Chapter 23: Heading Back

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{Ranboos POV}

I saw Tubbos tweet... And was it true? Did he already move on from us? Did he already find someone to replace me with? What the hell wad that tweet even all about? I scanned the tweet all over and over again, I wanted to reply but I couldn't, I had to stop myself from doing so. Were officially over... I've got nothing to do with hik anymore. Two can play at that gsme Tubbo, if you wanna move on from me, I can will dothe same, even if it kills me inside.

I grabbed my coat and essentials and headed outside. I knew where I was going but I wasn't so sure about it, but I'm gonna do it anyway, since Tubbo is also doing so. I knew I was the problem, the reason why he broke up with me, at least that's what the other me said.
I arrive at the place I wanted to get my mind off od things, the club.

{Tubbos POV}

Sigh, today's the day for the set up date I suppose. As much as I didnt want to go, I didn't want to get in trouble again, and blame all the shits onto me. I sighed and actually tried to dress up, and boy was it hella hard to not look gay. I sighed after finishing up with my most straight outfit I could try. I went outside to see my father in the couch watching something, and I told him that I was heading out. He gave me a quick nod before focusing his attention back to the TV. I sighed and went out to my car, and drove to the location that my father said on where the girl was.

I arrived at the cafe, and went inside. I scanned the room for a bit, before I saw a girl waving at me, must be her. I went to her and she stood up to greet me and shake my hand.

"Hello, my name is Athena, nice to meet you"
"Hello, my name is Tobias or Toby, but you can call me Tubbo"
I said with a smile, and she smiled back.

"Okay Tubbo"

We both sat down, and she immediately spoke up in a monotone voice, that sounded a bit pissed off.

"Alright, let's just get this straight, I have a girlfriend, so I intend to date you"

I just sat there, in silence, and in shock, and relief as well. Guess she was also forced by her parents, we relate.

"Don't worry, I'm gay, and I was forced here, same as you perhaps?"

She looked at me stunned before letting out a huff with a small smile.

"Guess we both have homophobic families"
"Guess so"
"Wanna talk about it dude?"
"Sure, we got nothing to do anyway"

We both agreed and just talked about our messed up families. She told me her back story with her girlfriend, and how she was her very first friend. She was always lonely as a child, and kids didn't like her since she was a bit boyish, but her girlfriend approached her and accepted her, it was sweet. And after a few years of growing up together, they dated in secret. But her father and mother were homophobic bitches, so she was always forced to date men that she didn't like, and told me her struggles from that. And after that, I told her my situation as well, how i was abused, the sacrifices I made, and the break up. She felt sorry for me and even comforted me, which was very nice of her. We decided to hang out over London for a while after talking about dark stuff, she said she wanted enlightenment and all. It was a lot of fun, but I like it better when I do it with Boo.

"You should go to America to get back with your Boo"
She suddenly blurted out, and I just stared at her.

"Yeah you should go to America, to check up on him"
"Athena, we broke up remember?"
"Yeah, but you guys are still friends right?"
"Just because you guys broke up doesn't mean that you two can't be friends again"
"But it'll be awkward, and we still like each other, at least I think so"
"C'mon now, don't be a pussy"

I sighed to her retortion and spoke up again.

"What if he doesn't want to see me?"
"I think he misses you the same way you miss him"

I sighed and changed the topic to something else. The day was eventually over, and I drove her home, and I headed home as well. I hate to admit it, but I'm thankful for my dad setting me up to this date. And this date made me want to actually go to America, and I will go! For Boo!

I arrived home, and went straight to my room. It was almost midnight so everyone was basically sleeping. I quickly shoved some clothes into my backpack and grabbed other essentials. I rushed down the stairs, but stopped as I saw Lani. She gave me a confused look before realizing what I was doing.

"Don't worry I'll cover for you"
"But Lani-"
"I don't care if I get punished, just get going Toby"

She gave me a reassuring smile and I gave her a hug. We stayed like that for a while before she let go and gestured me to go. I nodded and got my car starting. Time to head to America then.

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