Chapter 33: Weekend Things

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{Tubbos POV}

For the rest of the morning period, I was just sticking to Aaron. He was a pretty chill guy, and didn't seem like a threat. As Ranboo was now gaining popularity, because of that senior at the opening ceremony, and that gained the attention of others people, mostly girls. It was now lunch time and me Aaron were sitting across each other on the table, each our grub. As we were just eating silence, a group of people came inside the cafeteria and gathered into one big table. We both looked over to the ruckus that was happening, and of course, it was Ranboo, gaining attention and forming a crowd.

Me and Aaron collectively sighed and stared at each other, laughing at our synchronization, and we began chatting. As we were just eating and chatting about stuff, I noticed someone staring at me from afar. So I turned to look at the person who was staring at me, and I made eye contact with Ranboo, whom in return gave me a small wave. I sighed as I waved back, and that made him smile. I guess I shouldn't be mad at him anymore, but he's embracing the popularity and reputation thing, so maybe not now.

As lunch was finally over, we headed to our next class. Nothing necessary really happened throughout the entire day, so we just headed home. Car ride was still understandably silent, but Ranboo broke it.

"Bee... are you still mad at me?"
"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean too"
"I know, it's just that maybe you're better off liking being popular"
"I don't like being popular! you already know I hate attention..."
"Well, it looked like you liked it"
"They were just following me around"
"Yeah okay"
"I promise, the only reason why I'm sticking with them is maybe you wanted some distance between us, you know..."

I then looked back at him, as he was fighting back tears while looking at the road. I let out a sigh followed by  weak smile, and patted his shoulder. He relaxed to the touch, and pulled over the side and gave me a hug, crying into my shoulder. I rubbed circles into his back as his tears were still going. I don't know why he's crying, probably from loneliness, I'm such an idiot, why did I make him cry? I sighed as he was finally starting to calm down, I broke the hug and place my hands into his face, wiping the tears with my thumb.

"You alright now Boo?"

He nods as he was sniffling, tear stains still visible. I chuckled and brought our foreheads together, while rubbing the top of his hand. We went quiet, though the atmosphere was calming and comfortable, closing our eyes. As we realized that we were just there in silence, we broke it and gave each other a peck, before driving home. We were now at home, still silent, but at least it wasn't a bad thing. I placed my bag in the couch, and Ranboo sat along, while looking and fiddling his hands. I sighed and offered him,

"Hey Boo, you want food?"

I sighed with a smile, and went to give him a kiss in the forehead before going back to the kitchen to make some steak. In the middle of cooking, I felt a pair of hands snake through my waist, and a weight that was in my shoulder. I sighed as I knew Boo was being needy, so I ruffled his hair as he was still not moving. I flipped the steak in the pan, and transfered it to a plate, careful not to drop it as Ranboo was still holding me. I patted his hands, signalling him to let go so that he cane eat. He groaned a bit and let go of my waist, and sat on the dinner table. I placed the plate in front of him, and he sloppily took a bite of it. After chewing, he looked up to me with stars in his eyes.

"This is so good!"

I chuckled as he was finally smiling genuinely at me. I patted his head as he was eating rather fastly.

"Slow down Boo"
"But it's good!"
"Yeah yeah, but slow down"

He nodded and ate some more. We were now cuddling in the bed, while watching South Park of course. His arms were wrapped my waist and head in my shoulder again, sniffing my neck from time to time. It tickles a bit, but I didn't really mind it. As I looked at my clock, and realized at it was almost 1am, I positioned me and Boo in a sleeping positioned. He was already half asleep so I just carefully placed him in bed. And we both went to sleep, cuddling and happy.

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