One Family Chap.61 END

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Three years later... Ayato( 27), You (25), Akio (4), Nariko (3)

during the last three years Scaramouche was serving his sentence well, and he'd come to change a lot due to the care of yours and mercy of Ei, he'd opened up more and was nicer but he also gave himself daily reminders that he could never forget what he'd done in the past, and so with your help he'd created a private memorial In Inazuma for all those who'd lost their lives at his hands, this act struck Ei as Admirable and It made Ayato lessen his unease with him too, but what day something miraculous happened when Scaramouche was alone at night in his cell, An Anemo vision appeared in which he knew someone out there was giving him a chance, so after asking Ei constantly she released him to wonder Teyvant with a fresh start, he'd left the Fatui for good so he couldn't use Scaramouche as his name anymore so he just went by Wanderer. But you preferred to call him Kuni for short of his original name, It annoyed him at first but he soon got used to it along with your hugs and It seemed he'd fully accepted you as his sister.

you and Ayato were seeing him off for his journey, with Akio and Nariko at your sides

Akio hugged his legs, "Uncle Kuni! don't leave"

he got to one knee, "Hey, It's not forever so don't cry okay...take care little guy"

Wanderer gave a little smile as he hugged his nephew while patting his head, just then you put Nariko down so she could walk over to him, and he picked her up into his arms

"Don't you cry either, I'll come back to visit soon"

Nariko blinked her purple eyes, "Kay!"

Wanderer put her down, "Go on now"

Akio grabbed his little sister's hand and pulled her along to follow him over as they played,

"Children stay close!" you said

you then turned to Wanderer, "Take care of yourself,"

"I will, don't worry I'll stay out of trouble" he said

you smiled and gave him a look, In which made him laugh "Come on you know me now"

you held his hands, "Did you talk to Mother?"

"Yeah...she told me to behave, I'm too old for that"

you giggled before you hugged him, and he brought one hand to touch your back as he patted it

Ayato cleared his throat, "Well, take care of yourself"

"Will do Brother In law"

Ayato started, "I know I've had my share of doubts about you, but now I've seen the man behind the mask and...I want to apologize"

Wanderer shook his head, "don't do that, seriously I don't deserve It"

Ayato gripped his hand, "no through your actions In honoring the dead and the way you care about (Y/n) and our children, I misjudged you despite all you did're changing"

Wanderer sighed and shook his hand, "Thanks...."

he then put on his hat that went with his new now lighter colored attire, and his Anemo Vision hung above his golden feather, he turned with a wave as he started leaving

you let out a sigh, "I hope on his journey...he sees many things and meets new people that he'd never seen before"

Ayato touched your shoulder, "I'm sure he will"

Akio and Nariko came back over as they watched their uncle leave, 

Akio looked up, "Mama"

you smiled, "yes sweetheart"

"Uncle Kuni be okay?"

you bent down, "Yes, he's very strong"

Nariko tugged on the hem of your Kimono and you picked her back up, Ayato then held Akio's hand as all of you headed back into Inazuma city to meet up with Ayaka and Thoma, along with their Daughter Miyuki who was the almost the same age as Akio

Ayaka waved, "Elder Sister! Brother!"

Miyuki smiled and jumped down from her father's lap as she ran to you four 

"Uncle! Auntie!"

you set Akio down as Miyuki showed him the toy swords she'd gotten, In which they started to play around with them, but Nariko didn't want to play swords and she never liked such things, you could tell she was a more quiet little girl who kept to herself, you and Ayato had talked about if he'd teach the children how to fight one day but you decided It should be their choice

but Akio already showed a lot of interest in those things, especially when he was with Ei and he looked up to his grandmother very much which brought her no end of joy. In terms of combat for yourself you'd put up your own blade so you could focus on the children and family, Engaging more Clan matters as you continued to assist your husband with his Clan Leader duties

you sat next to Ayato on one of the benches as you watched Thoma play with the kids,

Ayato brought his hand to yours as he gave It a squeeze, and you held It back In return

"A lots happened these past years hasn't It...we've gone through many difficulties"

Ayato then looked to you with a smile, "but through It all my've made me fall for you all over again, with your strength and wisdom as well as your good heart"

you smiled warmly, "Ayato..."

you scooted closer as he brought his arm around you, and you looked up into his Lavender eyes that were still clear as they'd always been like the water, leaning in to him as you kissed.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now