Chapter 5: Coming Out

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— Kiss Through the Mask —
Ranboo's POV

I was still pondering about what Tubbo was thinking yesterday. He said he had something in his mind, and I really wanted to know. But I can't just force him to tell me, he'd be uncomfortable, but my curiosity is killing me. No Ranboo, be patient and don't be nosy, it's not my business anyway, yeah not my business. I just layed in bed, just thinking once more, then Tubbo came in.

"Oh sorry, were you sleeping?"
"Uh no, I was just spacing out"
"Oh alright"

He motioned himself sitting beside me, and grabbed his laptop and turned to me.

"I'm gonna watch South Park, you wanna come watch Boo?"
"What's South Park?"

He gasps,

"You don't know what South Park is???"
"Uhh no, sorry"
"No need, but dude, I told you about my South Park addiction once, and I even showed you my South Park shoes!"
"Oh did you?"
"Yes Boo"

He pouts.


"I probably wasn't paying attention, sorry Bee"
"hmph! I'll accept it if you watch it with me"
"Sure sure Bee, I will"

I positioned myself at the back of him, and wrapped my arms into his waist, basically hugging from behind. He didn't seem to mind the affection, so I'm guessing it was okay for me to do so. We binge watched a few episodes until it was like 2am. We decided to head to sleep or just lay down. He was facing me and I was facing him, we were just staring at each other, admiring each others features, and we also intertwined our hands. After a few minutes of admiring each other, I decided to break the silence.

"Hey Bee"
"What was that thing that was on your mind that you had to go out for a walk?"

It was a risky thing to ask since he might be uncomfortable and maybe never wanted to share anything with me again. There was silence once more, but it only lasted a few seconds 'til I decided to break it once more.

"Y-you don't need to tell me if you don't want to-"
"I want to, but..."
"but what?"
"You probably might think I'm weird after I do"
"I'll never find you weird Bee!"

He raised my voice a bit when I said that, he jumped a little, and fear began to show in my eyes.

Shit, I made him flinch...

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice... It's just that I really don't find you weird at all, and will never do"

There was silence once more,

"You promise...?"
"Yes Bee, I promise"
"Alright then..."

He takes a few breaths and spoke up.

"I'm gay"

I just looked at him, I had a bit of mixed feelings in me, I was suprised, happy and in disbelief. He was closing his eyes, probably waiting for me to respond. I didn't speak for a while since I was still comprehending what he just said, until I heard some sniffling. Tubbo was crying.


I panicked and started to reassure him, and giving him an apology as well.

"B-bee don't cry, shh shh, I promise I wasn't hating you or anything, I was just comprehending, sorry sorry, please don't cry..."

He wiped his tears and looked up to me, I hugged him and he hugged back.

"Don't worry Bee, I don't see you as weird, I'm happy you came out to me, and actually, I'm bi."

He looked at me, surprised.

"Oh, congrats Boo, thanks for coming out to me too"

I chuckled and gave him a peck in the forehead, he blushed and I blushed as well.

"W-well time to sleep Boo"
"Y-yeah I guess so"

We were both a stuttering mess, maybe 'cause of me, but we both slept happily that night.

To be continued...

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