Two Hearts as One Chap.22

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After that day, you and Ayato now were able to start your real marriage, not of politics but of real true love that you shared, Ayaka was very happy, life In the estate had started to become much more happier and brighter, when Ayato had another clan meeting he told the elders to no longer concern themselves with his marriage bed problems, and when you both were ready you'd do the Clan's duty for yourselves, he meant no disrespect of course but few were offended, you were now able to attend the Clan's meetings on certain matters, sometimes things got out of hand and arguments would break out, but you watched how calmly and coolly your husband would handle them, In your eyes Ayato was just as dazzling now as he was back when you'd first met, he was a wonderful Clan Leader, but most Importantly a wonderful husband

It was In the morning, you turned over In bed still sleeping, Ayato was awake but he didn't have to go anywhere today, he made sure to clear his schedule as to spend more time with you, he smiled warmly as he lightly caressed your cheek, you soon started rouse from your slumber 

you smiled, "Good morning, my lord"

he smiled, coming closer "Good morning my lady, did you sleep well"

you nodded, "Yes I did, my lord I thought you would've left earlier"

"No, I cleared my schedule today, as I'd like to spend more time with you today"

you smiled warmly "Alright"

you sat up, as he brought you into his arms, you smiled as you hugged him back, he then parted from you as his blue eyes shined, you shared a good morning kiss before he got up, you were still getting used to this so It made your heart flutter, he put on his haori "I'll give you some privacy to get dressed then..."

he turned, with a smile "Let's have breakfast together, my dear"

you smiled with a blush "yes alright"

he went to the doors, sliding them open before he went outside closing them behind, just as Keiko soon came Into the bedroom "Good morning my lady"

"Good morning Keiko"

she kneeled next to the futon, she smiled teasingly "Did I hear his lordship just call you, my dear"

you giggled, "Yes he did, I'm still getting used to these new things"

you then stood up, you walked over to the doors as Keiko quickly made up the futon, you left your bedroom chambers to go bathe for the day, Keiko filled up the tub with semi-hot waters and soaps, you undressed from your sleep Yukata, getting into the tub as you let out a sigh 

you smiled, "being in love like this, It's still new but nonetheless wonderful"

Keiko smiled "I would imagine so, not many married couples have fallen in love after marriage, it's usually before but I'm happy for you My lady, perhaps one day the cries of a baby will resound throughout the estate"

you blushed, hiding your face "Keiko not you too, first It was Kokomi"

she laughed, "Forgive me, but I know It would be a delight"

you uncovered your face, as you started to imagine you and Ayato with a baby, a smile started coming to your face, It would be wonderful to have a baby one day you thought, you continued to wash yourself as Keiko handled your hair, you were excited on the inside as this would be the first morning you and Ayato would have breakfast together, you felt kind of silly at the moment 

Keiko brought the wooden basin over, she poured the water over your hair as to rinse out the soap, she then wrung out your hair before parting It, you then stood up as she handed you the towel, you dried yourself off, stepping out the tub before you put on a new underdress 

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now