Chapter 16: Father's Here

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{Tubbos POV}

I didn't grow up in a 'normal' family, we all had to suffer because of him, my father. He would put us down and hit us whenever were disobeying him. Me and my sisters have to endure his wrath, mother still tries to protect us, but she gets hit most of the time too, so she stopped. Though I had the worst punishment, since I was the eldest sibling, and I was male, he would usually take his anger on me, even if I didn't do anything wrong. Apparently, men are suppose to take torture, since they will be the 'man' in the future family, which is a load of bullshit. You can't just hit and abuse me just because I'm a guy, but I couldn't talk back since he would threaten my mother and sisters too. Their safety is apparently in my hands, so I have to take every hit for them.

So as you would assume, I was terrified when my mother sent me that one message that I didn't want to see. My father was a sea man, and he was the captain of the ship he was assigned on, so he was always busy, therefore he rarely comes home, maybe once 2-3 times a year. But I would've never imagine he'd come home at this time, not right now. He's gonna hurt Boo, and hurt me, but I don't care about me, I need to protect Boo, even if it means... breaking up with him. I have to, even if it's the only way, I need to protect my Boo at all costs. And not let that bitch lay a hand on him.

I got out of bed, careful not to wake Boo up, and so as Tommy, and headed downstairs. Lani was still in the living room, watching K-drama. I walk up to her, and I see her eyes swollen, she must've been crying. She looked up at me and gave me a quick wave, as I sat down next to her.

"Why are you still awake?"                                                "Why did you wake up early?"

I sighed and took a deep breath in before speaking up,

"Mother told me... that 'he's' coming back..."

She shot a glance at me, and just stared. I was lookin down at my hands, playing with them, she gulped and spoke up, but more of a whisper.

"A-are you serious?"

I could tell she was scared, I mean, who wouldn't? I sighed once more and looked at her, nodding.

"Yeah, I'm serious, but don't worry... I'll protect you"  "What about, Ranboo?"

I stayed silent, not wanting to answer it. Lani caught on and realized I was uncomfortable with the topic that was brought up, she went to look at the screen, and we sat in silence for a while.

"Should we warn Teagan? She's still staying in grandmas house you know"                                          "Yeah I know, just text her, since father might ask her to come home"

She nodded and took out her phone to text her. We sat in silence once more, the only thing was heard was the typing sound effects and faint korean voices coming from the TV. I was here thinking what the hell I was gonna do to protect my Boo. I was scared, but I had to stay strong. I never told father that someone would stay in our house, and an American guy for that matter. My father has an extreme hatred for Americans, and I have no idea why. It's already been 3-4 hours of me and Lani just sitting in silence before Tommy came out of the room, yawning. He looked at us with concern, maybe cause we looked dead, and spoke up.

"Good morning Tubs, and Lani"                                          "Oh, good morning Tommy"                                                  "Morning"

{Tommy's POV}

That's weird, they sounded to dry when they greeted me, wonder what happened. I wanted to ask about it, but they looked serious so maybe it was a personal matter, so I didn't push it. I just head downstairs to the kitchen and got a glass of water, drank it before going to sit down next to Tubbo, who was watching some K-drama with Lani, but it seemed like they weren't paying attention. Why are they spaced out? wonder what happened...

{Tubbos POV}

Tommy sat beside me in the couch as I spaced out. I could feel him staring at me and Lani with the look of worrisome, but I just shrugged it off. After a while, Boo came outside our room, and waved at me, and waved back with a weak smile. And I see his face morph into a small frown, sigh why am I bad at acting fine...

Breakfast was awkward, to say the least, it was silent but me and Lani didn't mind since we had a lot in our mind. Tommy and Boo was still staring at us, worried if something had happened. But I'm too scared to explain to them, but If I had to protect them, then I guess I need to. I let out a sigh and looked at the two before speaking up.

"Sorry if we made you two worried... I'll explain it to you guys"
"You don't need to, if you don't want to Tubs..."           
"Yeah Bee, don't force yourself"

I sigh and took a glance at the time, he was gonna come in an hour or so, so I just wanted to make it brief, not giving too much detail. Lani didn't want to hear this topic, so she got up and went to her room.

"So, my father will be coming later on"     
"Oh that's good news Tubs! you always said that your dad rarely comes home"
"That's not it!-"

I gasped as I realized that raised my voice a bit, I calmed down and began to speak up to the two stunned boys in front of me.

"Sorry, it's just that- he's not your normal father... he's not, nice..."

They both looked at each other and looked back at me as I looked down at my mug that was filled with chocolate milk.

"Oh... I'm sorry about that Bee..."
"Yeah... me too Tubs..."

I just chuckled silently and looked up to them with a weak smile.

"It's alright... You guys did nothing wrong"

After a while, of chatting less sad stuff, Tommy decides to go home cause his mom told him to go home before lunch so that he doesn't get in trouble, we said our goodbyes, and me and Ranboo just went back to our room, and talked about the situation were in.

"I haven't told my father that I was gay, and that I have a boyfriend"
"O-oh, I see..."
"And I don't plan to either"

We sat in silence and I just explained to him what he did to me and our family. After all that, he was furious at him and what he did to my family, especially to me, I told him to calm down and said that it was just his attitude and how he was raised. After a few minutes or so, I heard the doorbell ring, and I already knew, that it was him...

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