Palace Visits Chap.15

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A Week later....

you had woken up and dressed with Keiko's help, now having breakfast with Ayato It was the first time he'd dined with you for breakfast, you found yourself secretly happy about that but then you started to wonder as to why, you both had grown to enjoy each other's company and he often seeked you out to have a nice talk whenever he wasn't away working at the commission, recently Ayaka's words came back about you and Ayato growing closer to become a true pair, the thought brought a blush to your face but even more surprising a little smile 

after finishing breakfast, you put on your geta shoes heading outside to the rickshaw, you waited for Ayato with him soon coming outside, he got in next to you with the man pulling It along making his way to Inazuma city, you looked out at the terrain along the way It was very serene and calming, Ayato turned seeing the pleasant smile on your face which made his heart thump

he then looked down at your folded hands, he started having the urge to hold your hand, but he refrained from doing so thinking you wouldn't like It and be displeased, although from being around you this long he could tell you weren't the type to get upset over things like that

you turned looking at him "the land is very nice; I can see why the Clan settled here"

Ayato chuckled "Indeed You have a good eye, my lady, it was about one hundred years ago that the Kamisato Clan came to Inazuma and established"

you nodded "I learned about that when I was little, Mother always made sure I knew the history of Inazuma and It's Clans"

Ayato smiled "So It was with me, my father drilled It all into my mind at a young age and I've never forgotten one of his lessons"

"My lord, Pardon me for asking, but your parents when did they..."

Ayato sighed "It happened when I was just a teenage boy and Ayaka a little girl, All those years of being Clan Leader took a toll on Father's health and he died... later Mother passed as well out of her grief of losing him, leaving the mantle of Clan Leader to me I mended and restored the honor of the Clan, while also continuing to raise my sister as best I could"

you saw loneliness crowd over his expression, it made your heart ache you then placed your hand on top of his "It must've been hard, all alone you took on everything"

Ayato felt his heart thump fast again, but then he placed his hand on yours "It's all in the distant past now, and as you can see the Clan is thriving once again back to Its glory, all I care about now Is the peace withing Inazuma and my family"

you smiled "You're very noble in heart and spirit, caring of others before yourself"

pink dusted his cheeks "Thank you"

he then realized he was still holding your hand, he cleared his throat as he removed his hand, the rickshaw soon arrived outside the entrance of Inazuma city, making Its way into the city you saw many of the people going about their day as usual, it seemed all was well in your home

 the rickshaw made Its way to the palace stopping below the stairs, Ayato got off before he helped you to step down, the guards bowed as you both passed by making your way up the stairs, up in the distance you saw your mother waiting to receive you both

once you reached the top, Ayato bowed "Almighty Shogun"

Ei smiled "There is no need for that, I'm your mother-in-law now aren't I"

she then opened her arms, you bowed before going to hug her as she patted your head 

she then parted from you "Welcome home (Y/n), I have tea prepared please come in"

you and Ayato followed her into the palace, you started to have nostalgia as it had been two weeks since you'd been living In the Kamisato estate, fond childhood memories returned

you went into the tearoom, sitting across from Ei as she poured the tea herself, she handed you a cup first before doing the same for Ayato, he had a polite sip of his tea 

Ei then placed the teapot back onto the tray "So, how is It in the estate"

you smiled "It's very nice, the staff are very kind and welcoming, I've gotten used to It"

Ei gave a nod "That's good to hear, I know the Kamisato estate doesn't lack anything, but please let me know If there's something you need"

"Yes Mother, but please don't worry all is well"

Ei gave a little laugh "Alright, but can't I be doting mother for a little longer"

Ayato chuckled "from the woman she is now, I can tell you've always been doting on (Y/n), you raised her to be a wonderful person"

you blushed, looking away 

Ei looked at the exchange between you both, a smile came to her lips she knew she didn't have to worry too much anymore, as she knew you'd be cherished

Ei then started "Miko has wanted to see and talk with you, perhaps while you're In the city you could stop by"

you smiled with a nod, "It's been sometime since I've seen Lady Guuji, we'll stop by the publishing house before returning home,"

Ei then looked to Ayato, she then beckoned you close, you leaned In as she whispered 

"Tell me, did anything happen on your wedding night" she asked

you blushed "No, Mother, he wished for us to wait until I'm ready"

Ei sighed "It's good that he values your opinion, very well, because I'm not sure I'd be ready to become a grandmother so soon"

you stifled a giggle, sitting back the correct way once more as Ayato looked confused, he Inwardly started to wonder what was said, but then he dismissed It, knowing what was said between a mother and daughter wasn't his business, you picked up your cup having a sip of the tea, for the rest of the visit Ei just talked with you both in a relaxed casual manner, even talking some of her fondest memories with you, It made you tear up a little bit 

Ei let out a sigh, "In all my years I never had a child, that is until (Y/n) came along and changed my life for the better, I finally had something precious to protect besides Inazuma"

Ayato gave a warm smile "Your Excellency, (Y/n) told me the truth of how you saved her life and took her In"

Ei was taken aback " do? but It was supposed to remain secret"

you started "I decided to tell him, as It made no more sense to keep It secret, despite my coming from humble beginnings I'm still Princess of Inazuma"

Ayato nodded "Yes, your excellency I hope you didn't think I'd be displeased about this, her Origin is of no matter, because she Is here now and Is who she is"

you felt your heartbeat quicker, you looked up at Ayato his blue eyes shone of truth, he gave you a gentle smile which made that feeling rise up in your heart again, but then Ei gave a nod 

she smiled "Indeed you're right"

you all then rose onto your feet, leaving the tearoom Ei walked with you out of the castle 

you hugged her "Take care mother, we'll come back soon"

she nodded "you take care as well, the Shogun already misses you, but she won't say"

you giggled "I see, do tell her I said hello"

Ei smiled "I will"

Ayato smiled, bowing his head "We will return again soon, please take care your excellency"

Ei touched his shoulder "You know, Ayato It's no problem If you address me as Mother-In-law, or even perhaps Mother, despite my exalted status It's okay to relax the etiquette"

"It wouldn't be proper of me, I really couldn't"

Ei smiled "Perhaps one day, now then you both take care and have safe journey back"

 you both then bowed to her one more time, you then started the trip down the stairs of the palace soon reaching the bottom, getting back into the rickshaw, going back into the city.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now