Chapter 40: A Good Ending

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{Ranboos POV}

After eating breakfast, we got our stuff and headed out, waving Teagan and Lani goodbye. We got to the car, Tubbo driving... But I trusted his driving skills now, sort of. Not sure about Tommy though, since he was clinging and gripping into the seatbelt the entire ride. Complaining as well, but Tubbo would reassure him, not sure if it helped though, I just simply chuckled to their small bickering, not wanting to be a target to them.

We soon arrived there after a few hours, since the beach resort that we were going too was out of the city. Placed picked by Alex and Wilbur, since they've already been there for a date or something. There was definitely some flexing after they recommended the place to us, but no one dared to complain since Alex might try to kill us or something.

I let out a huff as I shut the door to the car, carrying my and Tubbos bag in the process. We got in after paying for our entrance fees and immediately saw George waiting for us in the fountain that was in front of the gate. Tubbo suddenly squealed and ran to George, the other doing the same thing. Tubbo then jumped into Geroges arms, spamming 'I miss yous' and 'bitch it's been so long' to each other.

I let out a sigh then smiled, as I see the two gushing over each other, while Dream just standing in the back waving at us. Me and Tommy waved back, as Tommy was still cringing at the sight of the two males acting like high-school girls. Dream then came up to us, the two still gushing over each other, then offered to carry our bags.

"Hey Ranboo, hey Tommy"
"Hello there Dream"
I said, politely at the older man.

"Sup bitch"

I face palmed myself whilst sighing, while dream just did his iconic wheeze. And me and Tommy just chuckled to that, as we finally get to hear it in person. We were just having a lovely conversation, til the two british bottoms- I mean males, suddenly shouted at us.

Tubbo shouted first, gaining some attention.

George followed.

There were now a lot of stares, and not good ones. I sighed, as well as the two guys beside me. Do they have no shame? I cringed inwardly as the two males were now running towards the beach, whilst the other two beside me looks so done with life. I wondered in the back of my head, how the hell did they come up with that challenge. I shivered thinking about what other things they were talking about earlier, I sighed. We all collectively looked at each other, and carefully started walking, apologizing to the people who witnessed whatever that was earlier.

After some walking, we see Tubbo, George, Alex and Karl all jumping around, giggling and smiling. My god, it's like they haven't seen each other in a year or something, what the hell. The four were still fangirling about each other, but me and the other two decided to go to the side where the others were. Wilbur and Sapnap were drinking energy drinks, while Jack was just on his phone, texting someone.

They then noticed us and greeted us with a hug and started a small conversation, while the others were just playing in the water, splashing each other. We all stopped to look at the sudden shout that was comong from the sea. And it was George, clothes soaked and wet sand in his chest. The others just started balling, as George was whining about the sand in his shirt. We all collectively sighed as we, except Jack, watched our boyfriends act like teenage girls in their puberty.

'Why are they all like this...'

We all thought, but it was okay I guess, since Tubbo was having a lot of fun and that was what's important to me. It was nearing sunset yet, so the others came to us and asked us something, gaining all of our attentions.

"We wanna play volleyball, join us will ya?"

Karl said with a grin. We all looked at each other and hesitantly nodded. They all squealed and dragged all of us to the volleyball area. We all got into teams, and sadly I wasn't in Tubbos team, but hey, we can still have fun right?

{Team A- Tubbo, Karl, George & Alex
Team B- Ranboo, Wilbur, Dream, Sapnap & Tommy
With Jack being referee, basically tops vs. bottoms}

We let Team A get the first serve, and George was the one who did it. His serve was crappy and clumsy, but it still got through the net, surprisingly. Dream then cat whistled, indicating that it was a praise for George. George then got flustered, then stomped his foot on the ground whilst yelling 'IDIOT!'. And Dream findibg it cute and just laughed at it.

The game continues on, with Team A winning. What the hell man, all these guys are too whipped for their boyfriends that they'll just make them win that easily... They were even making sex jokes in the process. Am I the only normal boyfriend here? Well I mean I did flirt with Tubbo during the game, but he didn't get affected, dammit.

The game finally came to an end with Team A winning. I wasn't suprised since my team was just staring and admiring their boyfriends play. I mean, not gonna lie, I found Tubbo cute while he was playing, but not enough to just zone out in the middle of the game. I sighed as the guys, except Jack, was still daydreaming about their mans. I shook my head and just tried to brush it off, but I still couldn't fight off the salty feeling inside me.

As we were now chilling, sitting in the sand, the others just casually talking to themselves. Tubbo leaned into my shoulder, and rested his head there. I smiled as we all were just waiting for the beautiful sunset that we were awaiting. Comfortable silence filled all of us as the sun was finally setting in our eyes. George and others deciding to take pictures of the sunset. Tommy then announced that we should take pictures of each other to cherish the memory or something. We all laughed and cringed at the small friendship speech that he was doing, but still agreed to take the picture.

We all stood up, smiling and laughing like idiots, and George suggested on a picture that we all will jump at the same time, and take the picture whilst jumping. We all awed in the idea, but Alex complained as it of being too iconic. They both bickered at that, but we all agreed nonetheless. We positioned ourselves for the picture, and Tubbo reached his hand to me, asking me to hold it, and so I did. George positioned the camera in the right angle and shouted.

"OKAY! 1! 2! 3! JUMP!"



That was a nice memory for all of us, it was memorable, spending out time with friends and the love of my life. It still holds an important memory to me, to this day. It's been 3 years now, I'm living in a house with my Bee. We've been in a healthy relationship, rarely fighting, so it's been good. I still can't believe that we even got back together, I still look back at the memories of the past, thinking how the hell I got here. But hey, got no complaints here, I'm with my Bee and that's what's important. This was a happy story for us, conflicts maybe in the way, but if were together, we can onvercome it. We will forever be happy, as I found my Bee and he found his Boo.

{End of Sequel...}

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