Chapter 18: Finding Out

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{Ranboos POV}

It's bee a couple of days now, ever since Tubbos dad arrived, and it's been... Peaceful? Apparently, Tubbos mother sorta restricted him from hitting the siblings when I'm around, cause you know I'm a guest. And that was like a mission to me, a mission to never leave Tubbo alone 24/7, always be by his side, while not acting lovey dovey, so no suspicions will be made.

Tommy wanted to film another vlog again, but with Jack in it. We got permission from Tubbos parents, mostly his mother, and headed to the place where Tommy wanted to meet, a zoo.

{Ps. This scenario isn't one of Tommy's vlogs and is completely made up, so don't mind(  ̄∇ ̄)/}

We arrived to the zoo, and boy it was hella crowded. As we practically swam across the sea of children, we noticed that there was a bit of a gather around the giraffe area.

"Hey Boo it's your family"
"Huh- what?-
"Ahhhhhh I see..."

He laughed and I chuckled as well, and we proceeded to the crowded location. And when we arrive we see it was Tommy, getting recognized as usual, and Jack, standing in the corner depressed. As usual. Me and Tubbo went up to them and greeted them. Tommy said goodbye to the fans who recognized him, and Jack just sighed.

"Ayeeeeee Boss man wassup, Tubs you as well"
"Hey Tommy"
"You be getting recognized in a zoo lol"
"Oh shut up Tubs!"

They bickered a little bit more, and me and Jack just looked at each other like 'why are they like this'. Eventually they stopped, but still flipping each others off, and we finally proceeded to the vlog, Tommy doing his long intro and cut short into introducing us. We walk around, Jack vlogging Tommy as we went through the other animals there.

"Tubs this could be us, but you playin"

He said as he pointed as two swans that were interlocking their necks together in the pond. He clearly did that to tease Tubbo, and maybe also possibly me, but I didn't mind it. He looked at me for a second, smirking, and wrapped his hands around Tubbo as he was searching through something in his phone. It didn't irritate me since he was just joking around, and plus, it's Tommy, come on.

"So what do you say Tubs?~"
"Found it"
"Found what-"
"The post about the 'could be us' thing, it was uploaded earlier on instagram"

Jack snorted, and we all laughed at Tommy as he was just frozen in the spot, of course Tubbo knew what it was, he goes to twitter and instagram everyday, he basically knows everything in the internet.

"Goddamit Tubs! Why do you even know that?!"
"What can I say? I'm cultured bitch"

And he flipped him off afterwards then start bickering once more. The day was almost done, and so was the vlog. Tommy did his outro and we said goodbye to the camera. Me and Tubbo were about to go home, 'til Jack made a suggestion.

"You guys wanna go to a bar?"

We all froze to what he just said, before Tubbo started to break the silence between us.

"Uhm- Jack? Were minors?"
"I love to meet women, but a bar-"

We hesitated, thinking.

"Oh don't worry, I know a bar that accpets people from 16 and up, don't know why, but you guys wanna try?"

The three of us looked at each other, before all of us collectively said,

"Okay great, let's go"

And so we were off. Of course, I would've expected it, it was a straight bar. Jack doesn't know my relationship with Tubbo yet, but we didn't say anything. A lot of women were staring at me, and I didn't know why, thank god I had my mask and sunglasses, cause I would be really uncomfortable if I didn't. Tubbo was also uncomfortable, he was just mindlessly sipping on his 'grape' juice, and it said to be there weakest drink. And Tommy, was being very anti-social, he might talk big about getting women, but he's actually too scared to even talk to one for no apparent reason. While Jack was there, talking to some girl at the other side of the table. Safe to say that we were all uncomfortable in this situation, as we just sat there in silence for hours especially since were in a straight bar, and were not necessarily... 'that'.

Our thoughts were all snapped back to reality as 3 girls approached us. This is not gonna end well, I thought.

"Hey there boys~ What are you guys doing all alone?~"

She said as she was touching my shoulders, which I proceeded to gently take it off me.

"Ahh sorry, were just here cause of a friend, nothing more"
"Oh is that so?~"

She said as she sat beside me, twirling her hair. I see in the corner of my eye, Tommy getting really flustered at the girl beside him, touching and drawing circles in chest. And I also see Tubbo getting uncomfortable of the girl beside him, as she tries to touch his leg. That irritated me, so I stood up but I felt an arm that pulled me a bit.

"Where are you going honey?~"

She said with a pouty face. If I was straight, I would find that cute, but Bee is cuter so- no. I was about to grab her hand til another woman came to me. And held my other arm to prevent me from letting go of her hand from my other arm.

"Sit down honey, we don't wanna cause some problems~"

She said with a smirk, and sat me back down. I looked over to Tubbo again, and the girl who was with her was forcing him to drink a strong wine. I wanted to get up and help him, but the two other girls were clinging and gripping onto my two arms. I looked over to Tommy to at least find a lending hand, but no, he was surrounded by a few girls now, and was pretty flustered and distracted.

"Oh baby, I bet you look very handsome under all that cover~"

Said the girl at my left arm, the one who clinged onto me first. I just looked at her, predicting what she's about to do. Then the one who was next to cling onto me in my right arm, followed through her comment.

"Yeah honey~ I bet you look very pretty under all that~ how bout we take it all off for you?~"

She said, as the two of them motioned to take off my mask and my sun glasses. I had enough of it, they were going over board, and stepping too much into my boundaries. So I took both of their hands away from my arms and stood up. They both did a collective "oww!" as I did so. I walked up to Tubbo and picked him up {bridal style, as he should}. The girl who was with him, and gave me a quick glare. She was about to say something but I cut her off.

"Sorry ma'am, but me and my boyfriend, will now be leaving, thank you"

I gave a sarcastic smile to them, which they couldn't see through my mask, but they just froze in awe. I also told Tommy to ditch this place, and so he excused himself from the few women he gathered, and followed me. And we finally got out of that disgusting bar, were never going into one ever again.

"I'll text Jack later that we left"

I just gave him a quick nod, before walking home. The bar wasn't too far away from our neighborhood. It was about 30 minutes or so, so we all just walked in silence as Tommy was sobering up a bit and Tubbo still beat drunk, he wasn't asleep though, just closing eyes cause his head probably hurt, poor Bee, I won't let that happen again.

It was now the street where me and Tommy had to separate. We said our goodbyes and made our way to our neighborhood. Me and Tubbo finally arrived onto the house, Tubbo gave a spare key, so I opened and closed it. It was dark, that's normal, it was like 11pm now. I went upstairs quietly, careful to not disturb the Smith family, and opened our shared room. I carefully placed Tubbo down onto our bed and he got comfortable really fast. I tapped him in the shoulder to wake him up a bit, and after a while he finally faced me, and binked slowly. I smiled at how he can always be so cute, but I gestured to his clothing, which he understood, and lazily raised his hands up for me to change him. I took off his shirt and changed it into one of my fresh hoodies, and plopped down next to him.

He faced me and cuddled his head onto my chest as usual, it felt comfy, to be with him, and not into that stupid bar. He looked up to me and gave me a kiss, it lasted for about 10-20 seconds before we pulled away. He giggled and drifted to sleep afterwards. I was about to sleep as well but-

"What was that?"

I flinched at the familiar stern voice coming from the door. I turned around to face the place where the voice was coming from, and it was... Tubbos father, who looked irritated and disturbed. Well crap...

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