A Brother? Chap.55

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A few days later....

your Mother had wanted to speak with you as there was an urgent matter, so you made your way to her study with a little quick pace, Ayato was currently away as to see to the continued construction of the new Estate and Akio was being watched by Hana, 

upon coming to her study Ei was brought out of her thoughts, "Come In"

you stepped inside and slid the door closed behind before walking over, and you held your stomach as you carefully sat down on the tatami mat "what's wrong Mother?"

Ei let out a sigh, "Many things, but please before I explain I hope that you'll forgive me what I am about to tell you Is my fault"

you gave her your attention, Ei then started "(Y/n), you have...well in a word a brother"

you were shocked, "I...have a brother?"

"Yes, his name is Kunikuzushi but he wasn't born from me...or adopted like you were because I created him with my powers"

you were stunned, "you created him?"

Ei nodded, "yes, and that was at least a hundred years ago, I created him for the purpose of being a vessel as to hold my gnosis, the thing which gives me my Archon powers but he proved to be inaffective, but I didn't destroy him despite Miko thinking so but instead I set him free, In which now I realize the mistake I made...do you know of the Fatui"

"I've heard some about them, they were the ones who set fire to the Estate from what Ayato told me regarding the Investigation"

Ei stood up, "Correct, they were formed years ago and have been given authority by the Cryo Archon the Tsaritsa, She and I never got along in the past...she's even more cold than I used to be and Is cruel, but their mission is to obtain all the Gnosis of every Archon In Teyvant, and Kunikuzushi Is a Fatui Harbringer under the name Balladeer, he wishes to kill me and destroy this nation"

you silently gasped not knowing what to say, but then you started "he came here didn't he?"

"Sharp as ever, yes he did and threatened me, as well as vowing to destroy Inazuma but please don't worry as long as I'm here I'll never let that happen"

you touched your stomach, taking in a deep breath "alright"

you then looked at her, "but Mother, why didn't you ever tell me this before?"

Ei closed her eyes, "because I wanted to protect you, this is not something for you to worry about you're pregnant again, as the Shogun I will handle this"

you carefully stood up, "I've never questioned your decisions before as my Mother or Archon but...this time I have to, I wish you would've spoke to me about this despite that, I have a brother and one who is part of an Evil Organization no less who wants to take down all nations...this doesn't just concern my safety It also concerns the safety of my friends, my husband and children...not to mention our home, why did you have to tell me this now when It seems the waters are becoming troubled"

Ei fell silent as guilt welled up Inside of her, "I...."

you took in a breath, before you bowed your head "please Excuse me"

Ei started to stop you but she let you go, knowing that you needed time  

turning as you started out of her study, walking down the hallway as you felt everything begin to overwhelm you a little bit and you suddenly felt like things were suffocating, and you stopped to take in a breath as you rubbed your stomach while trying not to become distressed.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now