Chapter 38: Confrontation

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{Long chapter ahead, and has a bit of 18+ stuff down there, so pls read with caution(⊼⌔⊼ )}
{Tubbos POV}

I prepared some ham and bacon for breakfast for my Boo, and Tommy I guess. As we dug in, we fell in silence, and the atmosphere between the three of us was tense, and Tommy flinched to that. He just stared at me and Ranboo as we ate in silence, barely noticing each others presence as other thoughts loomed over our heads. Tommy wasn't aware of what happened, so he decided to ask without any hesitation.

"Are you two okay?"

Silence. None of us said anything, as maybe the topic maybe a bit sensitive to both of us. Tommy pouted and huffed as we didn't answer him, so he tried asking again, but a little more aggressive this time.


Ranboo sighed, and that wasn't really a good thing at my part. He looked at Tommy, and I could tell that Tommy flinched a bit by seeing the visible lack of life in his eyes. I knew the reason to this, but maybe he isn't comfortable telling him about it. Ranboo then stopped staring at Tommy, but to me. I looked at him straight in the eyes, and he spoke up.

"You tell it"

He sounded so... Hurt? My heart ached as I knew my Boo wasn't being himself, nor acting okay. I reached out to his hand that was holding a spoon and being held down in the table. I gently rubbed it, and he didn't react too much to the touch. Ouch... This hurts, a little too much for a no reaction. I backed my hand away from his slowly, and looked down at my food shamefully, silence still filling up the room. Tommy then cleared his throat, understanding the tense situation a bit now.

"It's okay if you guys don't wanna-"
"No... it's alright, I'll explain"

I explained to him in detail. Like telling him who Azzy was, and how he started the rumors in our year. Of course, Tommy was angry, I mean anyone would be if they really knew what was happening behind these said rumors.

"What the fuck!? That guy is a dick!"
"Yeah, we know"
"Ranboo! You should defend yourself dude!"

Ranboo then clicked his tongue. Uh oh, that's not good, I stood up, trying to hold Tommy back from not saying too much, stopping him, but failed.

"Hey Tommy no-"
"Now shut up Tubs! You should be angry at this, he's literally spreading false rumors about your boyfriend!"
"I know- it's just-"
"And you! Ranboo, you gotta stand up for yourself man!"

Ranboo then slammed his hand in the table, and it fell silent. He whipped his head towards me and Tommy, and glared, with the hint of sadness and disbelief under that glare.




He panted after he snapped, Tommy was stunned still. I tried reaching for Ranboo to comfort him somehow, but he slapped my hand away, "Oww" escaped my lips and he flinched as he was now aware at what he did.

"W-wait, s-sorry Bee- I didn't mean too..."

He said gripping his hand that slapped mine, tears spilling through his face. I hate seeing him in this state, it always hurts me how I can never help him recover from this, how I can never do anything to stop his panic attacks... His insecurities...


I hear him cuss under his breath, and he immediately ran to our shared bedroom, hearing the click of the lock afterwards. I sighed, staring at the door before collecting the plates from the table, while I patted Tommy in the shoulder who was looking down, holding back tears. I gathered them all the sink, and turned on the faucet. Tommy was sitting down at the counter, probably processing what the hell just happened.

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