Chapter 36: Rumors

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{Tubbos POV}

Finally, it's actually morning. Eyes still a bit closed, ass and back still hurting. And me not daring to move an inch even when I know that there's classes. Ranboo got up from my side and shook me a bit. But me, still refusing to get up since I was too tired.

"Bee, let's get up now"
"I don't want too"

I hear him let out a sigh and soon get out of bed, with my body still facing the wall. Heh, I he must've given up-

"Keep it down Bee"

I was getting carried bridal style into Ranboos arms. As much as I hated getting picked up cause it always reminds me that I'm small, I still couldn't help but blush at his sudden action. As I was practically fuming and shouting at him to put me down, I gave in and told him that I'll get up. He smiled as he kissed my cheek and placed me down. I huffed and got to the shower, as Ranboo followed behind me to shower together.

{Ranboos POV}

As we were now walking through the entrance of the uni, holding hands, a lot of stares and whispers were surrounding us once again. Tubbo told me that if we keep showing off our relationship, people will leave them alone and wouldn't even bother talking to us, which was his goal apparently. We were walking through the empty hall that was never, for some reason, filled with people. It was mostly janitors and all, but I would've never expected someone I knew to be there, Azzy...

Me and Tubbo stopped at our tracks, as Azzy happily smiled and skipped towards our direction. I gulped, as I hear a small scowl from Tubbo. Oh god... This is gonna go down pretty badly, isn't it? He was now in front of us and smiled at me, and just stared at Tubbo.

"Hello Ran!"
"H-hello, Adrian..."
"Just call me Azzy, jeez~"
"Oh, and who might you be?"
"The name's Toby"
"Toby? That flexible kid in the opening ceremony right? You were quite talented, are you gymnast?"
"Used to be"
"Uwah, that's cool! And by the way, why are you holding hands with Ran? You could spread rumors you know"
"That's what I intended, I'm dating him"

I see Azzy's smile fade in an instant, but went back to smile cheekily.

"Oh... Is that so? Well then, I congratulate you two! I suppose..."

He said the last part in more of a whisper, but it was still audible enough for us to hear the bitterness behind his voice. He then looked back at us, and no longer the ground, and smiled quite forcibly to us.

"Well, I should get going now, seeya!"

He said as he was running off to the opposite direction. I just stared at the running man, while Tubbo snickered.

"He's such a two-faced bitch"
"Yeah I guess"
"Come on, let's go to class now Boo"
"Alright Bee"

I squeezed his hand a bit, and he smiled at me. We arrived to class and a lot of people were whispering while looking at us, as we were sitting down to our seats. The few people who were near us either went immediately silent, or switched to other seats. What the hell was going on?

I looked at Tubbo, who looked unbothered as he was scrolling through Twitter, again. Was I the only one who noticed all of this? Was I over thinking stuff again? I don't know anymore...

Lunch. We both sat in a table, bringing out our packed lunches that Tubbos mom left for us when she came home, like 2am or so. As we just ate, talking about Tommy texting Tubbo earlier that they'll be making a vlog later, people who were going past our table, were always whispering about something. I couldn't hear much, but basically they're talking about me and Tubbo, as I sometimes hear both our names being added to their conversation.

I was quite bothered by this, so I lightly tapped Tubbos hand as he was using the other to scroll through something. I noticed, and looked at me, with a confused expression plastered on his face.

"You okay Boo?"
"Yeah- it's just-
I lowered my voice at the next thing that I was gonna say, and brought my face a little closer, and so did he.

"Have you noticed people whispering about us?"

He blinked, and took a look around the people who were in the other tables. And I think he figured it out, since a lot of them flinched and looked away as Tubbos eyes were on them. He then finished scanning, and turned to look back at me again.

"Yeah I can see it now, so?"
"So? You're not bothered?"
"I mean, I guess it's annoying, but there are nosy people everywhere"
"Yeah... You're right"
"Plus, even if they gossip about us, it's prob about out relationship, and that's the goal here"
"Oh alright, sorry for worrying about nothing Bee"
"It's no worries Boo"

He rubbed gently into my hand. I didn't know that I was shaking from this, so he was trying to calm me down I suppose. I let out a breath I didn't knew I was holding, as I finally calmed down to Tubbos touch.

The entire day was just filled with whispers and stares at me and Tubbo. I couldn't even focus in class cause of it. But Tubbo didn't chose to care so I chose not to bring up the topic again, since it may seem unnecessary to him, and say it's not a big deal since it's supposedly the goal. We were now walking out of the building, and onto the parking lot where our car was located.

Tho as we were nearing our car, we were interrupted by two unknown girls, who was probably the same year as us. We didn't know what they wanted, so we both stopped in our tracks as we waited for them to speak up to whatever they wanted to tell us.

"Uhm excuse me, but are you... perhaps Ranboo?"
"Uh yeah, why?"
The other girl spoke up to answer my question.

"Is it true that you're cheating on Senior Azzy?"

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