Chapter 37: Trying to Forget

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{Tubbos POV}

What the fuck? Cheating? And what's it gotta do with my Boo, damn that Azzy. I clenched my hand that was holding Ranboos hand. He flinched when I tightened my grip on his hand, and I gasped while loosening my grip into his hand. He looked alright now, so I turned to the two girls who were in front of us, and glared at them.

"Who the fuck started those rumors?"

The two girls flinched as my voice was monotoned. They backed away from us a bit before the other one, who was behind the girl, responded to my question, but in a stuttered and scared voice.

"Senior A-Azzy told the e-entire first year department..."

I earned an 'EEEKKKK' from the two, as I made my voice a little bit high for that retortment. I clicked my tongue as I wanted them to explain a bit further, and they took the hint.

"Oh well uhm- Senior Azzy is currently in his dorm right now... So maybe t-talk to him, tomorrow?"

The other girl looked up to me, looking scared, and tried to make eye contact. I sighed, and they both flinched at that. I take a look at Ranboo who was beside me, and he was looking down shamefully. I rubbed his hand that I was holding with my thumb, and he relaxed to the touch. I looked back at the girls who were standing in front of us and spoke up.

"Listen, I won't take my anger out of you, just... Thanks for telling us"

The two girls looked up to us and looked back at each other then back at me. I was a bit nervous at what they were gonna say, but they just smiled and spoke up to me in a bit of a high voice.

"You're very welcome!"

I huffed as the two girls waved goodbye at us, but Ranboo just waved weakly. I knew that there was something wrong with him already, he's probably overthinking again. I sighed once more, thinking he shouldn't do that and make it a bad habit. I squeezed his hand that I was still holding, and gave him a peck in the cheek, tip toeing of course. He reacted by huffing then smiled to look down at me, in which I smiled in return.

"Let's go home Boo"
"Okay Bee..."

I squeezed his hand once more, and we walked to our car. We arrived to the house and was greeted by Tommy talking to Teagan, both not even noticing our presence at first. I rolled my eyes as I noticed Tommy grinning like an idiot and being slightly red. Not on my other sister bitch. I thought, as I throwed my bag in his head. In which he fell to the ground, earning a gasp from Teagan who literally saw the whole thing in front of her. While Ranboo just stood frozen in the back, a bit scared. There was silence within us for a few seconds, all witnesses and victim still processing, til-

"I saw what you were trying to do, so shut the fuck up"
"Do you really want me to say it?"

I said, looking at him directly, glaring slightly, as he was standing up. Right hand holding the bag that was thrown at him, and the other holding the back of his head. Teagan was also supporting his waist for him to maintain his balance or something.

"Tch, I already know what you mean"
"That's good then"
"I didn't throw it that hard, don't be a baby"
"I'm just gonna-"

Ranboo said, moving to the side and onto our bedroom.  Me and Tommy still continued to bicker downstairs, with Teagan trying to calm both of us down. Even from all that fighting, I was still thinking if Boo was okay...

{Ranboos POV}

I shut the door to my shared bedroom with Tubbo, sighing as I did so. They were still bickering down there, and I didnt feel like dealing with it. I wasn't in the mood to do so anyway, I have other things on my mind right now. Like, what the fuck is up with Adrian? Or Azzy, like- Why is he spreading such false rumors about us? I'm dating Tubbo- and Tubbo, why did he act calm at this? Is this not weighing him down too? Does he not care- No! Ranboo! He already made it clear that he loves you, and he did get upset earlier! Get that in your insecure head already, dammit...

I sat in one of the corners of the room, that was an empty space. I need something covering me, something surrounding me, like a closet... A panic room, for me to be alone with my thoughts. As I cried into my own arms, negative thoughts and questions roamed around my head, making it dizzy. I eventually ended up sleeping, tear stains still visible and head still hurting, but I still eventually slept, with my head in my arms, wrapping it while sitting down.

As I was in a small slumber, I feel a piece of warmth being wrapped around me. Followed by hands snaking through my waist, and a weight being placed in my shoulder. I turned to the figure that was holding me, careful to not wake them up. And it was Tubbo, not suprising but I was still happy for him being with me right now, even if I'm in this state. I snuggled a little bit closer as I feel him scoot closer to me too. And we both fell asleep peacefully, in each others arms and warmth.

{Tubbos POV}

I woke up to last thing I wanted to hear early in the morning, a camera click followed by some giggling from the obvious, Tommy. I shot my eyes open, and that apparently scared the shit out of him, as he dropped his phone and landed on his toe, oof poor him I guess.

He let out a whisper scream trying to not wake a sleeping Ranboo who was next to me. While me, trying to hold back a laugh and tried not to move so much as I did so. But it didn't work, I let out a small laugh, and that made Ranboo wake up. He groaned and stretched his arms before giving me a kiss, still completely unaware of Tommy's presence. I blushed, also panicking inside, as he did that in front of Tommy and he began to speak up, in a deep, sexy monotoned voice.

"Morning Bee-"

He flinched, and finally looked in fron of him, and immediately turned red. That also snapped me back to reality from my simp moment, I wanted to burry him for that, but whatever I guess. Ranboo sighed as he was rendered speechless, as he didn't know what to say. While Tommy here just jokingly making vomit noises, while I try to chase him around the house. I can just imagine the feeling of Ranboo getting up to this chaos, must be hell, well I'll make him some good breakfast later. Hope that'll make him feel better later, but for now, we'll just mess around for a bit. And just try to forget the problem in hand by messing around.

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