Chapter 20: Breaking Up?

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{You may skip this, if you don't like cringe angst꒰◍ˊ◡ˋ꒱}

{Tubbos POV}

I've been locked up in here, for 3 days or so. My mother every so often would feed me, since I can't use my tied hands. And my father also coming in a few times to give me my everyday punishment. Which would end with bruises and blood, but I tend to act neutral about it. The scars he left of me don't feel painful anymore, instead, they kind of feel... reassuring in some way or another. Damn, I hate myself too much that physically hurting myself doesn't faze me at all.

All I could think of in my state of mind right now is Boo. Is he alright? Is he safe? Did father hurt him? I didn't even say goodbye to him. Am I doing the right thing? Do I just fall into the hands of my father and let him manipulate me? Or should I resist and fight back. But what if Boo gets involved, and gets hurt from my decision, do I stay strong for him? Do I wait for him to save me? Will he even come back?...

Those thoughts roam around my head, insecurities rushing through. Guilt and may possibly regret loomed into me, and finally, tears flow through my face. I haven't cried for the duration of the days, not even to fathers abusive actions, but now I'm crying. Because I miss my Boo... I want him to be okay...

I cried even more, but after a while of just sobbing to my hearts content, someone came in. It was mother, that's strange, I don't think it's dinner time yet, at leadt I think so. I seriously can't tell the time from the dark basement. She went down the stairs and sat right next to me. We sat in silence for a while, her stealing glances from me every so often. 'Til she finally spoke up to me.

"Tobias... Are you okay...?"
"What does it look like mother?"
I said as I shook my bloody arms in chains.

"I know how you feel physically, and honestly, I wish to free you from this but... You're mother is scared... Cause maybe if I interefere, he'll hurt you and us more"
"Whatever you say mother"

I could tell she was taken aback by the sound of my voice. It sounded dead, like I had given up in everything, like life was meaningless to me. But I didn't care about me, I just wanted to be with Boo.

"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be mother, it's not your fault that you're child is a homo"

She looked down at her fingers in shame. I know that she's feeling guilty right now for being a shitty mother- sorry, I meant a scared and concerned mother. But at least she's not being a total dick like my father.

"I'm not criticizing you for your sexuality dear, I jist wanted to tell you that-"
She took a deep breath before speaking again.

"...Maybe it would be better for the family, if you just- not get him involved anymore..."

I just sat there, dumbfounded, comprehending what the fuck she just said. I had an idea on what she meant but I at least hoped it isn't what I'm thinking of.

"Be more specific mother"

I said with a stern voice, she sighed and made eye contact with me. Her eyes filled with plead and guilt.

"...I'm saying, you should break up with him dear...
"No... No. What the fuck? Why would I break up with Boo? Are you insane?!"
"Toby! It's for the sake of our family! Just please do it!"
"No! I love him mother!"
"I know you do! But please... For our sake..."
"I sacrificed a lot for you fuckers, and now you want me to break up with the love of my life?"
"But Toby- just do this one last thing for us... Please"

I closed my eyes, thinking if I should do it or not. Since I had enough for doinh everything for them, and they won't eve fight back to father. And now they want me to make another sacrifice? And this time with the one I truly love? No! I'm not falling for their hands again, I'm sick of doing everything for the sake of the family. I'm sick of being the one taking the fucking hit all the time. I did not ask to be treated this way, I did not ask to live this way. I know it's selfish, but still, I don't want to do it anymore.

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