Chapter 27: Soulmates

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{Ranboos POV}

Tubbo finally told me the reason for everything that's been happening. And how it's not actually the reason he broke up with me, god I'm so lame. We talked a lot of things that day, until we noticed how it was already night, sowe decided to head back, but he stopped at his tracks once he noticed something.

"Wait- where's Zak?-"
I stopped as well, now just realizing.

"Probably at the car?"
"Oh yeah, he's our ride I forgot about that"

We chuckled a bit, before returning to the parking lot where Zak parked his car in. And we wefe right, he was in there alright. His car was running, engine starting and opened his window to wave at us, in which we waved back at him. We both got into the car, and Zak noticed us holding hands, and spoke up.

"Guess you guys fixed some things up?"

I responded and Tubbo was hugging my right arm, not daring to let go. And that made me smile, I ruffled his hair with my other free hand, and the ride was just nice. It was just filled with music and a clear atmosphere, unlike earlier. I told Zak earlier, to drop me and Tubbo into my house, but first we have to go get Tubbos stuff in Zak's house. After all that, we finally said our goodbyes and opened the door to my house. It was silent when we got in, maybe since no one was home, but Tubbo was just observing my house, since it was the first time of him being there. I gave him a small tour of the house, and we headed to my room.

As soon as I opened the door, he immediately sprinted to my bed, and plopped down with a huff. I sighed and placed his bag in the side, and plopped down next him as well. And we just gazed at the glowing star stickers that I placed into my ceiling. We stared at it for a while, just having a peaceful atmosphere, 'til Tubbo decided to speak up.

"So Boo..."

Oh god I miss that nickname, I haven't heard that in ages.

"Do you wanna get back together?"

I went to stare at him, and noticed that he was staring back. Our cheeks both flustered, but we both knew the answer to his question, so I said with no hesitation.

"Yes! Of course!"

He soon hugged me and I hugged back. He burried his face into my chest, and was nuzzling into it. I smiled and patted him in the head, as he continued to bury his face more. We stayed like that for a while 'til we finally drifted back to sleep. Knowing that were finally gonna be together once again, and that we'll face our conflicts together, and we'll try our very best to protect each other.


I found myself in another familiar setting. Oh it was that nightmare where I found the other me... But for some reason, a lot has changed. There was no black water and wad just land, with one sunflower standing. I sat in the ground, with the sunflower in front of me. The sunflower made the entire place warm and comfortable, just like Tubbo. I sat there for a while 'til I heard footsteps from up front, I look up to see... Me. But he wasn't covered in black water anymore, he was now visible and his features were seen.

He looked exactly like me, though I little bit sad and dead. He looked lifeless, like he gave up on everything. He gave a smile as he crouched down in front of me, and then looked down at the sunflower.

"Guess you're happy again"
"Yeah... I guess so, how... About you?"
"I'm still sad, but I wasn't always like this"
"What do you mean?"
"I think you've met him before"
"Met who?"
"The Tubbo in your dreams"

I just sat in awe, not daring to move as he just continues to look at the sunflower with warmth in his eyes.

"Did... Did you like him?"
"Yeah, but he disappeared, to go help you"
"And now that you two were together, he fully disappeared now, never to be seen again"
"I'm... Sorry to hear that"
"It's alright, it was his duty to help you guys, and I should be the one being sorry, I made you think that you're the reason of your break up, I'm sorry"
"It's alright I suppose, you just wanted to have the feeling of Tubbos presence"
"Yeah I guess so..."

We both sat in silence once again, and he was still looking at the sunflower, while I just observed him.

"You know, the sunflower field will come back when you and Tubbo will be truly happy"
"Oh... Alright..."
"Well, it's time to say goodbye as well"
"This'll probably the last time you see me"
"Why is that?-"
"Since after this, you two will be inseparable, so you don't need me, goodbye"

I was cut off by me waking up. Tubbo was still in my arms and I proceeded to calm down. What are these strange dreams? I never even questioned about them in the very beginning. Was there history to that dream? Were we dating from our past life or something? I didn't want to question too much since I want all my focus on Tubbo. And were probably gonna be inseparable, as what the me in my dream said. And I don't know why, but I have a feeling here right. So what are we... Are we soulmates? If so, then I believe it. Me and my Bee, are soulmates, forever...

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