Chapter 9: Lack of Attention

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{Ranboos POV}

It was a rainy morning, what a way to start the day, I checked my phone for the time and it was read "6:03am", It's too early to get up, so I plopped back down to bed, carefully, so I don't wake the sleeping Bee next to me. I just looked down at him for a while as he was nudging and rubbing his head against my chest, it was a bit ticklish, but I didn't mind.

After staring at him for a while, I began to remember the dream I had last night. No way in hell does he feel the same, it was probably just my desires forcing me to do stuff that would lead into an ocean of regret and pain, and I don't want Tubbo to start hating me, and always become uncomfortable towards me, that's the last thing I want in this world. I don't care if I suffer, as long as Tubbo can be happy and comfortable with me, I sighed after that dreadful thought.

It was now 7:21am, the rain was still pouring, and Tubbo finally started to wake up, he started stretching, still with his eyes closed, and turned to look at me, smiling.

"Mmmm, good morning Boo"
He said, followed by a yawn afterwards,

"Good morning Bee, how was your sleep?"
"It was good, how 'bout you?"
"Mine was great"
He yawned before responding,

"That's good to know Boo"

After a moment of comfortable silence, Tubbo went back to hug me from the front and spoke up once more.

"The sound of the rain is relaxing"
"Yeah, it really is"
"Mmmmm, makes you wanna sleep more"

He drifted back to sleep after saying that, I found it cute, but my admiration was interrupted by Tommy's voice.

"Ehem, so I guess I'm interrupting something here"
"Oh you were here?-"
"Been here the whole time bitch, and saw everything"

I blushed slightly, making him chuckle.

"It's alright man, I'll be here to support you"
"Thanks Tommy, I appreciate that"

He smiled and got up saying,

"Well, might as well start the day, don't wanna be stuck here thirdwheeling too much"

He walked out the door and closed it carefully, since Tubbo was still sleeping in my arms. After like 2 hours more of me and Tubbo cuddling, I decided to finally wake him up and get ready for the day. I poked his cheeks gently while saying,

"Bee, time to wake up"

There was only silence coming from him, followed by the soothing rain sounds from the outside. I poked his cheek again but this time a little harder,

"Bee wake up, we need to start the day"

He shuffled around me for a bit before saying,

"Five more minutes"

Clearly half asleep, I sighed and had no choice but to carry him {bridal style} and he finally jolted awake.

"Good morning to you too as well"
"Promise me that you won't go back to bed"

I finally put him down, and he shot a murderous glare to me, which he mostly only uses on Tommy, and now I know why Tommy gets scared of his glares. I began to apologize while putting my hands together, like I'm praying, and begging for mercy.

"I am so so sorry Bee, I didn't know I carried you up that high"
"Yeah no shit, you're like a titan"
"Sorry sorry, I won't do that again"

I looked up to him with puppy dog eyes, surely he can't resist, he sighed and scratched his head making his hair more of a bedhead than it already is.

"Apology accepted, but you'll be the one making breakfast as a punishment"
"Yes yes, I will"

We both agreed and finally went downstairs, we were greeted by Tommy and Lani who had smug grins on their faces, I don't even wanna know what the hell they were talking about earlier, but I think I know what they were thinking about as they began to speak up.

"Good morning dearest Ranboo and Tubbo"
"What the fuck Tommy, did you hit your head?"
"No of course not dear Tubbo, that would be a tragedy"
"Whatever you say man"

Tubbo took a sip of his water that was in the kitchen counter and I just sat down in one of the chairs. Lani was starting to get annoyed by Tommy's formality and spoke up.

"Alright, I'll get straight to the point"

Me and Tubbo collectively looked at each other before turning to Lani, to see what she was gonna say.

"What were you two doing upstairs?"
she said with a smirk on he face, followed by Tommy speaking up too.

"Yeah, we heard screaming, that was awfully sus"

Me and Tubbo looked at each other again, I had a blush on my face, whole Tubbo was putting on an expression that I can't seem to comprehend, it was a mixture of sadness, anger and worrisome, but none of those really fit to one emotion, so I just assumed he was uncomfortable, he looked down and played with the glass he was holding, I looked over to the two and shook my head at them, signaling them to stop, and they took the hint and stopped teasing and went back to talking about other stuff.

The rest of the day had been gloomy, no one really talked that much, but maybe it was because of Tubbo imitating a 'don't bother me' aura, he'd been that way ever since Lani and Tommy teased us this morning, and he was always at his phone texting someone, he would smile every so often while staring at his phone. I was curious, who is making {my} Bee all happy, and it angered me, at the thought of someone else getting Tubbo's attention and happiness, I wanted to be that person, but if he's happy then I'm suppose to care.

It's been like that for a couple of days now, but Tubbo would still make jokes and come and talk with us every so often, guess he recovered from the teasing, but we also noticed how he's always on the phone, texting and sometimes calling someone. He would cancel hang outs and meet ups on us, and that got all of our friends suspicious, while in the process, Tommy was always comforting me since I would have these unnecessary insecurities about me losing my best friend.

It was a Friday morning, and I just couldn't take it anymore, Tubbo was in the shower, almost done, and I decided to face him and ask who the hell was texting and calling him everyday. He got out of the shower, a towel still wrapped around him, but I got up and stood in front of him, looming over him, he looked up, genuinely a bit scared, but I didn't care, anger was going over me, making me go nuts.

"U-uhm, Boo? a-are you okay? you're kinda scaring me a little bit..."

I just looked down at him, with pain in my eyes, he noticed it and reached out to place his hand on my cheek, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Boo are you oka-"

I pinned him into the wall, he blushed a bit but mostly scared than flustered, I finally decided to speak up.

"Whose the one you've been talking these days"
"O-oh just someone, w-why?"

I yelled and he flinched, that made me snap back to reality, I looked up to him and see him, crying, tears were spilling from his face, it's that kind of look like you've been sexually assaulted. I took a step back, letting my grip go, and he just stood there shaking, I saw marks in his wrist, and that made me hate myself, I gripped him too hard, what the hell is wrong with me. I mentally punched myself in the face, but my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Tubbo speaking.

"I was just talking with the guy who asked for my number at the amusement park... he really liked South Park, so I geeked out about it with h-him..."

He choked on the last word from his tears, I felt heart broken, sure I'm still jealous, but that shouldn't be my main concern right now, I hurt Tubbo... I hurt the one I love. I'm suppose to take care of him! why am I being an asshole?! I hear him walk out the room and shutting the door but before he did he said,

"I'll give you sometime to be alone, you probably have a lot in your head right now"

He shuts the door gently, and I was there, sitting in the bed, contemplating on what the hell I just did, and mentally hitting myself. I hurt Tubbo... I don't think, our friendship will be the same anymore...

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