Chapter 7: What could this Mean?

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— Kiss Through the Mask —
Ranboo's POV

I definitely questioned my dream last night, I wanted to look into it further, but there wasn't really enough to be resolved there, I couldn't hear anything of what dream Tubbo was saying, he just waved at me, I'm assuming saying goodbye, then I woke up. That's the only explanation I got from his gesture, but everything else, just nothing. I stopped thinking too much and head downstairs, I was greeted by Tommy, and Tubbo waving at me with toast in his mouth, cute.

I sat down beside Tommy while Tubbo was preparing us breakfast. We had some comfortable silence for a while, maybe cause it was 5am and it was probably too early to talk too much. Tommy decided to break it with a whisper, but still loud enough for all of us to hear.

"So, George and Jack turned out to be hella busy today, so we're rescheduling the hang out tomorrow"

We stared at Tommy for a while and nodded. I actually didn't mind rescheduling to be honest, I'd rather just hang with Tubbo and Tommy at home for now, too tired to walk around. After we did our business, we decided to watch Jurassic Park, just to watch Tommy get scared. After that, we just began chatting about random stuff as usual, and for some time, Tubbo shifted his back into my chest and leaned in to it. I was a blushing mess to his sudden to his sudden action, but he just seemed unfazed though, Tommy looked over to us basically cuddling and smirked at us, he shouted at us,

"You guys are finally together! Congrats man!"
"Ahaha, not yet Tommy, but thanks"

I know Tubbo said that in a joking matter, but when he says something like that, I get my hopes up high, and make me actually think that you like me. We laughed after Tubbos response, then after a while Lani came in.

"Toby, do me a favor and go to the grocery"
"Huh why me?"
"Cause I asked you, and I don't want to go"

He sighs

"Kay thanks, here's the list"
"Holy shit that's long"

Tommy exclaimed

"Mom made it"
"Alright fine, I'll do it"

Lani walked back to her room upstairs, and Tubbo stood up and looked up at us.

"Do you guys wanna come?"
"Heck yah Tubbs"

I nodded and went upstairs to grab my mask and wallet, just in case, and headed downstairs. We all headed out and walked to a mini mart near Tubbos neighborhood, we just chatted along the way, and I felt Tubbos hand brushed against mine, I flinched a bit and blushed as well. I wanted to hold his hand, so I sucked it up and went for it, and grabbed his hand.

Tubbo's POV

I felt Ranboos hand brushed against mine, and tried to calm down a bit. He suddenly starts reaching out for my hand hesitantly, and was clearly stalling for me to give him a silent consent. I started to intertwine his hand, and he flinched a bit, but started to intertwine his hand back, so we were basically holding hands during the entire. Tommy noticed and teased me a bit through a whisper so that Ranboo won't hear. I haven't told Tommy that I'm gay and that I liked Ranboo, but I'll tell him in the near future when I'm ready, since I told Ranboo by instinct.

We finally arrived at the mart and inside, I looked at the list to see what to get first. 5 cartons of Milk, that's definitely for Lani. I told the boys that were going to the dairy section to grab some fresh milk, and Tommy added some cans of coke, and Ranboo just dragged the cart. The whole grocery trip was just me grabbing the stuff in the list and Tommy adding snacks that weren't in the list, we finally paid everything in the counter and headed out. Ranboo and Tommy were carrying the bags since I was the one paying.

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