Extra Chapter 2: Gym

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{No ones POV}

Ranboo has been in a relationship with Tubbo for almost 4 years now, and he always knew that Tubbo was hella strong. But he would actually never thought that he would be allowed to come with him to the gym to work out. For Tubbo, it's just a normal work out session with the boyfriend. But for Ranboo, it was a blessing. Though Ranboo has seen Tubbos muscly naked body, he would have never thought of seeing it while working out. So you bet he was super excited for this, and he was just praying that he won't get a boner in the gym. Since that'll be embarrassing for him.

Ranboo was now just standing and looking at Tubbo who was lifting weights. He just stared at him in awe, looking at his newly sweat toned biceps. Ranboo maybe the top in the sex department, but the body department, Tubbo is the dominant one in that. He just looked at Tubbo lift weights as he just lick his lips from time to time. At the worst timing, Ranboo licked his lips while looking at his biceps, and Tubbo caught that, and snickered at him, making Ranboo snap back to reality, sweating profusely as they were looking into each others eyes.

Ranboo just gulped as Tubbo just huffed, and decided to tease the flustered Ranboo.

"Like what you see?"
"See? See what?"

Tubbo then started to motion his arm up and down, making it bop to the weight he was holding on too, basically flexing his muscles. Ranboo diverted his eyes to the side as he knew that Tubbo was just messing with him. Ranboo then sighed, and soon gave up.

"Alright you win, I was staring"
"Aha, the man admits it"
"I don't like you teasing"
"Haha sure sure, by the way, you should try lifting Boo"
"You already know my physique Bee, I'm lanky"
"Nah you're just tall"
"So you gotta lift in order to be cool"
"Aren't I already cool?"

Tubbo hesitated at answering to that, contemplating what he should answer. Ranboo noticed his hesitation and sighed to this, whilst rolling his eyes in the process, as he already knew the answer to his question, judging from Tubbos silence. Tubbo then smacked Ranboos back, earning a yelp from the taller. Ranboo glared at Tubbo whilst arching is wounded back, while Tubbo just started laughing.

"Alright, now that I'm done laughing, you should try to exercise"
"It isn't my thing Bee, you know that"
"Yeah, but at least be active"

Tubbo then placed the small barrel down as he motioned towards Ranboo, pulling his arm to lead him to a treadmill. Ranboo sighed, looking and observing the treadmill tiredly, wondering why that object even existed in this world. Or why people would ever use this thing. Tubbo noticed Ranboos uninterested stare and spoke up.

"Don't glare at the treadmill Boo"
"But it's mocking me"
"It didn't say shit tho-"
"It was mocking me"

Ranboo continued to glare at the object, as it did nothing to him. Tubbo let out a sigh, and rubbed his temples, also ruffling his hair in the process.

"Let's just start with something simple, like running on the thinh you're glaring at"
"But running is-"
"No whining Boo, you asked to come here"
"But I just wanted to watch you..."
"You don't come to the gym to watch"

Ranboo huffed angrily, as he stepped into the treadmill. He looked back at Tubbo, and he just signalled him to turn it on. Ranboo sighed in frustration and turned on the treadmill, turning it into the mid speed. Tubbo nodded in approvement as he watched his boyfriend trying his best for him. Tubbo told Ranboo that he'll be in the weight benches, and he should call him whenever he needs anything. Ranboo just simply nodded as he was running out of breath, too tired to speak.

After like 10 minutes of running, he stopped it, hitching and catching his breath for a while. Tubbo already got the towel and water prepared earlier before he left, and he was thankful for that, as he doesn't have any energy to even walk to him and ask for them. He placed his hands on his kness, squating slightly, as he still tried to catch his breath. 'I've never ran this much, since the high-school track team...' he thought as he was wiping his sweat.

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