Extra Chapter 4: Maid Outfit

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{Smut chapter ahead, please skip if uncomfortable( *˘▽˘*)}
{No ones POV}

George and Dream were invited to stay in the Beloveds residence for a while. And during those times, nothing really happened except some adult gossiping, and sharing some tea to each other. Well, mostly Tubbo and George, since they were the gossip sisters. While Ranboo and Dream just talked about sports or something. George mentioned once that they kinda act like fathers, and the two just laughed at that.

The couple already left the household as they were gonna go back to Florida. But before they left, George left a little something for Tubbo, but never actually told him what it was. And of course, it left a curious Tubbo. The only thing that he told him was 'use it at special nights' whilst giving the box. And he still didn't know what that means, and that still got him confused and curious, also a bit scared and concerned.

It's been a few days now, and Tubbo was now in their shared bedroom, looking at the mysterious box in front of him, that was given by George. He was hesitating whether he should open it or not, since apparently he should only use it for 'special nights', which he still didn't understand. He sighed, as he finally got his thoughts right and decided to open the box. I mean, if he's gonna use it in specific nights, then he should know what's in it, right?

He carefully opened the top of the box, and just paused, staring at the thing the was inside. It was some clothing, that had the colors of black and white in it. Tubbo didn't get a good look at it, so he took it out the box, and unfolds the clothing. He was a bit taken aback by the clothing in front of him, not knowing how to really react. He blushed to himself, as he finally understood what the 'special nights' means.

He sighed as he took a closer look at the maid outfit in front of him. Yes, it was a maid outfit, given by George. Tubbo just still sat there, admiring the nice features of the dress. 'It looks cute' was what Tubbo thought, and was a bit excited to try it out. He stood up and went to bathroom to get changed, and to see if it looks good at him.

Just a few minutes of changing and he went outside the bathroom, and faced directly at their full body mirror. He twirled around himself, and thought he was cute on it, and he's not wrong. He continued to play more with the locks of the dress, posing like a princess from time to time. The outfit was made for erotic things, but Tubbo just wore for wholesome things I guess. But that thought was immediately shattered as he heard their bedroom door open.

He fwiped his head towards their door, to see a Ranboo looking at him up and down. As soon as he finished scanning Tubbo, he looked him dead in the eyes, and licked his lips seductively. Tubbo scoffed as he saw no shame behind the tallers emotions and expressions, as it was clear of what it means. Tubbo then began to sit on the bed, crossing his arms and legs in the process. There was no words being spoken, as the they both knew what the atmosphere meant.

Ranboo then walked towards Tubbo, facing him and looming over him, as he was standing up. They both then just stared at each other, both clearly hungry for each other. Well mostly Ranboo that is, Tubbo just patiently waited for his next move. Ranboo then broke the silence that was creating in the atmosphere.

"What's with the outfit?"
"Tried something new"
"Is this for me?"
"I mean, you were already undressing me with your eyes earlier, so who else could this be for?"

Tubbo said with a smirk, diverting his eyes elsewhere. Ranboo didn't say anything back, as he didn't wanna deny the truth. He was actually holding back a lot right now. You don't know how much Ranboo just wanted to tackle and eat him up, as soon as he saw Tubbo in that outfit. It was driving him crazy basically. He's never seen something so sexy ever in his life. I mean, for Ranboo, Tubbo was sexy enough already, but this was too much for him.

"So, since it's for me, can I?"
"Hmm, you're not getting it that easily"

Tubbo said as he stood up and pushed Ranboo to kneel down in front of him, whilst Ranboo didn't question nor stop him. Tubbo smirked at the younger below him, full of lust. He then noticed the bulge in the others pants, and began to tease it using his foot. Earning a "ngh~" from the other. Tubbo enjoyed this, so he pressed harder on the tallers thing. Ranboo was continuously moaning, after Tubbo putting preasure on his foot.

But Tubbo then stopped, as he knew that he was about to cum, and he didn't want that to happen that fast yet. So he pulled Ranboo into the bed, basically under Tubbo. Tubbo then took of Ranboos pants and boxers, making Ranboos dick press against Tubbos sealed hole. Tubbo took off his lingerie {it came with the dress} and began to make Ranboos dick enter him.

It was hard for the both of them. But Ranboo can't just take over, since this the first time that Tubbo is dominating him. He doesn't want this opportunity to go to waste, so he just let him be. Ranboos dick was still halfway in, and Tubbo was a moaning mess, while Ranboo would occasionally groan from time to time, cause of the sudden tightness.

"Ahh! Why- ugh are you so- hah... Big...!"

Tubbo said in between moans, and that turned on Ranboo even more. They both had sex multiple times now, but it still didn't stop Ranboo from getting turned on even more whenever his Bee questions why he's so big. I mean, it's basically a compliment for the other. The smaller was still struggling a bit to get it in, so he decided to help. He pushed Tubbos waist down, making it forcedly push it all in.

The two moaned "Ahh~" in unison as it was finally fully in. It took a few seconds for Tubbo to take it all in, before slowly go up and down. Ranboo groaned to that sudden thrust and gripped on the bedsheets, as basically Tubbo was riding him. Ranboo eternally screamed to himself, to see his Bee in a maid dress while riding him. It was really a sight to see for Ranboo, like it was a blessing from god.

Tubbo still continued to ride Ranboo, but a bit faster, making their moans louder than it was at the first. Tubbo would occasionally kiss Ranboo, to get some tongue action or to make himself shut up. Since he doesn't wanna get too loud, since sometimes he felt like screaming.

"Boo- Ahh! I'm cum- ohh! Cumming!"
"Same- ugh, Bee...!"

They both said in between moans and groans. And soon enough they both camed. Both were panting heavily, Tubbo still resting on top of Ranboo, while Ranboos dick still twitching inside, making Tubbo moan to that. Tubbo was about to pull it out, til Ranboo took advantage and flipped Tubbo, making him below him. Tubbo gave him a confused expression, while Ranboo leaned down to his ear level and whispered;

"It's not over yet..."

Tubbo sighed, as this scene was familiar to him whenever they to the deed. He should've saw this coming, he just slip back his hair and looked at Ranboo in the eyes, smiling weakly at him. That was enough for Ranboo to immediately thrust, earning an "Ahh!" from the older under him, making his turn back, eyes slightly rolled.

{more than 3 rounds later...}

They were finally finished, Tubbo now wearing pajamas instead of the dress. He was located in their laundry area, were he was washing the dress and the bedsheet. He was on his phone when the washing machine was washing the cloths. He then decided to text George about what happened earlier.


You: Thanks for the dress
Gogy: Oh?
           It seems that you've used it already
           That was quick
You: Oh shush
         You got no room to talk
         You're prob resting after getting railed
Gogy: Tf?
           How'd you know?
You: Duh yall are horny fucks
Gogy: But not as much as Alex and Wilbur
You: True
         Great thing you gave it to me
Gogy: Yeah it was the right decision
You: If you gave it to Alex
         He would've texted you the day you left
Gogy: Pfft true
           You took a few days tho
You: I was hesitating on opening it
Gogy: Why?
You: It might've been a time bomb
Gogy: lol
           I would only give that Alex
You: Oh yeah you would actually

They continued to text a bit about some random stuff, and specific details of them getting railed earlier. George was suggesting to have an orgi, to which Tubbo politely declined to the older. George pouted to that, but Tubbo didn't care since he ain't sharing his mans. Tubbo then put down his phone and looked at the washing machine. 'I should use that more often' was the last thing he thought before heading to their bedroom.

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