Chapter 10: Controlling Emotions

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{Ranboos POV}

It's been a couple of days after that fight, it was always uncomfortable silence whenever were around each other, and it hurts, not being able to see Tubbo smile at me, to see him be comfortable with me, I over stepped his boundaries and pushed it too far, I was an idiot. Tommy immediately noticed that there was definitely something going on between us, and not the good kind. He tried to cheer us up in anyway, which was appreciated since it brightened the room sometimes, but it still didn't stop the uncomfortable air between us.

Tubbo was constantly avoiding me, which is understandable, and whenever I try to talk to him about my reasons, he would just brush it off, saying that he still needs more space until they can go back to talking normally, I was devastated. So I wanted to talk to Tommy about the issue between us, I excused myself from the Smith Household, and went to Tommy's house, I texted him first of course and he agreed, so now I'm here.

I rang the doorbell, and after a few moments, Tommy's mother came to open it and greeted me with a smile.

"Oh you must be Ranboo"
"Yes that's me ma'am"
"Oh my, you're a very tall and handsome man, come in come in"

I nodded and went inside,

"Tommy's upstairs, you can just go to his room"

I thanked her and went upstairs, I knocked and after a few ruffled noises from the inside he opened the door, his room was probably messy.

"Yo boss man, come in dude"

I stepped inside and observed his room for a bit, I usually see only a portion of it in his streams, but seeing it all now, it was suprisingly big, well for one person that is. I sat down into his bed and observed a bit more while he continued what he was doing in his computer.

"Ain't my room awesome?"
"Suprisingly normal, I'd say"
"Oh come on man, just compliment it"

I chuckled and silence loomed over us again. I hear Tommy sigh and turned his chair towards me, and looked at me straight in the eyes, I got shivers from his stare but I just stared back, and he finally decided to speak up.

"So when you gonna tell me on what happened?"

I sighed and closed my eyes, and began explaining. After explaining all of it to him, his expressions were a mix of anger, disappointment and not suprised.

"I knew you were gonna snap, but dude, that's almost like sexual harassment"
"I know it was... I'm such an idiot"
"Yeah you really are"

I sighed, we didn't talk for a while as he knew that I was regretting every single thing that I did that day, he understood how I never meant to scare him, and just wanted my satisfaction.

"Look dude, I've never fallen in love in the same way as you, you fell too deep, which is understandable, but you need to control your emotions whenever it's regarding the love of your life, I don't give a fuck if you say that can't, you need to at least try, so that no one can get hurt, including yourself"

I looked at him and he was serious, I was honestly impressed I never knew that Tommy would ever say things like this, like ever.

"Wow, never knew you out of all people are giving love advice"
"Oh eat shit dude, I came here to help not get shitted on"

I laughed and he bickered some more, but in all seriousness, I'm grateful to have a supportive and helpful friend such as Tommy, he maybe an idiot at times, but he's actually pretty... pog, in his words that is.

I spent a while in Tommy's house, it was almost 6pm, he offered to let me stay for a night, but I denied it saying maybe Tubbo will think that I ran away and got lost in London or something, he understood my reasoning and see me off. I arrived to Tubbos house after a few minutes, I walked around the house trying to look for Tubbo and talk to him again, but he was nowhere to be found. Lani walked out of her room and saw me looking for something/someone, she poked at me and I looked down at her.

"If you're looking for Toby, he was picked up by another guy"
"Huh? what do you mean another guy?"
"I'm saying that a random dude took him somewhere, and they were all lovey-dovey"

I sprinted into my shared room with Tubbo and grabbed my mask and other essentials, I speed walked downstairs and put on my shoes again, and stopped as I felt a hand in my shoulder.

"Slow down, buddy, you don't even know where they went"

I widened my eyes a bit to the realisation, and she was right, I was ready to go but not knowing where I'm suppose to go, I sighed a placed my shoes carefully, and I hear Lani sigh,

"I heard they were going to a restaurant, and hang out in the nearby park"
I looked at her, questioning how she knew, and she read my eyes and said,
"I heard them talking in the phone, thank me later"
"Thank you, Lani"

"Yeah yeah, so do me a favor and get together already, my brother needs someone right now"

I blushed and nodded slightly. I finally got out, I was practically sprinting right now. I figured that they would be finished eating now, and I headed towards the park and found them. They were sitting in a bench, laughing and smiling. I was mad, 'you need to control your emotions whenever it's regarding the love of your life', I suddenly remembered what Tommy said to me, so I catched my breath after all the sprinting and kept my head cool, and finally walked up to them.

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