Chapter 3: The Arrival

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— Kiss Through the Mask —
Ranboo's POV

It was finally the day of my flight to the UK. I know that it was gonna take like 7-10 hours or so, so that's why I'm here at the airport, dead tired 'cause it's 3am. But whatever... I'm doing this just to see Tubbo, so I guess it's worth it.

I texted Tubbo saying that I was in our airport, and that I wouldn't be able to text or call him during the plane. He agreed and wished me a safe flight, to which I felt happy with. My plane finally arrived, and it was time to go, after all the goodbyes and tears, I finally got on board. And I sat in the seat in the window area.

The plane ride was boring, but I got a bit of entertainment by watching the mini TV's in the seat in front of me, and hey, free food.

After a long and tiring flight, I finally arrive in the UK. After all that security checking, I went to the nearest bathroom to fix my hair since I looked like a mess at that plane, and went back outside to wait for Tubbo.


Bee, I'm here

Oh my god, finally
We're back outside the airport
Send location so we can go to you Boo~

I sent him my location and just waited while standing with two of luggages beside me. While waiting, I definitely got a lot of stares from people, and I could understand why. One, I was wearing shades indoors. Two, or maybe the obvious one, I'm tall, I stand about 6'6, which for me isn't that tall, but for them, it is.

After a few minutes of waiting, I hear a "Ranbooooooooooo" from a distance.

You've gotta be kidding me. That was definitely Tubbo.

I grabbed my luggages and jogged to where the voice was located. He shouted my name once more, and I'm sorry to say this, but it was hella embarrassing.

He shouted once again, and I could tell that I was near him. And there he was. I stood in front of him, I just stood there, frozen in my spot, catching my breath and panting like crazy.

We both stared at each other, a smile being planted on both of our faces. It lasted for a few seconds, til he finally spoke up.

"Hey Boo, you finally found me" He smiled happily.

I sighed and finally got to speak up a bit.

"You... seriously... shouted my... damn name?"

I asked a bit irritated but it was shadowed over my smile and my lack of breath. But I couldn't help but relieve my irritation after hearing him giggle.

God... I would kill to hear that giggle everyday...

"Ehe, I just knew that you would come and find me Boo"
"Heh, guess... you were right, Bee"

He gave me a bottle of water he had in his hand, and helped me carry one of my luggage. We got out of the airport and got to his car, and placed my luggages at the back. He and I went to the back seat and sit down next to each other as I thank the uber driver.

We held hands throughout the entire ride, with us sharing some small talk, but it was just mostly me looking out the window.

We arrived at his house after a half an hour and both of us stepped out the car.

His house looked comfy, and I can tell just from the outside. He noticed my staring and spoke up.

"What? something wrong with my house?"
"No, it's just surprisingly big"
"Hey! what's that suppose to mean!"

He pouts, to which I pinch his cheek and coo at him.

"Exactly what it means Bee"
"You're an idiot Boo!"

I chuckled and got my luggages out of his car. He opened his front door and I was immediately greeted by his mother, who looked up to me with a smile on her face. Her smile was exactly like Tubbos.

So that's where he got his cute smile from...

"Hello there, I'm Toby's mother, you are quite a tall man dear"
"Aha, I get that a lot ma'am"

She shook my hand, and told Tubbo to guide me upstairs. She he helped me with my luggages, and we  soon arrive to Tubbo's room, which was surprisingly big for him. He had a big bed, and I could coincidentally fit in it. No wonder he offered me to come sleep with him.

I placed my luggages in the corner, and asked for the bathroom to change since I haven't changed all day. The UK was hella cold, compared to America that is.

I opened one of my luggages and got a pair of sweats, a shirt and a hoodie, and excuse myself inside of the bathroom.

When I walked out, I see Tubbo in my hoodie, checking himself in the mirror, I blushed as he wasn't wearing any pants and just shorts. And because of the size of my hoodie, it looked like he wasn't wearing anything.

"Oh hey Boo, don't I look good in this?"

He said as he was swaying around and watch as the hoodie go with his movement. I just stood there blushing and frozen as I watch him.

"Boo? you okay? Boooooooo"

He walked near me, and that made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah I'm fine... I just spaced out a bit"
"Why? cause I was too sexy?~"

I blushed at his response, but he couldn't see it 'cause I was still wearing my mask and shades. Tubbo noticed that, and to him I looked like I was just staring, so he spoke up once more.

"Hey Boo, it's just us, you can take it off"
"O-oh... huh...?"
"It's okay if you don't want too, I just feel like it's uncomfortable for you"

I pause. Contemplating whether I should take it off or not. It is just me and Tubbo...

"I'll... take it off later"
"Oh okay, anyways let's get down to get dinner"

We both headed down to go eat dinner. And I was surprised to be greeted by Lani, Tubbos sister, and was interviewed by them just a bit. They didn't question why I wore shades and a mask, which I very much appreciated. And after a bit of chatting and taking off my mask to eat and talk more, I can now say, this is will be my home.

To be continued...

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