After Feast and New home Chap.12

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The Rickshaw made its way down the mountain, along the way It was rather bumpy which made Ayato look to see if you were alright, at one point the rickshaw went over a rock which made you all jump a little bit, Ayato placed his hand on yours as a form of steadiness and calm to you 

"Are you alright" he asked 

you nodded "Yes, thank you"

 "These Rickshaws can be quite rigorous especially on mountainous roads"

he soon retracted his hand from yours, you looked down with a blush you hadn't realized he did that until a second later, the rickshaw made the rest of the journey down quickly heading into the valley towards the direction of the Kamisato estate, after almost twenty minutes It soon arrived outside the grand estate, Ayato stepped down from the rickshaw before he extended his hand up to you, you placed your hand In his as he helped you to step down, 

"Your Personal Maid will be arriving shortly, the feast will be In a little while please do take your time to rest as the ceremony was long, If you need anything do ask, I must be going to check on preparations now"

you gave a nod "alright"

you then exchanged smiles before he released your hand, he headed inside of the estate entrance while you looked around, you started walking inside of the courtyard it had a very lovely stone garden with few trees, you found It be very nice along with the house Itself

just then you heard footsteps, you turned to see Keiko coming through the entrance 

you smiled "Keiko"

she came up to you "Lady (Y/n), It was a long walk to here, how are you feeling?"

you started "I'm alright, the garment has made me feel tired, but I'm feeling much more reassured then before"

Keiko smiled "that's good, come let's go Inside now"

you started inside the estate, the inside was very specious and nice you were soon greeted by a man with blonde hair and green eyes, wearing colors of red, black and gold he bowed low

"Welcome my lady, I am Thoma, the housekeeper of the estate"

you smiled "Nice to meet you Thoma,"

he stood back up "Please follow me, I'll show you to your new bed chambers"

you nodded following him along with Keiko, as you walked you looked around a little seeing a few of the Clan's banners hanging from the ceiling, you followed Thoma down a long corridor coming to two big sliding doors, he gestured with a bow, Keiko pushed open them both to reveal your new bedroom It was very spacious, there was already a Kirintansu drawer It was filled with your Kimono's along with new ones, the futon was quite big enough for two people 

you then realized, tonight after the feast you'd be sleeping In the same bed as Ayato, you'd already known that especially as you were now married but It was a little frightening, especially since you learned what usually goes on during a wedding night between husband and wife 

you felt a blush rise on your cheeks, but you dismissed these thoughts not wanting to think about It any further, you kneeled to sit down after a while, the futon was very comfortable 

Keiko came and massaged your shoulders "the wedding feast will be after a while, I'll help you change into the Oironaoshi"

you gave a nod as you relaxed, the weight of the garment had caused discomfort in your shoulders, but you felt a bit better after Keiko massaged them, rose back onto your feet as she then started to help you change into a colored version of your wedding Kimono (Oironaoshi), It was blue with pink flowers, the blue was meant to symbolize your transition Into the Clan

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now