Extra Chapter 6: Proposal

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{No ones POV}

Tubbo was busy teaching the young athletes in the gym. He tried busying himself to shake off the thought of Ranboo cheating. He knew he would never to that to him, and even if he did he would explain it to him first. But he trusted his Boo, plus Alex was there watching over them, but even still, getting worried about things like this is normal in a relationship right? I mean, they have been in one for almost 5 years now, so he wouldn't just cheat right?

Tubbo shook off his thoughts as he was busy wiping his sweat, whilst looking at the athletes who were busy warming up by themselves. He let out a huge sigh, which made one of his colleagues look at him with concern. Remember Aaron? Well, he works with Tubbo now, as gymnasts trainers. Since Aaron was a ballet student once, and he thought maybe he could be a trainer in gymnasts, since he thought they were the same.

There were some struggles in training to become a trainer. But hey, with the power of admiration and love for Tubbo, he aced it and became an official trainer. And Tubbo was proud of that, and yes, Aaron still has feelings for Tubbo, even though he promised him that he'll move on, but Tubbo doesn't really mind too much about it, as long as Aaron doesn't mess with their relationship. Now, back to the current situation.

"You alright Toby?"
"Oh- huh? Yeah I'm okay"
"It's obvious that you aren't, now tell me, what's wrong?"

Aaron said as he sat down in the bench, patting the seat next to him in the process. Tubbo sighed, and sat beside Aaron, looking in the distance before speaking about his problems. Tubbo then began explaining his worries and problems.

"I feel like anxious"
"About what?"
"Ah him, why? Did you two fight?"
"No we didn't, it's just I'm anxious since he's maybe cheating on me"
"I don't think he'd do that"
"How would you know?"

Tubbo asked, and stared at him dead in eyes. Aaron just gulped to that, and averted his eyes to side, trying to avoid his fierce glare. And also scooted away a bit, since Tubbo was leaning in.

"Uhm- he isn't the type to that"
"Yeah I know, but I get anxious you know?"
"Don't worry, just trust him. I mean, you've been in a long relationship with him now, and he's been loyal to you"
"Yeah you're right..."
"That's right I am, now cheer up, coach is looking at you with concern"
"Ahaha alright then"

Both boys smiled at each other, as Aaron patted Tubbos back lightly. The coach then called out for them to train the athletes, and the two boys said 'Yes sir!' together, as they stood up and jogged towards the athletes who were still warming up.


It was finally the end of the session of trainers and athletes. And Tubbo bid Aaron goodbye, as their houses were in different directions. Tubbo got to his car, and started it. But before he went, he glanced at his phone and opened it, wanting to text Ranboo if he's home first before going.


You: Hey Boo, are you home rn?

No respond. 'That's weird' Tubbo thought, as Ranboo would reply not a minute late. Tubbo just brushed it off thinking he's probably busy with stuff. He sent Alex to watch over them, so he'll just tell me what happened later. After a while of driving, Tubbo then pulled over to their parking lot and headed inside. He turned the knob, and thought it was unlocked.

"Boo must be home"

Tubbo whispered to himself as he opened the door which led to their living room. Silence and darkness filled the room, no one was there? Tubbo then became vigilante as he maybe thought that a robber got in or something. As he scanned the house, he heard shuffling being heard in their bedroom upstairs. Tubbo was ready to kick some ass, so he grabbed a frying pan in the kitchen, and brought it with him upstairs.

As he was nearing to the bedroom, he heard a voice. Ranboo? Oh thank god, he was here. He sighed out of relief and went inside the bedroom with no hesitation. The first thing he saw was a startled Ranboo holding flowers. They just both stared at each other before Tubbo spoke up, with a concerned tone.

"What the hell Boo?"
"Ohh uhh- welcome home?"
"That's a little late for that"
"Ah yeah right-"
"Now explain"

Tubbo had his arms crossed, frying pan still in hand as that made him scarier, also for the fact that he was glaring. Ranboo gulped, and let out a defeated sigh, as he suprise plan had failed.

"It was suppose to be a suprise..."
"What do you mean?"
"To pro-"

Ranboo paused, thinking if he should tell him the truth or not. Tubbo noticed that, and clicked his tongue.

"Come on, you can tell me"
Ranboo took a deep breath before saying-

"English, Ranboo"
"...I was suppose to propose to you..."

Ranboo muttered out as he was staring at the floor. Silence loomed over them, and that made Ranboo grow anxious. Was he not ready? Did I cross the line? Negative thoughts filled Ranboos head as no one dared speak a word to each other. The tension was high, til Tubbo let out a loud sigh, which made Ranboo flinch.


'He sounds annoyed...' Ranboo thought as he was still staring at the floor, with teary eyes, and clenching onto the flowers in his hands. Tubbo slick back his hair, thinking of a way to reply to this. Of course he's happy about this, but he sure did pick a wrong timing to do this to him. He was about to say something til he heard sniffles from the younger. Tubbo widened his eyes and rushed to Ranboo, comforting him.

"Shh shh, don't cry Boo..."
"But- hic, you feel uncomfortable hic, right?"
"No of course not, I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just tired, so you kinda have the worst timing for proposing"
"I'm sorry-"
"No, don't apologize Boo, I'll always accept your proposal in whatever mood I'm in"

Ranboo paused at his sentence, as he pulled out a box in his pocket. Tubbo softened his expression as he saw what he pulled out. Smiling, Ranboo looked down to him and asked,

"Will you marry me, Bee?"

Tubbo already had tears in his eyes as well, but he didn't care. He engulfed Ranboo into a tight hug before replying with,

"Of course, always and forever Boo"

They stayed like that for a while, embracing each other whilst crying in each others arms. They were happy, and that's what matters. Their love is worth more than the universe itself, he is his Bee, and he is his Boo... Forever.

The end...

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