Chapter 24: Is this Cheating?

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{Tubbos POV}

I arrive to the airport and booked my plane ticket, and it was scheduled in a few hours, so I waited. But during the entire waiting, I was debating my decisions whether I should really go to America or not. I was doubting my decisions basically, thinking of the out comes of what would happen once I arrive there. Would he be happy to see me? Will he be mad if he sees me? Has he moved on from me? Does he already have a lover? I shook off those thoughts at the realization, that I was just there as a 'friend'. Wait, but if I was going there as a friend, what would we even do? I didn't even tell him that I was coming there. I needed to find an excuse, and after thinking for a while, I got an idea, Skeppy.

Skeppy lived in the US, so I could still go there for the reason of hanging out with him, and tell him the context of course, so he can help me out. After a while of re-thinking and debating, I finally got the result of going to Skeppy, finally. It had good outcomes whenever I try to rethink it, so it was a good idea basically. I texted him in advance of me hanging out with him in the US for a while, and asked if he let me stay at his place for a while. He responded back with an excited yes, and that made me smile. My plane arrived afterwards, and I got it in thinking that I wasn't gonna regret this, but preparing about the conflicts that will arise later on.

{Ranboos POV}

It was a fun night, the club lights did make me dizzy, but it was still enjoyable nonetheless. I strode in there, and was immediately flocked by women. I wasn't wearing any sort of coverings on my face, mainly 'cause I felt tired to do so, and also I was planning to get drunk. As I was standing there, with women touching almost the entire parts of my body, one of them caught my eye, and it was a woman who was holding onto my arm. She was fairly beautiful, for a straight man that is.

She led me into a private room and sat me down in the couch. She started pole dancing at the pole in front of me, while smirking. She was quiet, but seductive, after a while of dancing she proceeded to sit on my lap, and started bouncing up and down. I subconsciously placed my hand in her thigh. She was also trying to inch her chest closer into my face, and I just sat there in silence. I imagined her as Tubbo from time to time, just him bouncing into my lap while letting out his cute voice, and calling out my name in the process, but I shook that thought off. No Ranboo, you're here trying to get over him, and remember him. After a while of attempting to seduce me with her dances and moans from time to time, our 'session' finally ended. She looked down at me with lust in her eyes and said,

"You're a tough one aren't you?"
"I guess?"
"Most men try to get handsy with us, but you're gentle and I like it"
"Why thank you"

She chuckled my retortment, and smiled at me. I then handed her money and asked her to come drink with me, which she gladly accepted. We sat backed down again and began to drink, well mostly me. She was the one pouring me the drink, and just listen to me ramble about random stuff, until I got drunk.

"I actually just broke up with my lover..."
I blurted it out, she stayed silent for a few seconds before responding to me.

"So that's the reason you're here"
"Yeah, I suppose so"

I chugged in another sip of the bottle I was holding, and she just stared. And I noticed it.

"What? Something on my face?"
"No, it's just a shame that someone as pretty as you got dumped"

I chuckled at her comment, and spoke up once more.

"It was actually a guy who dumped me"
"Oh... You're gay?"
"Yeah, well bisexual mostly, but still gay"
"I see... Well-"

She cuts off by her motioning herself onto my lap. She stared at me and I stared bsck at her, with my hands subconsciously letting go of the bottle and placing it onto her hips. She smiled and continued what she was about to say.

"Want me to make you straight?"

I couldn't respond as she pushed her lips onto mine. It felt... familiar and less warm than it did with Tubbo. We continued to kiss for a while, tongues intertwined and in sync. This felt... Right? This feels like I was never dating Tubbo in the first place. Would I would've been like this from the start if I hadn't met Tubbo? Just going to clubs, make out with women to forget the pain of insecurities that is always looming over head. Yeah, I would've ended up like this if I hadn't met Tubbo, but this has a nice tingling feeling to it.

We stopped kissing, a string of saliva was still connecting in between our lips. She chuckled at the sight of my flushed face, and pinched my cheeks. She got up and took the money I laid down in the table earlier, and looked back at me again.

"Let's do this again next time, you're pretty fun, the name is Jane by the way"

I couldn't even respond to her as she winked at me and left. So this is what feeling straight feels like, it's less comfier than being gay, but it still has a nice ring to it. I left the club and took the cab home, it was now 1:22am, not that late. I would've been dead right now if my parents were home, but they rarely are so it's fine. I plopped down to my bed, rephrasing the events that happened earlier. It was a mixed feeling of guilt and pleasure. It felt right and wrong, what is this. This... doesnt count as cheating... Right?

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