Chapter 35: Drunken Sex

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{Smut chapter ahead, please skip if uncomfy( *˘▽˘*)}
{Ranboos POV}

"Can we fuck?"

I stopped halfway on taking off my shirt, and just stared at the clearly drunk Tubbo. I blinked, I've only did it with Tubbo like once, and I never would've thought that he would like to do it now, again. I sighed and cupped his cheeks with both my hands.

"You sure Bee?"
"Yeah I'm sure"

I sighed once more as I took off my shirt, pants still on. And Tubbo layed by his front, his back facing me, and also his ass. I then proceeded to kiss his neck, all the way to his back, while him letting out soft moans in the process. I went back to his face and kissed him first, making him turn to me. I then took off his pants and boxers, revealing his ever so juicy ass. I've seen him naked a couple of times already, but that still didn't stop me from getting turned on from this.

I licked my lips, smriking, and got to his ass. Tongue inserted, he let out a yelp followed by a moan, though he was feeling pleasure and excitement. I pushed my tongue through a little more deeper, feeling the warm insides surrounding my tongue. He then soon camed and I let go of his ass, both of us panting. As I was finally satisfied of teasing him, I finally brought my fingers back inside again, and began to prep him properly.

He moaned as I stretched two of my fingers that were inside him, but two wasn't enough. So I leaned near to his ear, and let out a whisper for consent.

"I'm gonna add another finger..."
"A-alrigh- Ahh!"

He yelped as I was still moving my fingers inside him. I kissed his nape and began to add another finger, he moaned again as I did so. After I thought that he was finally prepped, I took my three fingers out and grabbed a condom that was in the night stand drawer. I forgot to use them during our first time, but I'm not forgetting anymore. I placed the condom in my dick and carefully placed it in. It went in smoothly for some reason, and Tubbo moaned again from how deep it went when I thrusted it in.

Maybe cause he's drunk that he isn't tight, but I'm not complaining. As I continued to thrust in, he moaned louder, and kept asking to go faster. Never knew he would be so honest when he's drunk, but hey, no complaints here. As I thrusted more into him I covered his mouth, so that his moans will be muffled. Cause for some reason, I have a thing for muffled moans. {I just have a Ranboo headcanon that maybe he likes muffled moans}

He didn't seem to mind as he was clenching into sheets while I thrusted and bit into his back and nape. After a while of muffled moans that was covering the whole room, I finally came and so did he. We both panted from exhaustion, then I took another condom and ripped it open. Tubbo turned to look at me with a mortified expression, while I just smirked at him.

"Were doing more Bee..."
I see him gulp and I proceeded to thrust in again, earning another 'ahh!~' from him.

{probably more than 5 rounds later...}

We finally stopped as I feel Tubbo not moving and snoring slightly, guess he already passed out after all that action. I got up and gave myself and him a bath to clean the mess that we were, and I also cleaned him from the inside since maybe some of it was spilled into him. After that, I changed both our clothes, and plopped him gently into the bed. While I cleaned up the pieces of used condoms and plastic and gathered and throwed it into the trash bin. I also changed the sheets before I was changing Tubbo and myself.

I finally got into the bed after cleaning the mess that we made. I hugged Tubbo in my arms and he snuggled into my chest. I ran my fingers through his wavy brown hair and smiled at how cute he looked in my hoodie. I kissed his forehead and went back to just thinking about random stuff. I mean, the sex was good, though we would probably do more stuff like this when we finally become official adults I guess. This feels nice, we connected physically again, and I hope Tubbo would remember this tomorrow. I finally settled my thoughts and fell into a deep slumber.

{Tubbos POV}

I felt a heavy arm around me when I woke up. And also a painful feeling from my back on the way to my ass. What the fuck happene- Wait... I suddenly recalled the events that happened last night. I was singing, then drinking, then went back home. Then I had- sex? With Ranboo right? I look up and see my Boo sleeping soundly. Phew, thank god it was Ranboo. But wait, why did we even start fucking?

As thoughts were still roaming and gushing through my head, I feel something move beside me. Was Ranboo waking up? Should I pretend to sleep or something?-

"Oh, you're up Bee..."

He said sleepily. I blushed as his morning voice was just *chefs kiss*. Like I mean, deeper voices in the morning is just the best to wake up too, you can't change my mind. I smiled at him and gave him a peck in the lips before he smiled happily.

"Good morning Boo"
"Mornin Bee"

I then paused, observing the still dark room, wondering where the fuck the suns light was. I turned into my back and tried to look at the sky in my window. Oh, it looks like it's 3am. I turned back to Ranboo and looked at him with a confused expression, while he just looked down at me with concern and a bit of worry in his eyes.

"What's wrong Bee?"
"What time is it?"

He then turned to grab his phone in the lamp desk and winced when the bright light of the phone shined into his face. He adjusted to the light for a while before finally looking at the time, and then at me.

"We should really go back to sleep-"
"Yeah you're right"
We both chuckled and cuddled our way to sleep.

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