Chapter 12: Finally Us

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{Ranboos POV}

I finally confessed to Tubbo last night, and for some miracle, he liked me back too. I slept well last night, discarding the part where I cried cause dream Tubbo was gone, but like he said, I have my own Tubbo in real life, but still, he helped me through a lot and gave me the motivation to actually confess, also credit to Tommy for being a bro.

I woke up feeling happy for knowing the fact that me and Tubbo had mutual feelings for each other, though we still need to have further discussions on what we are now, if were dating or not.

Tubbo ruffled around my chest and looked up to me with a sloppy smile, clearly still half awake. And I smiled back at him, kissing is forehead.

"Good morning Boo"
"Morning Bee"
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, how bout you?"
"Yeah, but I had a weird dream"
"Hmm? was a nightmare?"
"Not really, it was just... weird"
"Why is that?"
"Cause I saw another me in there"

I looked down at him, slightly concerned, they say that if you have dreams with yourself in it and your present as well, it kinda means that you're fighting or hating yourself. Tubbo was fiddling with his fingers waiting for my reaction.

"Well... you wanna tell me about it?"

He nodded and began to speak up, he wasn't scared or anything, he was probably just still in disbelief or recalling something important.

"Well, I was in a nice setting, where it was a field of sunflowers, and it was night time, where shining stars were looming all over the clouds..."

He stopped to look at me, and I just looked back. I knew exactly what he was talking about, I guess dream Tubbo paid him a visit before fully disappearing.

"Go on"

He nods, and proceeds to speak again.

"I was walking throughout the field and someone appeared in front of me, and it was... me, he looked and sounded like me. He said something along the lines of 'Take good care of our Boo' and went away, it was a short dream but it felt like it had meaning."

I sighed and patter him in the back, reassuring him that he didn't need to worry about what was going on. He leaned in more into my chest and I rubbed circles into his back.

"Sorry, I'm getting too worke up over a dream"

I chuckled and kissed him in the lips, he kissed back, and after a few minutes we pulled away.

"It's okay Bee, I can't blame you for that"

He smiled and we kissed again. We've been in bed for a while now, cause it was now 10:37am, but we didn't really care, we just cuddled in bed, talking about random stuff. And I brought up the topic,

"So Bee, what are we now?"
"Depends on you, we can be lovers if you want"
"Yeah, I kinda want that"
"Alright, but do it properly"
I chuckled,

"Sorry sorry, I'll do it properly"
I cleared my throat and spoke up,

"Toby Smith, I like you, please be my boyfriend"
"I like you too Ranboo, and yes I'll be your boyfriend"

We both chuckled and nudged our foreheads together. It was nice, it was nice being with Tubbo again, it was nice finally being together with him, after so long, and it was the greatest day in my life, I will always cherish this moment. We were both having a lovely time, but then someone bursts through the door, and it was Tommy.

"Aye bitches! You finally together?!"

We both looked at him with a 'why'd you disturb us look'.

"Oi don't look at me like that, I've been your fucking cupid all this time, I deserve to know"

Well, he was right, he did help us through a lot in getting us this far, I can't hate him.

"Yeah yeah, you're our little cupid alright"
"Hah! me? little? says you"
"Oh so you have chosen death"
"Ahh shit-"

They both started chasing each other around the house, screaming and laughing, great thing Tubbos mother wasn't home, cause she would definitely get angry at them. Lani was chilling in the couch filming them, not caring that some stuff were thrown at each other and breaking somethings in the process, I sighed and went to chase after Tubbo. I grabbed him by the waist and lift him up.


Tubbo was like a cat, he hates getting picked up, but that was the only way to stop him from murdering Tommy.

"Aye, thanks boss man"

I placed Tubbo down when he started to finally calm down, and his breathing was steady. He glared at me and Tommy,

"I'm only letting you live since Boo is here"

I hear Tommy gulped and began to change the subject as we walked up to the kitchen. He was asking us very personal and detailed questions on how we got together, even though this was our first day together. After like the whole interview shenanigan that Tommy was putting up, he suddenly yelled at Lani saying,

"Oi Tubbos sister! You're brother ain't single anymore!"

She glanced at Tommy and gave a thumbs up saying,

"Yeah I know, dickhead!"

Tommy huffed with a smile, and me Tubbo looked at each other and back to them. There was definitely something going on with them, but let's not just go and assume things-

"What's going on between you and my sister?"

Tubbo said with a smile that looked like he was actually gonna murder someone, me and Tommy gulped and I tried to calm him down. Let's just say that it didn't really end well for Tommy, but it still felt hilarious seeing Tommy fall to his knees and practically begging for mercy, I guess this is the start of a new life, what a great start.

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