Discussion of Names Chap.35

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A Week later...

just the other day Chisato had come to visit you again, and she'd brought some gifts of clothing for your baby there were two sets, one for a boy and one for a girl, since you still didn't know which one you'd be having It was good to have both just In case, as of late you'd been having nausea again recently but It was common for the fifth month, same with headaches but you had to bare through it and try to cope, you could tolerate pain somewhat well but It was still hard and you knew the pains of giving birth would be much worse, lately you'd been looking through a few books, searching for any baby names that you liked, so far none of them struck your fancy, but you still had plenty of time to look, Ei had come to visit you too, she was very excited to meet her soon grandchild, though In all her years of living she never thought this would happen

It was now after dinner, you and Ayato went to sit In the main hall for a bit just to view the full moon together, you were cuddled up with a blanket around you both, you rested your head on his shoulder as he told you constellations In the sky, 

you smiled, "I didn't know you liked Astronomy Darling"

Ayato chuckled, "Well not really, it's just something I learned to ease my boredom"

he rubbed your shoulder, "In my spare time when I was just becoming the Clan Leader, I would sometimes wonder what It would be like, If I was just a normal boy without any of the responsibilities and pressures"

you looked up at him, "I understand, It was hard for you as you were just a child, you were exposed to the reality of life too soon"

Ayato nodded, "Indeed, I knew It was my responsibility, but I was so lonely and I was afraid that I wouldn't live up to the expectations of the Clan, and let my parents down"

you sat up, rubbing his arm "but you didn't, and I know they'd be proud of you"

Ayato smiled; he then laced his hands with yours "you're right"

he rubbed your hand before kissing It, "And now here I am, I'm married to the love of my life and we'll soon be parents"

Ayato then rubbed your baby bump, "I saw you were looking through a few books earlier,"

"Yes, I was just looking for potential names, but so far none have caught my eye"

you then looked up to the moon, Ayato started thinking "Akio..."

you turned "hm?

Ayato smiled, "how about Akio if It's a boy, It's a name that means bright"

you smiled, "I like It, then what If It's a girl?"

"I thought, Nariko, It's a name that means thunder"

you smiled, as you rested your head on his shoulder again "Mother would be pleased with that"

Ayato chuckled "She would, I actually got the Idea from Ayaka, as she's always learned that the thunder is the voice of her Excellency, and she's always listened to It without fear"

"I see, whenever It stormed I was never afraid, I would always feel a sense of protection"

just then you shivered, Ayato brought the blanket over you more "It's getting colder, it won't be long before the first snow,"

you then sat there for a while longer, you soon covered a yawn and Ayato kissed your cheek 

"It's late, let's head to bed and warm up"

you nodded, he then guided you onto your feet before he picked you up bridal style, carrying you back to the bedroom chambers, once there he placed you down gently 

he kissed your forehead, "I'll return In a bit"

he then left the bedroom and Keiko came in, "Ready for bed my lady"


you stood up as Keiko then helped you to undress, lastly removing the bindings from your breasts, she then brought over your sleep Yukata, you put It on before she tied the light obi with It being secure, you then took the pin out of your hair as Keiko combed your hair

"Keiko, Ayato told me some names for our child, If it's a boy Akio, or a girl Nariko"

Keiko smiled, "One meaning bright, and the other thunder, they sound really nice"

you smiled with a nod "I agree,"

Keiko then finished, she stood with a bow "Goodnight my Lady, get some rest"

she then left the bedroom chamber, Ayato then returned now wearing his nightwear as well, he went to blow out the candle in the room, before he came to your side on the futon, you then got underneath the comforter as he brought his arms around you, you snuggled more into him, you faced each other; you brushed his bangs from in front of his eyes, you then shared a sweet kiss 

Ayato kissed your nose, "I love you"

you smiled, "I love you too darling, and I know our baby does too"

Ayato smiled, he then rubbed your stomach "And I love them, Akio or Nariko"

you then started to giggle, Ayato chuckled "What is It?"

"I was just thinking, imagine if It turns out to be twins"

"Well, the possibilities are endless anything can happen, If so It would be a blessing"

he started to stroke your hair, you relaxed into his gentle loving touch as you felt sleepier, and soon you drifted off to sleep, Ayato pressed a kiss to your forehead as he then closed his own eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now