookers started to whisper about, is something going on?"

Yae Miko started to laugh "you didn't know, well I'll tell you, the leader of the Yashiro commission and Clan head of the Kamisato clan, there's rumors around town that he's planning to wed but gossip is gossip after all, who Know's if It's true"

"Oh, I see"

you then started to think, you'd only met Ayato once when you were younger, he gave off the impression of an admirable young man, although much older than you It had been some time

Miko started walking "he's way more than eligible, I hear his Clan elders have been trying to persuade him"

you smiled "well, if he does marry, I'm sure she'll be a good match for him"

Yae Miko nodded "I agree, now I best be off to the publishing house, take care little one"

she turned leaving, you then looked up to the Sakura tree's, the wind blew with the petals blowing all around, you turned walking in the opposite direction "come, let's return".

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now