A Priestess Visits Chap.23

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A few days later....

you had received a letter from the palace, your mother had written to you as to tell that she was well, she had actually worked out an agreement with the Shogun, you were glad that all was well with her most of all, it was the afternoon and after you finished reading the letter you went outside to the back gardens, you walked outside of the estate walking around to the back where you saw the Hydrangea gardens, It was breathtaking as always, there alone was the pink Hydrangea that Ayato had planted just for you, every time you looked at it you were reminded of that day, you bore your hearts to each other and came together truly 

you smiled warmly, "That moment, shall remain forever In my heart"

just then you heard footsteps approaching, you turned surprised to see Kokomi, you smiled walking up to her as you exchanged polite bows, you then hugged

"Kokomi, It's so good to see you"

she smiled, "Yes, I apologize for not sending word of my arrival"

you shook your head, "It's quite alright, did you just arrive?"

she nodded, "Yes, and I thought why not pay you a visit at your home"

she then looked to the Hydrangea Garden, "Oh my, It's so lovely but why is one only pink"

you smiled, "My Husband Gifted me this garden, and the pink Hydrangea is a symbol of his love, as the color means true feelings"

Kokomi smiled, "How sweet, It seems you've become a good pair like I thought"

you gestured "Oh, would you like to come In for some refreshment"

"I'd be delighted, thank you"

you then started back around away from the gardens, Kokomi followed as you went Inside the estate, she took her shoes off placing them beside your geta shoes, you went into the dining area before calling for Thoma, he came out the kitchen holding a broom 

he smiled, but then hid the broom behind his back "Yes, Your ladyship"

"Thoma could you please bring refreshments for the Priestess and I"

he bowed, "Yes of course"

he went back into the kitchen, Kokomi seated herself on the tatami mat across from you, she looked around at the Interior quite a bit "It's so nice here, I've never even stepped foot within the Kamisato Clan territory"

you smiled, "so It was with me, the estate has an air of elegance"

Thoma soon emerged from the kitchen, with cups of tea and Tri colored Dango skewers, setting them onto the table, "Please, I hope you enjoy"

you smiled with a nod, "Thank you Thoma, by the way I meant to ask, where's his lordship"

"I believe he stepped out for the moment"

you nodded, you then picked up your cup having a sip of the tea, Kokomi had a bite of her Tri colored Dango, you soon did the same, you really enjoyed Dango be It sweet or savory, just then your vision went dark and you looked around In confusion, "What is this?"

Ayato chuckled, "What Is this or rather who Is It, my dear"

you then realized, a smile coming to your face "My Lord, Please don't tease me"

he uncovered your eyes, you then turned to look up at him as he placed his hands on your shoulders, Kokomi started to get up but he stopped her, "There's no need for Formalities, we're honored by your visit Divine Priestess, please do relax" 

Kokomi sat back down, "Very well"

"My Lord, did you just return"

Ayato nodded, "Yes I had something to do at the Commission"

Kokomi smiled, "Lord Kamisato we were just talking about you, (Y/n) told me what significance the gardens hold"

you blushed, "Kokomi"

Ayato chuckled, he then leaned closer to you "It's significance is special to us both"

you smiled, placing your hand atop his "Indeed"

Kokomi looked at the exchange between you both, It filled her with happiness to see It, Ayato pressed a kiss to your head, he then let go "Excuse me, I didn't mean to interrupt you both"

"You weren't Interrupting, we were just having a little chat" you said 

"I see, that puts my mind at ease, but I must be going now I'm off to do a little training with my blade"

you nodded, "Oh I see, please be careful my lord"

Ayato then left the dining room, you had a sip of your tea just as Kokomi stood up 

"I know this was short, I'm sorry but her Excellency would like a meeting with me"

"Mother? I understand"

you then got up walking out with her, she put on her shoes before you went to the estate entrance, Bidding goodbye 

Kokomi smiled, "I will see you again soon, remember what I said last time, I'd love to be the honorary aunt of your child"

you smiled, "when the time comes it be by the will of His Lordship and I, but of course I will give you that honor, have a safe trip Kokomi"

you hugged before exchanging polite bows, Kokomi then went back to her waiting rickshaw, she waved to you as It took off, you watched until she was out of sight before you went back Inside.

Love like water and ever evolving, Ayato Kamisato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now