Chapter 1: When did it Start?

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— Kiss Through the Mask —
Ranboo's POV

Why him? When did it start? When did I start having these feelings for him? Those questions roam around my head while I was thinking of a certain someone.

I've been in the SMP for a while, and interacted with some of the members, but one of them had caught my eye. He was a cute British boy, by the name of Tubbo, he was really nice and was really fun to hang out with. He was apparently my age, so we got along pretty well.

I'm very shy when it comes to socializing, but it was him who reached out and hanged out with me. Whenever we talk, I would be usually the one listening and it didn't bother me, since I loved the sound of his cute voice. I don't know why, but I always yearn for the sound of him for comfort.

After a few months of getting to know more about him, I realized that he was very fond of bees, so I started to call him "Bee", and for his 'payback' he would call be "Boo", he thinks that I might get annoyed by that name, but I found it very heart warming and cute, but I just told him that I was okay with it, and seeing him pout was worth it.

I didn't know when it started, my feelings for him, I even began to question my own sexuality, I always thought that I liked girls, but now that I think about it, I've never really had a girl crush, so welp, guess I'm gay now.

Maybe it was that one conversation that I had with him? Me and Tubbo were in a voice call 'cause he said he was bored or something, and we went into the topic of "what's your type?", a question that mostly everyone asks to there crush.

"Hey Boo, do you have a type?"
"Probably, why?"
"No reason, I just remembered someone asking me that before"
"Oh, I thought you were hitting on me"
"Oh shut up Boo"

I chuckled, I badly wanted to tell him that my type was him. As a joke just to mess with him.

That was before I hadn't developed my feelings yet.

"I guess my type... is you Bee"

I chuckled afterwards.

"Oh ho ho ho~ and you said I was hitting on you?"

I let out a small laugh, I was about to say something but he cut me off.

"Well I guess you're my type too Boo, that's why I like you" he said clearly with a smile in his voice.

I froze in my chair, not really knowing how to reply yet as my brain was still processing.

He sounded so... sincere... It was like he was actually confessing to me, why didn't he make it sound like it was a joke? He sounded like he actually meant it...

Was his like in a friend way? It didn't sound like that though, so... did he mean that?

My face felt hot, and I felt my heart race, 'what is this feeling?' I thought. I didn't realize that I was spacing out in real life, and it was just pure silence when I was overthinking in my head. I think the silence was killing Tubbo, so he decided to speak up.

"Hey Boo? you still there?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back to my monitor to see Tubbos icon in my screen. I quickly shook off my unnecessary thoughts and spoke up.

"Y-yeah I'm here... I'm here Bee..."
"Oh, there you are"
"Sorry... I spaced out for a bit"
"It's okay, and I'm sorry for saying that earlier, it must've made you uncomfortable"

Ah shit... I made him apologize...

"No no, it's okay, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all, I was just think about... something else, don't worry"
"Okay Boo... if you say so"

We went back to talking about random stuff like usual. So I'm guessing that's where is started? 'cause after that interaction I felt different around him, I felt more tense and nervous, and would always feel a slight burn in my cheeks.

Thank god that Tubbo is oblivious and dense, since even I myself can very much tell by my actions, and my wording was totally different when I talk with other people than to Tubbo, god what is this.

So that's where it started... heh, I'm an idiot, I fell in love... with my best friend, how unfortunate, but I guess I should be happy about this, since my first love was taken away, by my Beloved Bee... Tubbo.

To be continued...

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