Kicks and signs of Spring Chap.38

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Ayato had returned a few days ago and two weeks had passed, it would soon be your eighth month of pregnancy, the time was drawing closer and you were excited but also a little nervous, this would be your first time giving birth of course so you were a little scared, but you had faith that everything would go well, the weather started changing within Inazuma the snow was melting away and It started to become warmer, Spring had arrived at last after the long winter next month would be April which was the rainy season, you were happy to know that all the greenery and such would become lush after the rain, Spring felt like a rebirth of sorts 

you'd just woken up from your noon nap, Ayato was by your side as he'd also came to rest with you, as It was almost time for you to give birth Ayato was more Alert when It came to you, he hoped and prayed with all his heart, that you would be safe during and after the birth, he learned how at times giving birth was like being on the border of death, and he wouldn't be able to bare losing you, Ayato tried his best to suppress his negative thoughts and concerns

you turned over In his arms, facing him as he lied still asleep, you smiled as you caressed his cheek which made a smile come to his face, he then opened his Lavendar eyes 

you smiled, "did you rest well darling?"

he chuckled, "That's what I'd like to ask you"

Ayato then leaned In as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, he then rubbed your stomach just as you felt a jolt from Inside you, "Darling, did you feel that, she just kicked"

Ayato smiled, he then sat up placing his head on your stomach, the baby kicked once more and Ayato let out a laugh, "She's quite strong"

you giggled, "yes, just a few days ago she kicked me twice as hard"

he then rubbed your stomach In a circle, "It's warmer outside, how about we go for a stroll"

you smiled with a nod, "That'd be nice,"

he helped you to sit up, you then called for Keiko and she came inside, helping you to stand up as you then left the bedroom to go freshen up, upon coming back she helped you change Into another Kimono, It was pale blue with white flowers on It

she then adjusted the Obi above your stomach, tying It secure as you then took In a breath, she then fixed up your hair Into a bun with a pin, the flowers on it reminded you of the spring now, you then slipped on your Haori as you put on your Geta shoes, Ayato then came to join you at the front entrance as you went outside, hand In hand you walked around the estate 

Ayato put his arm around you to give you more warmth, It was Indeed warmer but there was still a little chill In the air, you soon came around to the Hydrangea garden, and there you saw a new bud that were starting to form from the pink one, you smiled as you gestured 

"Darling look, there's going to be another one"

Ayato smiled, he looked closer "Indeed, and In a way I'd say that this reflects us"

you looked to him with a smile, he then cupped your cheek "I planted that Hydrangea for you, and for us as a symbol of our love"

he then placed his hands on your stomach, "and just like that Hydrangea, a new bloom is coming Into our lives,"

you smiled warmly, "yes"

he then placed his forehead against yours and you leaned into his touch, 

"I promise I'll be the best father I can be," said Ayato 

 "I know, just as I said before you'll be a wonderful father"

you then parted a little before you shared a kiss, Ayato smiled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead and you returned It, you then looked to the Hydrangea's once more before you left to go back Inside.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now